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The Sector Keys are sphere-like keys that hold the unknown power of the Constellations. They are sought out by the Star Battleforce, and can be used in the Uni-Controller, Drago Command Staff or Phoenix Saber & Shield to transform into Star Battleforce Power Rangers, become the power sources of the Universal Weaponization System and become the cockpits of the Uni-Voyager Zords. To activate a Sector Key, a ranger spins the outer shell until the inscribed image is complete.
Sector Keys are divided into two categories: Basic Keys, which allow the user to transform into a Star Battleforce Ranger, and Skill Keys, which allow the user to use special effects.
Before the universe began, twelve singularities existed. The Big Bang then formed the twelve singularities into concentrated keys, and sent a multitude of Sector Keys hurtling throughout the universe; each Sector Key represented a different constellation, and in turn created numerous Universal Sectors across the universe.
Use by Star Battleforce[]
To be added
List of known Sector Keys[]
Number | Image | Name | Constellation | Uses |
13 | Orion Sector Key | Orion | Summons Orion Voyager 13. | |
14 | Chrono Sector Key | Horologium | Allows the user to travel forwards and backwards through time by creating time portals. | |
15 | Sprint Sector Key | Boƶtes | Increases the user's speed. | |
16 | Snake Sector Key | Serpens | Manifests numerous flying spectral snakes to swarm an opponent. | |
17 | Fuel Sector Key | Antlia | Allows for the user to manifest a pump that can absorb then redirect liquids. Can also speed up a vehicle. | |
18 | Hyper Sector Key | Hercules | Enhances the user's physical strength. | |
19 | Range Sector Key | Pyxis | Projects a holographic map to whatever the user is searching for- it needs to be recharged in between uses. | |
20 | Scope Sector Key | Telescopium | Projects a holographic scope for precision aiming. | |
21 | Crab Sector Key | Cancer | Creates a crab-like energy claw around the user's arm, which can be used for grabbing an enemy. | |
22 | Ursa Major Sector Key | Ursa Major | Used to enlarge Ranger Series Aqua into a giant. | |
23 | Fish Sector Key | Pisces | Manifests a large fish; useful for preparing seafood cuisines. | |
24 | Shield Sector Key | Scutum | Generates an energy shield to protect the user from incoming attacks. | |
25 | Clone Sector Key | Gemini | Creates one temporary replica of the user per use; can be used repeatedly by the original and copies to double the group's number with each round of usage. | |
26 | Hypno Sector Key | Aries | Fires a burst of energy that makes those struck fall asleep. | |
27 | Unicorn Sector Key | Monoceros | Equips a drill that resembles a unicorn horn to the user's arm. | |
28 | Hydro Sector Key | Aquarius | Fires a jet of water. | |
29 | Broadcast Sector Key | Capricornus | Records a video message for later reproduction. | |
30 | Crown Sector Key | Corona Borealis | Makes a crown appear. | |
31 | Centaur Sector Key | Centaurus | ||
32 | Feather Sector Key | Pavo | ||
33 | Horsie Sector Key | Pegasus | Summons forth the Horsie Armor. | |
34 | Hairspray Sector Key | Coma Berenices | Gives people new hairstyles. | |
35 | Arrow Sector Key | Sagittarius | Allows the user to attack with powerful arrows. | |
36 | Perseus Sector Key | Perseus | One of the 4 components necessary to break the barrier protecting the Southern Cross Sector. | |
37 | Tidal Sector Key | Cetus | It has ability to spew water like a whale' squirting from it blowhole that fires a stream of water. | |
38 | Cassiopeia Sector Key | Cassiopeia | One of the 4 components necessary to break the barrier protecting the Southern Cross Sector. Summons a multi-colored baseball/ | |
39 | Sticky Sector Key | Lacerta | Enables the user to climb on any vertical surface. | |
40 | Chain Sector Key | Andromeda | Able to bind enemies in chains. | |
41 | Micro Sector Key | Microscopiun | Able to bind enemies in chains. | |
42 | Sniff Sector Key | Canes Venatici | Grants the user an enhanced sense of smell akin to that of a hound by turning their nose into an extendable dog's nose. | |
43 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | Allows the user to stretch their neck. | |
44 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | Allows the user to swim rapidly. | |
45 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | Traps someone to a world of despair without an exit. A person with sufficient determination can break through this. | |
46 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | Materializes a special ruler and chalk that can be used to send a devastating attack at the enemy. | |
47 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | ||
48 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | ||
49 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | ||
50 | TBA | [[wikipedia:|]] | ||
53 | Plasma Sector Key | Triangulum | Fires blasts of electricity, and is able to re-energise broken machines. | |
68 | Spring Sector Key | Leo Minor | Greatly enhances the user's jumping ability. | |
77 | Oracle Sector Key | Leo Minor | Summons the Oracle Zord. |
Number/Code | Image | Name | Constellation | Uses |
Light Sector Key | Sun/Moon | Gives the user either a Solar Boost or Lunar Boost depending on which side is used. Can also be used as a flashlight. | |
315 | Universal Sector Key | Star system/Planetary system | Uses the powers of the 12 Star Battleforce Rangers Rangers to evolve Ranger Series Red into Ranger Series Orion. |
See also[]
- Kyutama - Super Sentai counterpart in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger.