Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Zord World.

Secret in the Shadow is the ninth episode of Power Rangers Zord World. It features the revelation of the identity of Tozi Ranger and his first on-screen transformation, and the Secret Force, Prism Flash, Alien and Wild Force Zord Gears, as well as the Shadow Gears.


During his battle with the Power Rangers, Tozi Ranger is knocked out of his transformation, making his secret identity revealed to both the Rangers and Tozi Tribe.


to be added


Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Zord Gears[]

Shadow Gear Summons[]

  • With his Shadow Gears, Tozi Ranger summons manifestations of past Power Rangers teams and/or Megazord to fight against the Zord World Rangers:
    • Secret Force, Operation Overdrive, Mystic Force, Wild Force, Megazord, Wild Force Megazord, Titan Megazord, DriveMax Megazord

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers/Super Sentai[]

  • The Shadow Wild Force Rangers brandishing their personal weapons with the recurring action displayed by the genuine article.


  • Artling's Ranger Academy:
  • This is the first episode not to feature a Robocog after the second episode.

See Also[]
