"Blue Shark,swimming fearlessly!"
Shay becomes Blue Shark Ranger
Shay is a shark Humanimal with a sharp sense of hearing who transforms into Blue Shark Ranger. She is very competitive and does not like to show any of her weaknesses. As the Queen of the Sea Blue Shark, Shay's Beast Blitz mode grants her a shark dorsal fin on her back which allows her to swim in all kinds of surfaces as if they were made of water, and launch herself into a spinning attack, with the fin acting as a sawblade.
Ranger Powers[]

Blue Shark Ranger
- Royal Morpher
- Royal Beast Slasher
- Shark Royalzord
- Royal Slash: After pressing the trigger on the Royal Beast Slasher to charge up its energy, Blue Shark and the other Rangers transform into a giant claw which slashes the opponent. During the fight with Netgard, Blue Shark performed an alternate version with Yellow Lion where an aura resembling a beast's fangs manifests around the opponent and chomps the opponent as the two Rangers first perform a jumping downward stab followed by a lateral slash.
- Beast Shoot: After pressing the trigger on the Royal Beast Slasher to charge up its energy, Blue Shark shoots a spinning cube shaped energy blast, similar to the Royal Beast Slasher's normal projectile but larger and more solid.

Beast Blitz Mode
In her Beast Blitz mode, Blue Shark gains a dorsal fin on her back. In this form, she can swim through the ground as though it were water, allowing her to surprise attack her opponents as well as perform a somersault attack where she uses her fin to buzzsaw through enemies. Alternatively, she can perform an aerial spin attack after jumping and homing in on her target, repeatedly striking them in mid air with her spin attack. Blue Shark, along with the other Rangers in their Beast Blitz forms, are able to channel their powers along with Red Gorilla power into a gigantic fist that Red Gorilla can use to pound an enemy.
- Royal Morpher
- Royal Beast Slasher
- Shark Royalzord
Ranger Key[]

Blue Shark Ranger
The Blue Shark Ranger Key is a Royal Beast Ranger Key released as part of a toyline set of Royal Beast Ranger Keys. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Legendary Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one,i.e. Super Megaforce Blue, into Blue Shark Ranger.
Behind the Scenes[]
- to be added
- Shay is portrayed by Dorothy J. Larson .