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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"Fighters with fire spirits! Shobo Sentai Flamerangers"


Flame1 Hibiki Fukui
Flame2 Ryujii Mori
Flame3 Keiko Izumi
Flame4 Masaru Saito
Flame5 Kagome Saito
Flame6 Hikaru Izumi
Flame7 Mai Izumi


  1. Fire.1-FIRE UP
  2. Fire.2-Hibiki's getting feelings?! Protect the ESPer!
  3. Fire.3-YELLOW TIME!!!
  4. Fire.4-Masaru and Keiko might die at sunset?!
  5. Fire.5-Kagome's determination.
  6. Fire.6-Hibiki's birthday
  7. Fire.7-Sibling connection
  8. Fire.8-Ryujii's feelings for Keiko
  9. Fire.9-EHHH?! Kagome's getting married?
  10. Fire.10-What?! Kagome's kidnapped?! Hibiki and Masaru need to work together?!
  11. Fire.11-Ehhh Kagome's feelings?!
  12. Fire.12-Flame 3's losing her powers? Need to save a forest!
  13. Fire.13-Hibiki and Kagome's friendship
  14. Fire.14-Silver Hero
  15. Fire.15-Silver has a thing for Pink
  16. Fire.16-Red and Silver fight
  17. Fire.17-Shobo Sentai Flameranger vs Howl Sentai Animaranger
  18. Fire.18-The bond between Hibiki and Kagome
  19. Fire.19-Memory Is a One-Way Ticket
  20. Fire.20-What?! Hibiki's now evil?!
  21. Fire.21-Must save Hibiki
  22. Fire.22-Kagome came down with love
  23. Fire.23-Sam-sam-sam-Samurai Power!pt1
  24. Fire.24-Sam-sam-sam-Samurai Power!pt2
  25. Fire.25-Fear test
  26. Fire.26-Ghost world
  27. Fire.27-Keiko's true power
  28. Fire.28-Ehhh?! Keiko's ganing feelings for Wave?!
  29. Fire.29-Strong Ryujii! Must protect Keiko
  30. Fire.30.Wedding party?! Hibiki and Kagome?!
  31. Fire.31.Evolved MisuBeast045?! Goodbye Kagome's friend.
  32. Fire.32.Body Swapped?! who's who?!
  33. Fire.33.confession time. Misu Generals?!
  34. Fire.34.Hibiki and Kagome. Hello relationship
  35. Fire.35.Keiko's power
  36. Fire.36.Ryujii's power
  37. Fire.37.Hikaru's power
  38. Fire.38.Masaru's power
  39. Fire.39.Hibiki's and Kagome's powers

series 2[]

  1. burst 1.Recharge the flame
  2. burst 2.A promise made 13 years ago
  3. burst 3.A reason to fight
  4. burst 4.Be aware of the things you lose
  5. burst 5.What are we looking for
  6. burst 6.Why did my time stop
  7. burst 7.Waves power
  8. burst 8.Shobo Sentai Flameranger burst mode
  9. burst 9.MisuBeat who can control time
  10. burst 10Hibiki's decision


Shobo Sentai Flameranger the movie

Shobo Sentai Flameranger 100 years after-It's about the great grandchildren of the Flameranger they have the same colors of their great grandparents but they want to know why that they were chosen. The future Flameranger are a family (hinting that Keiko and Hikaru has a sister that married Masaru in the future)

Future Flameranger[]

Flame1 Hibi-kun

The great grandson of Hibiki and Kagome

Flame2 Ryuji

the great grandson of Ryujii and Keiko

Flame3 Kiki

the great granddaughter of Ryujii and Keiko

Flame4 Masa-San

the great grandson of Masaru

Flame5 Keiko-nessan

The great granddaughter of Hibiki and Kagome

Flame6 Hikari

the great grandson of Hikaru

See Also[]

Super Sentai
Taiyo Sentai Sozoranger ā€¢ Kukan Sentai ZeoMan ā€¢ Howl Sentai Animaranger ā€¢ Shobo Sentai Flameranger ā€¢ Uizado Sentai Mysticranger ā€¢ Denji Sentai SuperRanger ā€¢ Chou Sentai Shukyuger
Power Rangers
Power Rangers Time Pirates ā€¢ Power Rangers Beast Battery ā€¢ Power Rangers Jurassic Adventure ā€¢ Power Rangers Rail Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Junglesaurs ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Adventure ā€¢ Power Rangers Beast Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Fire Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Pirates ā€¢ Super Space Pirates ā€¢ Power Rangers Pirate Police
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