Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki


"Faruk, please! You must come to your senses! Dark Specter is exploiting your jealousy!"
ā€•Saba attempting to reason with Faruk[src]

"There's no need to be afraid, Bakhtiar. I've always been with you."
ā€•Saba revealing to Bakhtiar that he was his weapon[src]

"Activate the Tigerzord."
ā€•Sabaā€™s first words after arriving with Tommy for the battle against Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel.[src]

"Oh my. That didnā€™t go very well."
ā€•Saba after the Scarlet Sentinels defeated the White Tigerzord.[src]

"White Ranger, I'm afraid I've failed you. I can see no way out of our present situation."
ā€•Saba's final line when Tommy was cornered by Rito Revolto & Goldar.[src]

Saba was a legendary warrior who was among those who fought for Zordon during the war between the forces of good & Rita Repulsa's evil army 10,000 years ago. Centuries later, an elderly Saba became the sensei of Bakhtiar & Faruk. After he was slain by Faruk when the latter fell under the influence of Dark Specter, Saba transferred his own soul into his prized short sword, which would eventually come into possession of Bakhtiar, who would use the sword to avenge his fallen master as the White Ranger.

Many centuries later, Saba would become the personal weapon of Tommy Oliver after he became the new White Ranger.

Character History[]

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Powers & Abilities[]


  • Longetivity: Saba has lived for hundreds of years.
  • Soul Forging: Saba was able to merge his own soul into his prized short-sword after being slain by Faruk, becoming a sentient weapon.


  • Martial Artist:
  • Swordsmanship:


  • Old Age: Saba was unable to fight as well as he once did during his last fight with Faruk.


  • Short-sword: Saba wielded a short-sword with a tiger head on the hilt. After he was slain by Faruk, Saba transferred his own soul into his short-sword, which would eventually come into possession of Bakhtiar.
  • Shield: Saba wore shield armor during his days as a warrior for Zordon. It was given to Bakhtiar after he succeeded in avenging his fallen master, & it became part of the White Ranger suit since then.


Saba's Sword Form

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Sentience: Saba is completely sentient & could hold entire conversations with Bakhtiar & Tommy.
  • Tigerzord Control: Saba could control the White Tigerzord & maintain influence over it just by being inserted into the console. This power became redundant when the Zord was destroyed by Rito & his monsters.
    • Remote Control: Saba was able to control the White Tigerzord even when nowhere near its cockpit. However, he only did this when stolen by Goldar for use by Rita.
  • Move Duplication: Saba could make the White Tigerzord operate so that any move performed by Bakhtiar & Tommy (kicks & punches) would be performed by the White Tigerzord as well.
  • Levitation: Saba is able to float into the air & suspend himself there at will.
  • Lightning Blasts: Saban is able to fire white lightning beams from his eyes strong enough to take down Pursehead & destroy his floss ropes.
  • White Tiger Thunderbolt Arming: Tommy told him to arm one to kill the Hatchasaurus when the Thunder Megazord destroyed Cardiatron.
  • Energy Empowerment: Tommy charged Saba up with white energy to slash a hole in a forcefield to free Shawna & Kimberly.
  • Lightning Empowerment: Tommy can charge Saba up with lightning capable of destroying almost the entirety of Zedd's fish army with one hit each (though the Goo Fish needed an additional kick to finish off).

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Saba was voiced by producer Tony Oliver, who was also the namesake for Tommy Oliver.


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  • Sabaā€™s name was derived from Saban Entertainment, the people who made Power Rangers at the time.
    • Equally, another in-joke associated with Saba is that he was voiced by producer Tony Oliver who also served as the namesake for his wielder Tommy Oliver.


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See Also[]
