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The Scorpio Sector is the Universal Sector home to an human-made colony of human-scorpion hybrids bearing scorpion tails from which Dimitri Skorpirov heralds from. As one of the 88 Constellations, it is part of the space dominated by the Arkeyan Empire, with its power embodied by its very own legendary Sector Key and Uni-Voyager wielded by the native Star Battleforce Power Ranger.
While seizing the 88 Universal Sectors, His Magnificence personally addressed Mikhail Toxstatin; a Scorpio Sector inhabitant, Mikhail had grown to seek power to the point of selling out his fellow test subjects to the Arkeyans, leaving them to be slaughtered while turning his back on even his cousin Dimitri. Nine's Company Enticing Mikhail to serve His Magnificence in exchange for the power he sought, he transformed him into a scorpion monster; initially enlisting Mikail as an assassin, the Shogun would be pleased enough by his service, which included the elimination of the Taurus Sector dissident Professor Levictus Cornwall, that he would eventually promote him to reign over the subjugated Scorpio Sector. Mikhail Toxtatin, A Man of Honor
Sector Key[]
The Scorpio Sector Key is the Sector Key which embodies the constellation Scorpius. Awakened in the Scorpio Sector inhabitant Dimitri Skorpirov, it allowed him to become Star Battleforce's Orange Ranger, granting him control of Scorpio Voyager 2.
See also[]
- Sasori System - Super Sentai counterpart in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. see comparison page.