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Seasaurus Megazord is the zord for Fossil Morphers Gold in Power Rangers Fossil Morphers.


Seasaurus Megazord is Mosa Fossilzord's humanoid form which it changes into when Vared takes command with his own spare Dino-X Keys. Like Triosaurus Megazord, Seasaurus Megazord is fast and agile, but skilled in underwater combat. Seasaurus Megazord possesses more power than Landsaurus Megazord as the former overpowered TBA. It wields the Tidal Sword tail blade, and can launch the Ammo Knight Zord for a rocket punch attack. Its finisher is the Sea Drill Attack where Seasaurus Megazord jumps in the air and dives back down with the Sea Trident spinning in a drill manner that pierces through the Hordesaur.

Appearances: TBA


  • to be added


Mosa Fossilzord[]

Mosa Fossilzord is Fossil Morphers Gold's partner in Power Rangers Fossil Morphers. It is modeled after a Mosasaurus. In its default form, Mosa is armed with the Mosa Head, the Tidal Sword tail blade, twin four-shot missile launchers (one on its left and right side underneath each fin), and its own massive jaws. Additionally, it is capable of flight. In its Seasaurus Megazord form, it forms the main body, legs, and its missile launchers form the arms while its Dino-X Key forms the head.

Like T-Rex Fossilzord and its sibling Spinostorm Fossilzord, Mosa can communicate with humans, as well as speak for itself with repetitions of "Mosa!". Much like Dimetro, it speaks with full sentences on a regular basis. Due to a tragic event in the past, Mosa harbours a strong distaste for the surface dwellers and those from the Sea Alliance Tribe who interact with them.

Appearances: TBA


The Ammoguard are a pair of auxiliary Fossilzord. They are modeled after Ammonites. They possess trident-style tentacles and form the hands of Seasaurus Megazord.

Appearances: TBA

Additional Formation[]

Spinostorm Fossilzord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Fossil Morphers]]

Main article: Spinostorm Fossilzord

Spinostorm Fossilzord is the combined form of Dimetro and Mosa in Power Rangers Fossil Morphers. It is based on a Spinosaurus.

Seasaurus Megazord Dark Formation[]

Seasaurus Megazord Dark Formation is the combined form of Seasaurus Megazord and Dark Raptor Fossilzord. It consists of Seasaurus Megazord, the Dark Dino-X Key as the head, and Dark Raptor splits into three components: its head is placed on Seasaurus Megazord's chest, its legs on its left arm, and it wields the Dark Blaster in its left hand.

Its finisher is the Galactic Blast, where Seasaurus Megazord generates darkness and fires a dark energy beam that pierces the Hordesaur before creating a black hole that swallows the Hordesaur before it's destroyed.


Seasaurus Megazord Void Formation[]

Seasaurus Megazord Void Formation is the combined form of Seasaurus Megazord and duo Raptor Fossilzords. It consists of Seasaurus Megazord, the Void Dino-X Keys as the head, Light Raptor's legs are attached on the right arm, its head is placed on the right leg, and its tail forms the Light Sword; Dark Raptor's legs are attached on the left arm, its head is placed on the left leg, and Duskraptor's tail forms the Dark Blaster.

In this form, Seasaurus Megazord gains cosmic-based abilities, such as creating a distortion in space to travel through. Its finisher is the Cosmo Breaker, where Seasaurus performs a light energy slash with the Light Sword and fires a black hole from the Dark Blaster, combining both attacks that creates a spiralling slash shot that destroys the Hordesaur.


Fossil Charge Ultrazord[]

Fossil Charge Ultrazord is the combination between T-Rex, Ptera and Mosa Fossilzord. It consists of T-Rex's lower body and legs, its Red Dino-X Key is placed as its head, Ptera's upper body, arms and the Justice Edge wings combines with T-Rex's lower half, the Frost Claw is placed on the chest (with a section of it forms the crown and visor) with the Ptera Head, Mosa's tail (minus the Sea Trident) split to form the Justice Boarder pads for the feet, its missile launchers are placed on Ultrazord's knee connectors, the T-Rex Head is attached to the left arm with both drills and one of its turrets as its spine, and the the Mosa Head is attached to the right arm with the second turret.

In this form, Fossil Charge Ultrazord is the cornerstone of the Rangers' zord, granting it mastery of the land, sea, and sky. It possesses the ability to move at lightspeed, achieve spaceflight, immense strength to fling giant enemies off the ground and deliver powerful blows, generate a lightning kick with the Knight Boarder, and can generate and fire three elemental beams from each head: a water beam from the Mosa Head, an ice beam from the Ptera Head, and a fire beam from the T-Rex Head. Its finisher is the Ultimate Dino Blast, where Ultimate Dino Knight Megazord generates manifestations of Tyranno, Tricera, Ankylo, Sabertooth, Stego, Mosa, Ammonite, Raptor, Dimetro, Pachy, Minichy, and Ptera. Each Knight Zord is placed in an evolution-style line before firing a decet of energy beams (consisting a red, three blue, pink, two green, yellow, orange, and light-blue), destroying the monster.


Dino-X Keys[]

KSR-Gold RyuSoul

Gold Dino-X Key

KSR-Gold RyuSoul (Knight Mode)

Gold Dino-X Key (Armor Mode)

The Gold Dino-X Key is the personal Dino-X Key of Mosa, used by Fossil Morphers Gold.
