[[Category:Power Rangers Saurus Surge]]
The Saurus Guard Megazord is the primary megazord used by the Saurus Surge Rangers.
The Saurus Guard Megazord is combined from the Velocizord, Spinozord, Tyrannozord, Tricerazord and Stegozord. Both their bodies and their minds are merged, as the Megazord possesses a central consciousness that communicates with the Rangers.
Its weapons are the Spinozord and Tyrannozord's heads, mounted in place of hands, which are used for biting punch attacks. The Megazord's attacks include the Stego Spike and Tricera Ram kick attacks, the Spino Hydro Jet water blast from the Spinozord's mouth, and the Tyranno Blaze flamethrower from the Tyrannozord's mouth.
The Saurus Guard Megazord's finisher is the Double Dino Bite, where the Spinozord and Tyrannozord's heads are empowered with the energy of all five Rangers and Zords, performing two biting energy punches which obliterate the monster.
Red Velocizord[]
The Red Velocizord is the main Zord and partner of the Saurus Surge Red Ranger.
While the smallest of the Saur Zords by far, "Veloci" is a capable and understanding leader, much like her partner Geoff. Also like Geoff, she has a bit of an internal struggle with herself. She is somewhat ditzy and never one to stand in place, as she commonly fidgets, and always desires to move at high speeds.
In battle, the Velocizord's weapons and abilities are her incredible speed and razor-sharp claws. Her signature move is the Veloci Grip Attack, where she latches onto a giant monster with her sickle foot claws and uses her free appendages to slash and bite at them. As the smallest Saur Zord, she forms the head of the Saurus Guard Megazord.
Blue Spinozord[]
The Blue Spinozord is the Zord and partner of the Saurus Surge Blue Ranger.
As an aquatic-associated Saur Zord, "Spino" has a chill and relaxed personality, almost invoking that of a surfer dude. He does his best to reassure his partner Stuart when things are going poorly for him, but also tries to warn Stuart when he frequently gets in over his head. Some days, Spino can act a bit lazy, or just plain distracted.
The Spinozord's weapons are his massive jaws, claws, and paddle-like tail. The ridge on his back is also rather sharp and can hurt monsters that attack it. In addition, he is able to fire a jet of water from his mouth. He forms the right half of the torso and the right arm of the Saurus Surge Megazord, with his back ridge opening up to form the Megazord's breastplate.
Yellow Tyrannozord[]
The Yellow Tyrannozord is the Zord and partner of the Saurus Surge Yellow Ranger.
Much like Brian, "Tyranno" sees himself as the rightful leader of the Saur Zords, but unlike Brian, follows the orders of the Velocizord rather than being obnoxious. He has a tendency to charge headlong into battles, though he somewhat knows he's not as powerful as he thinks.
The Tyrannozord is the physically strongest of the five Saur Zords, used in conjunction with his massive jaws and powerful tail. He is also able to breathe fire from his mouth. He forms the left half of the torso and the left arm of the Saurus Guard Megazord.
White Tricerazord[]
The White Tricerazord is the main Zord and partner of the Saurus Surge White Ranger. He forms the left leg of the Saurus Surge Megazord.
"Tricera" is a proud warrior, willing to go down fighting, though he calls himself "a lover, not a fighter." True to this description, he has a not-at-all-subtle crush on the Stegozord, which tends to embarrass her when brought up. He also employs a flirtatious streak when conversing with Carol, somewhat to her disgust.
The Tricerazord fights with his three sharp horns and armored neck frill. In conjunction with the Spinozord and Tyrannozord, he can be launched with a slap of their tails to perform the Tricera Crash, boring into the opponent in mid-air. He forms the left leg of the Saurus Guard Megazord.
Pink Stegozord[]
The Pink Stegozord is the main Zord and partner of the Saurus Surge Pink Ranger.
Much like Inez, "Stego" is shy and easily embarrassed. However, she reacts fiercely to her friends being hurt, bringing out strength that just might make her the most powerful of the Saur Zords. Of the Saur Zords, Stego most easily bonded to her partner Inez.
The Stegozord's weapons in combat are her back plates, which she can perform a spin attack with, and her Thagomizer tail spikes. She forms the right leg of the Saurus Guard Megazord.
Alternate Combinations[]
Anky Guard Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Saurus Surge]]
The Anky Guard Megazord is the combination of the Saurus Guard Megazord and the Black Ankyzord, formed when the Spinozord's head on the right arm moves to the shoulder, allowing the Ankyzord to replace it as the forearm. In this state, the Ankyzord's tail functions as a sword, and can also stretch out into a whip of blades in the Anky Whip Slash attack.
The Anky Guard Megazord has two finishers. First is the Anky Spinning Slash, where the Megazord wraps the Anky tail whip around the opponent and then pulls it back, slashing the opponent's entire body and destroying them shortly after. Second is the Anky Giant Bite, where the Anky tail wraps around the opponent, before delivering a chomping energy punch with the Tyrannozord head on the left arm.
Dilopho Guard Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Saurus Surge]]
The Dilopho Guard Megazord is the combination of the Saurus Guard Megazord and the Green Dilophozord, formed when the Tyrannozord's head on the left arm moves to the shoulder, allowing the Dilophozord to replace it as the forearm. In this state, the Dilophozord's neck frills serve as a shield, and it is able to spit cannon blasts of venom in the Dilopho Acid attack.
The Dilopho Guard Megazord's finisher is the Dilopho Melt, where the Dilophozord head charges and fires a beam of potent acid which can melt right through the opponent before destroying them.
Archaeo Guard Megazord[]
[[Category:Power Rangers Saurus Surge]]
The Archaeo Guard Megazord is formed when the Saurus Guard Megazord swaps heads with the Saurus Soarer Megazord, replacing the Velocizord with the Aqua Archaeozord. In this state, the Megazord becomes much more acrobatic and nimble, and can fire feather darts from the sides of its head in the Archaeo Feather Arrow attack.
The Archaeo Guard Megazord's finisher is the Archaeo Diving Double Bite, where the Megazord leaps into the air with its enhanced agility before coming down on the opponent with a variation of the Double Dino Bite, similar to the Ninja Megazord's finisher.
- I struggle to get measurements for my Zords. I basically modified them from existing dino zords/zords that form a certain part.
- The Saurus Guard Megazord is named after one of Kyoryuzin's rough translations that I found on a Power Rangers forum one time.