Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Shadow Line is a band of evil spaces Nazis that wishes to consume the world in its darkness in Power Rangers Rail Riders.


They hail from Interdimensional Space Germany and their plan is to shroud the world in darkness, their lair being a giant castle/train station, from which several train tracks emerge, which give way to several Shadow Trains, to make their way into the world to spread their darkness on Earth and consume the cities with their influence by connecting with the inner darkness within the hearts of humans.

Their theme is German Nazis and they also have a space branch.

They aim to accomplish their plan by harvesting the energy emitted by the human heart in order to create shadow and expand the Shadow Line rail system. The more darkness accumulates, the closer the railway will be to completion. Once the railway is completed, the Emperor of Darkness can use his personal train to get to Earth.



  • Shadow Train


  • Unlike their counterparts, each member of the Shadow Line has a human form.
  • They are the first group of villains in the franchise to be Nazis, something never mentioned before.
  • Shwartz revealed in "Roasted Red" that a member of the Shadow Line, who was one of his friends, had his hand cut off after trying to betray them.


See Also[]
