Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Hyper Force Blue!

Silo Martinez is the Second and Current Hyper Force Blue Ranger of the HyperForce Rangers.


Silo is a bright young man of Afro-Cuban Descent and at first, an ally to the HyperForce Rangers then becoming one.

Alliance with the Team then Becoming Apart of It[]

When Ric's Power Card was in evil hands caused him to be limited to the team.  Silo stepped forward to help the other Rangers. Silo risked his life to retrieve the Blue Power Card and succeeded but when Jynx finds him he warns that she's not getting away with it anymore.

New Blue Ranger[]

When he gave Ric his Power Card back and encourage him to overcome his fears. At the time with the team and Commander's blessing Ric decides to move to Miami and gave the Power Card back Silo allowing him to becoming the New Blue Ranger.


Silo is a Pro-Surfer and enrolled at the Time Force Academy and is the pilot of the HyperShip the submarine the Rangers use for underwater missions.

HyperForce Blue Ranger (2)[]


Arsenal []

  • HyperForce Morpher
  • Chrono Blaster
  • HyperForce Blade Blaster
  • Oceanus Trident
    • Oceanus Blades

Zord []

  • Serpent Hyper Zord 
  • Oceanus Titan Zord 


  • Silo is of Afro-Cuban Descent and a Pro-Surfer.
  • He Loves Connecting with the Sea-Life.
  • Silo says Blue is his Favorite color