How this wiki will function.
Fanfiction Qualifications[]
In order to be added to this wiki, the fanfic must...
- Focus on an original Ranger team, which ideally features new characters with new powers facing new villains.
- Canon characters and powers are welcome, but the focus should be on telling a new story, not one from the show with minor changes.
- Be written in correct English, with only minor mistakes, if any.
- ...Quality control.
- As a subnote, if this is the first series you're posting her, it has to exist as a story already, not just an idea.
- Not contain significant amounts of slash, incest, rape, pornography, or other similarly "adult" sexual elements.
- "Significant amount" meaning anything that happens actively (in the story's present) and explicitly to any main characters. Mentions, hints or after-the-fact descriptions are permitted if justified by the story.
If you want someone else to write articles for your series, they can include requirements of their own, since it's their time and effort they're putting to use.
- The author has a history of finishing fanfics of this kind.
- The author already has a fanfic on this wiki. This is also the only way to add fics that have not yet been written, or which are not long enough to qualify on their own.
- Never use your power for personal gain.
- Don't add your series until you have permission.
- No spamming. The blogs and forums are there if you want to get off-topic.
- No pornographic or pointlessly offensive content.
- If you have moderator or beaureaucratic powers, do not use them to "punish" people unless they have explicitly broken a rule.
- Never escalate a battle unless you are forced to.
- Constructive criticism is encouraged; trolling, flaming or bullying will not be tolerated. Don't let it get personal.
- Adult language is permitted in discussions, so long as it isn't directed against others, but in the articles it must have a reason to be there, such as a quotation.
- Keep your identities secret.
- Distinguish between the author and the ideas. Don't let your dislike of someone's writing turn into personal hatred, or use a grudge as an excuse to insult a series.
- Don't reveal personal information about other people without their knowledge or permission.
Consequences for Breaking Rules[]
- A first-time offender receives a warning.
- Breaking the same rule a second time earns a warning and one-week block.
- The third offense will earn a three-month block.
- This may be waived if the offender acts maturely, or increased for the opposite.
If You Don't Agree With These...[]
Mine isn't the only Power Rangers fanfiction wiki on this hub. Check out Power Rangers Fanon; I'm an admin there, but I only enforce their rules, which are much less strict.