[[Category:Power Rangers Treasure Hunt]]
Sigma Megazord is the combination of Racer, Boat, Jet, and Train Drive Zords. The Racer Zord forms head, and torso, the Boat Zord forms the right arm, the Jet Zord forms the left arm, chesplate and wings, and Train Zord forms the hips, thighs and legs. This Megazord fights the bad guys and monsters. The finisher move is "Sigma Beam" and "Sigma Strike" to finish off the monsters at once. Later, it will combine with Relic Nitro Megazord into the Octane Megazord.
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Rangers |
Jeremy Myers - Lance O'Donnell - Zachary Evans - Cerina Webb - Allison Williams - Hector Walker - Janelle Lewis - Mia Burrows - Miles Burrows - Alex Humphrey - |
Sentinel Chivalry Knight |
Gear |
Treasure Morphers - Aerial Flight Morpher - Sentinel Battle Morpher - Relic Revolvers - Drive Defenders - Relic Sword - Relic Axe - Relic Blaster - Relic Hammer - Relic Tracker - Relic Cannon - Relic Fighting Fins - Relic Boomerang - Relic Lance - Relic Spear - Neo Drill Blaster - Relic ATV - Relic Bike - Relic Trike - Relic Car - Relic Truck - Hovercycle |
Allies |
Professor Goodeve - Roy - John - Joseph - Marissa |
Animal Elite Rangers |
Zords and Megazords |
Truck Drive Zord - Tank Drive Zord - SUV Drive Zord - Jeep Drive Zord - Van Drive Zord - Racer Drive Zord - Boat Drive Zord - Jet Drive Zord - Train Drive Zord - First-Class Drive Zord - Fire Rescue Drive Zord - Control Rescue Drive Zord - Police Rescue Drive Zord - Helicopter Rescue Drive Zord - Ambulance Rescue Drive Zord |
Relic Nitro Megazord - Sigma Megazord - Octane Megazord - FirstClass Megazord - Super ValveMax Megazord - Rescue Megazord |
Villains |
Elemental Emperor |
Air Tribe: Stormar - Typhoonic - Dragonax - Whirlgrunts |
Fire Tribe: Flamestar - Moltoxic - Flamewing - Flamers |
Water Tribe: Devil Merman - Pteromaid - Tortrick - Aquaticks |
Earth Tribe: Quakelord - Golem - Tigeron - Groundlings |
Others: Yellord - Majestic Hunter - Ashiguard - Lord Breaker - Rack Repulsa |
Monsters |
Turborg - Magmorg - Spoutsprayer - Treehulk - Atlantis - Grillzard - Fanblew - Tireak - Gas Dynamite - Leviathan - Sirenica - Kitan - Balloon - Rockbuster - Wreckage - Owlling - Ovenheat - Propellerella - Volcanoman - Sandor - Fishman - Treespike - Whirldizzy - Riptron - Octorella - Charcoal Rock - Mudslide - Eelectrify - Vacuumatrix - Glyderock - Bouldinator - Blizzardinator - Magmato |
Robots: Hurricanator - Heatferno - Coralizer - Blowhard - Stonebreaker - Crabuster - Sphinx - Molten Hulk |
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