Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an TV special in the Power Rangers franchise.
Red alert WARNING. This special contains scenes of blood, gun violence, physical violence and gambling. Viewer discretion is advised!.

This page will be updated once more information on Power Rangers Dino Fury is revealed.

Robo Fury Victory! is a feature-length Power Rangers TV special that serves as a crossover between the protagonists of the current series as well as the protagonists of the previous series. Its main story is based upon Mashin Sentai Kiramager vs. Ryusoulger.


The Morphin Grid is in great danger as Emperor Zenkai has revived Void Knight and his minions (but they do not have control over their own bodies as Zenkai has simply made them controllable pawns in his plan to finally conquer Earth and kill the Power Rangers) so they can make a world of movies that the Rangers could potentially get trapped in forever. When Luke and the others encounter these strong adversaries, they are simply overpowered by the villains who take a source of great energy that's hidden in one of the films which is exactly what they need to get their plan into motion.

With the team on the ropes, Danny calls upon an old friend of his who helps him in gathering a Ranger team from the past in order to deal with the rapidly growing army of evil.


For this episode's plot, see the Rangerwiki page for the movie that this one is based on.

Continuity and Placement

  • Robo Force: To Be Announced
  • Dino Fury: Takes place sometime after the season finale.


Robo Force Rangers

Designation Name Actor
White Robo Ranger Luke Davis Caleb McLaughlin
Red Robo Ranger Morphin Jason Smith
Yellow Robo Ranger Wild Ciara Hanna
Pink Robo Ranger Mystic Erika Fong
Blue Robo Ranger Overdrive Yoshi Sudarso
Gold Robo Ranger Rex Hunter Stephen Ford

Dino Fury Rangers

Designation Name Actor
Dino Fury Red Ranger Zayto Russell Curry
Dino Fury Blue Ranger Ollie Akana Kai Moya
Dino Fury Pink Ranger Amelia Jones Hunter Deno
Dino Fury Green Ranger Izzy Garcia Tessa Rao
Dino Fury Black Ranger Javi Garcia Chance Perez
Dino Fury Gold Ranger Aiyon Jordon Fite



Robo Force

Dino Fury


Robo Force

Dino Fury

Suit Actors (Stock Footage)

  • White Robo Ranger: Masashi Takada (高田 将司 Takada Masashi)
  • Morphin, Red Robo Ranger: Yasuhiro Takeuchi (竹内 康博 Takeuchi Yasuhiro)
  • Wild, Yellow Robo Ranger: Masato Tsutamune (蔦宗 正人 Tsutamune Masato)
  • Mystic, Pink Robo Ranger: Ayumi Shimozono (下園 愛弓 Shimozono Ayumi)
  • Overdrive, Blue Robo Ranger: Kazuya Okada (岡田 和也 Okada Kazuya)
  • Gold Robo Ranger: Shigeki Ito (伊藤茂騎 Itō Shigeki)
  • Dino Fury Red Ranger: Ryuta Hara (原 隆太 Hara Ryūta)
  • Dino Fury Blue Ranger: Shinya Shimokawa (下川 真矢 Shimokawa Shinya)
  • Dino Fury Pink Ranger: Tsubasa Honda (本多 翼 Honda Tsubasa)
  • Dino Fury Green Ranger: Masaki Ouchida (大内田 将樹 Ōuchida Masaki)
  • Dino Fury Black Ranger: Kei Saeki (佐伯 啓 Saeki Kei)
  • Dino Fury Gold Ranger: Kai Nakayama (中山 甲斐 Nakayama Kai)

Form Changes and Collectibles Used

Ranger Gears

  • White Robo Ranger: Dino Fury, White Robo Ranger (Finisher), White Robo Ranger (Flip Side), Super Surge, Super Surge (Flip Slide)
  • Red Robo Ranger: Red Robo Ranger (Finisher), Red Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Yellow Robo Ranger: Yellow Robo Ranger (Finisher), Yellow Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Pink Robo Ranger: Pink Robo Ranger (Finisher), Pink Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Blue Robo Ranger: Blue Robo Ranger (Finisher), Blue Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Gold Robo Ranger: Zeo Robo Ranger, Samurai Robo Ranger, Gold Robo Ranger (Finisher), Zeo Robo Ranger (Flip Side), Super Surge, Super Surge (Flip Slide)

Dino Fury Keys

  • Dino Fury Red Ranger: Robo, Robo (Finisher), Red (T-Rex Champion)
  • Dino Fury Blue Ranger: Robo (Finisher), Blue (Tricera Blade)
  • Dino Fury Pink Ranger: Pink (Ankylo Hammer)
  • Dino Fury Green Ranger: Robo (Finisher), Green (Tiger Claw)
  • Dino Fury Black Ranger: Robo (Finisher), Black (Stego Spike)
  • Dino Fury Gold Ranger: Gold (Finisher), Gold (Mosa Razor)


  • This is the first team up in Power Rangers since the three parter involving the Legendary Dino Rangers in Beast Morphers.
  • Despite his Sentai counterpart not being involved in the mecha battle in the original Japanese version, Aiyon would take part in the megazord fight with Rex in this version.
  • This is the only piece of media in Robo Force to feature a cold open, and the first episode/special since the Beast Morphers episode Evox Unleashed to start with a cold open.

See Also
