Scaraba is a scarab-themed Insectoid sent down to Earth by Admiral Malkor to defeat the newfound resistance of humanity and is the main antagonist of The Goseiger Rangers Descend.
Warstar launches an invasion of Bibi Soldiers only for them to be thwarted by some goseigers left on Earth. Scaraba is sent down by Admiral Malkor to conquer or destroy the Earth and deal with the dissident Gosei Angels. Using his ball-creating ability, he is able to capture the four Gosei Angels already directly fighting him even as Alata tries to help Nozomu Amachi get over his own fears and shyness. Once Nozomu stands up to the creature, he gives Alata back his lost Gosei Card which allows for him to rescue his teammates and fight together as a team against the invader. After facing down his attacks, the Goseigers destroy Mizogu with the Gosei Buster's Dynamic Victory Charge.
After Gyoten'o the Horn of Ragnarok and has Deinbaruto blow it, Scaraba is amongst the fallen insectoids resurrected. Due to his prior death and lacking a body, Virox and the rest of the insectoids are unable to speak. They fight the Goseigers and overwhelm them before teleporting them to a supposed restaurant only to reveal themselves (Scaraba being disguised as a random girl) and nearly kill them. However, they are suddenly destroyed by Robo Knight.