Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-zyuohger This article is about a/an Megazord in Power Rangers Primal Instinct.

"9! 7! 8!"
―Combination announcement for Safari Megazord

"Safari Megazord! Ready!"
―Safari Ranger announcing the complete transformation

The Safari Megazord is the personal Megazord of the Safari Ranger.  


The default formation of the Safari Megazord is formed by combining the Rhino, Crocodile and Wolf Zords. To initiate the transformation, the Safari Ranger activates Combine Mode on the Safari Morpher rotates the cube to its combination face. Once the combine function is initiated, three parts of the Rhino Zord separate. The legs of the Safari Megazord stand up so that the upper body can connect with the legs. After that, the Crocodile Zord attaches itself to the Safari Megazord's right arm and the horn of the Rhino Zord attaches itself to the Safari Megazord's left arm. Last but not least, the Wolf Zord stacks itself on the top of the Safari Megazord's upper body, then folds itself to form the head.

Its strength rivals that of the Primal King Megazord and is able to launch the Crocodile and Wolf Zords from its body to slam into an opponent with enough force to counter any attack. It can also summon cubes from its shoulders.

The Safari Megazord's finisher is the Savanna Super Strike, where cubes land on the Megazord's shoulders to charge it up before it fires three energy blasts shaped like its component Primal Zords from the Crocodile Zord's mouth.

Appearances: PI Episodes 19-20, 22, 24, 31, 39


to be added

Primal Zords[]

The Primal Zords are the personal zords of the Primal Instinct Rangers. The Safari Ranger summons his personal 3 Primal Zords from his Safari Morpher by pressing the button on the bottom of the hilt twice, and then rotating the Morpher's cube to the Rhino side, after which the Rhino Zord, carrying the Crocodile and Wolf Zords, would come from a quarry.

Rhino Zord[]

DSZ-Cube Rhinos 78

The Rhino Zord carrying the Crocodile and Wolf Zords

The Rhino Zord is the Safari Ranger's primary Primal Zord. Unlike the others, the Rhino Zord is a modified Primal Zord. As such, it lacks a cube form & instead is modeled after a two trailer carrier truck, similar to the Croc Carrier from RPM. It carries the Crocodile and Wolf Zords into battle while its massive size enables it to easily smash through either obstacles or opponents. It forms the torso, legs, & left arm of the Safari Megazord, the torso, legs, & head of the Ultra Primal Megazord, & the chest of the Grand Primal Megazord.

Appearances: PI Episodes 19-24, 29-33, 35-37, 39-40, 42-44

Crocodile Zord[]

The Crocodile Zord is the second of the Safari Ranger's Primal Zords. It attacks with a powerful bite & an energy beam fired from its mouth. It can also gobble up Animalien Fighter crafts which then explode in its stomach. It forms the right arm of the Safari Megazord and Ultra Primal Megazord and a portion of the left leg of the Grand Primal Megazord.

The Crocodile Zord can swim in seawater, hinting it might be themed after Saltwater crocodiles, the largest living reptiles in the world.

Appearances: PI Episodes 19-24, 29-33, 35-37, 39-40, 42-44

Wolf Zord[]

The Wolf Zord is the third of the Safari Ranger's Primal Zords. It uses its speed & agility to perform hit & run attacks on opponents while blasting at them with mouth fired energy bolts. It can also fire a sonic beam in its cube mode. It forms the head of the Safari Megazord, the left arm of the Ultra Primal Megazord, and a portion of the left leg of the Grand Primal Megazord.

Appearances: PI Episodes 19-24, 29-33, 35-37, 39-40, 42-44

Other Formations[]

Safari Megazord with Bat Blade[]

The Safari Megazord can equip the Bat Blade to perform the finisher, the Bat Blade Primal Slice, where the Safari Megazord throws the Bat Blade at the opponent to slash them multiple times while in flight.

Appearances: PI Episodes 20, 23, 31, 39

Ultra Primal Megazord[]

"3! 4! 9! 5! 2! 7! 8! 6! 1!"
―Combination announcement for Ultra Primal Megazord

"Ultra Primal Megazord!"
―Primal Instinct Rangers announcing the complete transformation

The Ultra Primal Megazord is the combined form of the first nine Primal Zords & the main four auxiliary Zords. The Ultra Primal Megazord is armed with the King Saber on its right arm & the Gorilla Cannon on its left arm.

Its finishers are the Ultra Primal Final Strike, where it charges the King Saber with the power of all 13 component Primal Zords which it manifests as a powerful blade of energy that pierces through the opponent, and Ultra Primal Final Blast, where it charges the Gorilla Cannon with the power of all 13 component Primal Zords and fires a powerful blast of energy at the opponent.

Appearances: PI Episodes 21-24, 29-31, 40


  • While the Rhino Zord doesn't have any cube form, a hypothetical cube form of the Rhino Zord can be seen in the background during completion of the Ultra Primal Megazord.
  • The Rhino Zord is the first Rhinoceros themed zord whose pilot is a Sixth Ranger.
  • The Wolf Zord is the first wolf themed Zord to form the head and not a limb.


See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Primal Instinct Icon-zyuohger
Alexander Smith - Jawsmine - Leon - Trunks - Tigress - Jamie Dowell - Talon
Walter Smith - Dave Frankson - Mikey Jones

Spirit Animals: Shark Spirit Animal - Lion Spirit Animal - Elephant Spirit Animal - Tiger Spirit Animal - Monke - Rhinocero - Crocodile Spirit Animal - Wolf Spirit Animal - Humbak

Legendary Rangers: Mega Rangers

Primal Morpher - Primal Gun - Eagle Blade - Safari Morpher - Safari GunRod - Whale Blaster
Zords and Megazords
Primal Zords
Eagle Zord - Shark Zord - Lion Zord - Elephant Zord - Tiger Zord - Gorilla Zord - Crocodile Zord - Wolf Zord - Rhino Zord - Whale Zord - Giraffe Zord - Mole Zord - Bear Zord - Bat Zord - Octopus Zord
Primal Megazord - Wild Jungle Megazord - Safari Megazord - Sea King Megazord
Wild Primal Megazord - Ultra Primal Megazord - King Primal Ultrazord
Lord Clawbite
Ignez - Marval - Sonite - Moeba
Jaggregate - Spearstar - SpeedShot - Vikruel - Gobbler - BlareBike - Pollenighter - Speechless - Quake Maker - Snatcher - Huntor - Mantador - Triple Beast - King Trumpus - Bowlane - Prisoneer - Mirage Master - Snapshot - SwitchFace - ScreamKing - Bop and Pop - Chef Munchie - Delinquent - Vincent Fang Gogh
Robo-Raider - Robo-Raider Model S - Robo-Raider Model X
Other Villains:
Captain Dreadhook - Cannonizer - Master Xandred - Vrak - Emperor Mavro - Sledge - Galvanax - Blaze - Roxy