Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-shinkenger This article is about a/an megazord and its auxiliary components in Power Rangers Samurai Path.

"Combine! (Makes the combine kanji "交" using the Brush Cell Morpher) Sky Samurai Zord!"
―pre-combination announcement[src]

The Sky Samurai Zord is the combination of the Beetle, Swordfish, and Tiger Samurai Zords that forms the second megazord in Power Rangers Samurai Path.


A megazord in the form of a bird. The Beetle Samurai Zord forms the feather tips, beak, and the right-wing, the Swordfish Samurai Zord forms the left-wing and the tail and the Tiger Samurai Zord forms the body and head ornament of Sky Samurai Zord. The Sky Samurai Zord's final attack is the Sky Samurai Strike, where the combination projects the three disks of the three Samurai Zords in front of it, before charging through them crashing into the enemy. It can shoot a red beam from it's head piece and can fire blue energy bullets from the Beetle and Swordfish Samurai Zords.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes


  • To be added

Samurai Zords[]

Unlike the Samurai Warrior Megazord's component Samurai Zords, the Beetle, Swordfish, and Tiger don't shrink or grow to giant size, or fold up into emblems. They are summoned by using their respective Disks in the Praxino Katanas. However, their Samurai Disks are exposed and form part of their design.

Beetle Samurai Zord[]

The Beetle Samurai Zord is a support Samurai Zord summoned from the Beetle Disk when used with Praxino Katana. It is in the shape of an orange Hercules beetle. The Beetle Samurai Zord, when its disk spins, can spin its head along like a drill. Using this with its opening horn, it can trip foes. When it opens its horn, it fire an orange energy beam from its hinge. The Beetle Samurai Zord forms the right wing, head, neck and feather tips of the Sky Samurai Zord.

The original user of the Beetle Samurai Zord was Aiden Shiba. When the team decided to form the Sky Samurai Zord, he assigned it to Emma Chapman. However, on Michael's improvement in the use of swordplay, she passed the Disk to him, giving him control of the Beetle Samurai Zord. During the battle with TBA, Emma utilized this Samurai Zord once again.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Swordfish Samurai Zord[]

The Swordfish Samurai Zord is an azure-colored support Samurai Zord summoned from the Swordfish Disk, the Swordfish Samurai Zord uses its bill as a sword, as well as using the missiles on its underbelly for ranged attacks. Hayden Yamada finds this Samurai Disk by fishing using a reel with a Samurai Disk labeled with the kanji for "to catch" (捕, toraeru) and use it to seal the Swordfish Samurai Zord into it after reeling the wild Samurai Zord in. During the battle with TBA, TBA used this Samurai Zord.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Tiger Samurai Zord[]

The Tiger Samurai Zord is a white tiger-themed Samurai Zord. In the previous war with the TBA, the Tiger Samurai Zord somehow ended up on the banks of the TBD. It came under the control of the TBA, who used it to attack the city. Aiden Shiba, using the Lion Samurai Zord, broke the spell and bound the Tiger Samurai Zord with a Samurai Disk originally marked with the kanji for "reverse" (反, han). It forms the main body of the Sky Samurai Zord.

By itself, the Tiger Samurai Zord can use its drill-shaped legs to dig chasms or to burrow underground. The Tiger Samurai Zord also has a Disk-like feature in its body for mobility to limit the destruction the Tiger Samurai Zord can bring unintentionally.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Additional Formations[]

Each of the components for the Sky Samurai Zord can combine with the Samurai Warrior Megazord.

Samurai Warrior Megazord Beetle Armor[]

"Samurai Warrior Megazord: Beetle Armor!"
―post-combination announcement[src]

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Samurai Warrior Megazord Swordfish Armor[]

"Samurai Warrior Megazord: Swordfish Armor!"
―post-combination announcement[src]

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Samurai Warrior Megazord Tiger Armor[]

"Samurai Warrior Megazord: Tiger Armor!"
―post-combination announcement[src]

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes

Sky Samurai Megazord[]

"Zords Combine! (Makes the Chou kanji "超" using the Brush Cell Morpher) Sky Samurai Megazord!"
―post-combination announcement[src]

The Sky Samurai Megazord is the combination of the Samurai Warrior Megazord and Sky Samurai Zord. In this combination, the Sky Samurai Zord grants the Samurai Warrior Megazord the ability to fly. It performs its own variation of the Samurai Warrior Megazord's Mega Samurai Slash in the Sky Samurai Slash, a downward slash attack. The Sky Samurai Megazord can also be summoned by a single Super Samurai Ranger, using the Super Samuraizer and the Sky Combination Disc.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Samurai Path Icon-samurai-1-
Aiden Shiba - Hayden Yamada - Emma Chapman - Michael Logan - Paige Nakagawa - Caleb Kenjiro - Eva Shiba
Brush Cell Morpher - Samurai Cell Morpher - Praxino Katana - Tanto Sushi Blade - Super Samuraizer - Dino Katana - Samurai Disks - Flame Zanbato - Hydro Arrow - Wind Fan - Wood Spear - Stone Slicer - Ox Bazooka
Zords and Megazords
Samurai Zords
Lion Samurai Zord - Dragon Samurai Zord - Turtle Samurai Zord - Bear Samurai Zord - Ape Samurai Zord - Lobster Samurai Zord - Squid Samurai Zord - Samurai Lantern - Beetle Samurai Zord - Swordfish Samurai Zord - Tiger Samurai Zord - Ox Samurai Zord - Dino Samurai Zord
Samurai Warrior Megazord - Samurai Claw Megazord - Daimyo Samurai Megazord - Sky Samurai Zord - Sky Samurai Megazord - Samurai Ox Megazord - Shogun Samurai Ultrazord - Dino Shogun Samurai Ultrazord