Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This article is about a/an villain in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.

Skrull is a rugby-based Low-Class Marksman of the Jothunheim Army of Darkness whose dark energy was used to release the Rugby Beast.


Meanwhile, the Demonic General of Masks: Maranskula is overlooking the Earth, almost gagging at how peaceful and beautiful it is. Oblidion walks in and taunts him about his lack of a plan. In order to prove him wrong, Maranskula explains how Marksmen will be sent over to generate dark energy. Enough dark energy can slightly open the gate through which they can send over Marks Beasts. The Marksman thatā€™s just been sent over is Rugby Marksman: Skrull, who forces locals to play rugby with a rugby bomb. Meanwhile, Jeremy is sitting on the same mountain as before when Opalia joins him. He's still sad about not being a great leader. Opalia tries cheering him up by reminding him that he had the strongest CrystaliaMentality, if there's a way he'll find it. There's no time to think about it however, his alarm sounds and he must go. Freddy, Blaine, Stacy and Ruby arrive on the scene and quickly morph. They realize that Jeremy is not with them and ask someone to call him. Freddy decides that there's no time and they fight the Marksman without him, with Freddy taking the lead. The four Rangers are no match for Skrull, however, as he goes around the amusement park blowing things up. He sets up a conversion kick to knock a pod carrying a family off of a Ferris Wheel to kill them. Ruby and Blaine quickly calling Helica and Winger to combine into the Sparkling Sky Storm Megazord. With Sky Storm, they are able to safely catch the pod and ensure the familyā€™s safety. But they see that Skrull is getting away. Freddy tries to catch him with his Sparkling Shooter, and while it did get him, it didn't do much to stop him from running. Skrull has gotten away.

Skrull has returned. The Rangers deploy. The confront the Rugby Marksman once again as the morph and preform their first team roll call. Skrull takes his MegaBomb and runs across the field. The Rangers have to play defense the Strikers and Stacy proceeds to use her speed to chase after Skrull. But Stacy is too slow and loses ground. Skrull prepares another MegaBomb, but Jeremy gets an idea. He takes out his Sparkling Edge and Sparkling Shooter and, to everyone's surprise, combines them to make the Sparkling Buster, which was strong enough to knock Skrull off of his feet. Jeremy goes for an offense attack, dealing great damage, before finishing him off with a Sparklerage attack, blowing the Marksman up.


Skrull is obsessed with Rugby, making it almost his entire personality. Besides his love of Rugby, he is also shown to be sadistic, taking pleasure in harming people and showing no remorse when he almost killed a family on a Ferris Wheel. In fact, it was his goal.


  • Rugby Ball Bomb: Skrull can use his rugby ball to play his game. If it made a touchdown or makes a contact on an object, it will cause an explosion.
    • Conversion Kick: Skrull's strongest attack, wherein he places his rugby bomb on the ground, and kicks it hard enough to explode on impact. One hit severed a Ferris wheel car.

Character Profile[]

  • Height: 183 cm
  • Weight: 165 kg
  • Marksman: Rugby
  • Designation: Skrull
  • Class: Low


  • Skrull is named after the rugby term, scrum, and the word skull. Any connection to Marvel comics is completely coincidental.
  • He is the first sports-themed monster in Power Rangers.

See Also:[]
