Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers Persona]]

The Satanael Ultrazord is the ultimate Megazord of the Persona Rangers in Power Rangers Persona.


The Satanael Ultrazord was the ultimate Megazord used against Takuto Maruki's Adam Kadmon Megazord at the end of Power Rangers Persona. Despite Goro Akechi being temporarily dead during the Satanael Megazord's creation, he was still allowed as a pilot on board the Satanael Megazord. In order to maximize power, the Cendrillon Megazord fused with the Satanael Megazord in order to create bless armor and form the Satanael Ultrazord.

Once Sumire Yoshizawa fully gave up her powers as the White Persona Ranger, the Satanael Ultrazord could not be formed again.
