Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kiramager This article is about a/an megazord in Power Rangers Illuminati.

The Shinix Megazord is the primary megazord used by the Illuminati Rangers in Power Rangers Illuminati.


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Fire Zord[]

The Fire Zord is the firetruck-based Zord of the Red Ranger. It forms the body, right arm, & legs of the Shinix Megazord and Land Mage Zord.

Appearances: Illuminati Vol. 1 Episodes TBA

Shovel Zord[]

The Shovel Zord is the excavator-based Zord of the Yellow Ranger. It forms left arm of the Shinix Megazord and Land Mage Zord.

Appearances: Illuminati Vol. 1 Episodes TBA

Racer Zord[]

The Racer Zord is the sports car-based Zord of the Green Ranger. It forms the head and shoulder pad of the Shinix Megazord and Land Mage Zord.

Appearances: Illuminati Vol. 1 Episodes TBA

Jet Zord[]

The Jet Zord is the jet-based Zord of the Blue Ranger. It forms the legs of the Sky Mage Zord and the Shinix Megazordā€™s sword.

Appearances: Illuminati Vol. 1 Episodes TBA

Copter Zord[]

The Copter Zord is the helicopter-based Zord of the Pink Ranger. It forms the upper half of the Sky Mage Zord and chest plate of the Shinix Megazord.

Appearances: Illuminati Vol. 1 Episodes TBA

Alternate Formations[]

Land Mage Zord[]

The Land Mage Zord is the combined formation of the Fire Zord, Shovel Zord and Racer Zord.

Sky Mage Zord[]

The Sky Mage Zord is the combined formation of the Jet Zord and Copter Zord.

Additional Formations[]


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See Also[]


