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Roasted Red is the third episode of Power Rangers Rail Riders.


Unwilling to accept her fate as the future empress, Greta has made her move and left the Shadow Line for good. Unlikely alliances forged and new friends made when she encounters the Red Ranger himself. The mission has started and the objective is clear: SAVE GRETA!


At the Interdimensional Space Germany castle, Greta confesses to General Shwartz that she does not want to marry Emperor Erebus, who has now arrived hearing and seeing what Madame Noir is showing him, and that he must take her away from here, by a Shadow Train, while Baron Nero heard them in addition to spying on them.

In human form, Greta tries to run away from the Shadow Line so as not to be found, however she finds herself hit by Marcus and drops his ice cream by mistake. Easily forgiving her, he decides to buy two more for himself and Greta, who had never eaten them before. Marcus, seeing that Greta feels bad, asks her if she's okay but she preferred not to answer while adding that he made this day one of the best of her life. Stating that it was getting late, Marcus offered to accompany Greta home, but she told him that she had run away and had no home. She went on to tell him that her mother wants to force her to live a life she doesn't want with an arranged marriage. Marcus, understanding her, asks her if she really has nowhere to go before offering to call her roommates so they can accommodate her, however Shwartz has arrived. Marcus thought he was trying to confront her but Shwartz confirmed that he had only come to get Greta. Not agreeing they start to fight but Greta intervenes and asks the General to stop all this because now Marcus is her new friend and escort. Shwartz tells Greta that her mother is already starting to look for her. Greta didn't want to return to Interdimensional Space Germany so he decides to run away with her. Greta, followed by the general, then explains the situation to Marcus, who had not understood anything until now. Marcus concludes that they can then both help him, starting by buying them hot dogs, the taste of which reminds him of his native country.

Shwartz doesn't yet know where he'll take Greta but he knows he won't be able to stay there for long, so Marcus emphasizes how much he really cares about her. Shwartz doesn't yet know where he will take Greta but he knows he won't be able to stay there for very long, so Marcus emphasizes how much he really cares about her and the general confirms that he would do anything for her. Wanting more hot dogs from Greta, Marcus goes to get some at the fast food restaurant. There he notices a man whom he mistakes for TomĆ”s before he turns out to be called Julius. He also notices that he hasn't stopped going back and forth. Back with the reformed villains, Marcus offers to ensure that Greta can join the Rainbow Line alongside her Rangers friends, also having the idea of ā€‹ā€‹befriending the general however the latter responds by telling him that they come from two different worlds. Marcus needed someone who could play the harmonica as well as Tomas and Greta tells him how, when he was Zaram, he played the harmonica for her before falling asleep so he could arrive. Marcus asked if they knew him, Shwartz confirming this and stating that he was his second in command as well as ruling over troops and Stein, which made Shwartz laugh at this point and confirming that he misses him.

After hearing all this, it made Marcus want to recruit them into the Rainbow Line, adding that Shwartz should change his outfit and that Greta is already very beautiful like that. She then declares that she wants to become the Purple Ranger, followed by Marcus asking Shwartz to join them. But after shaking hands, Madame Noir appears accompanied by a handful of Crows. She claims to have finally found Greta after a whole day and congratulates Shwartz for his "work", also wondering what the Red Ranger is doing with them. Greta apologizes, deciding not to return however Madame Noir, wanting to re-educate her daughter, tells her not to speak like that to her mother. The General tries to protect her, however Madame Noir cuts him off and tells her daughter that she will marry the emperor whether she likes it or not. Marcus decides to intervene but Madame Noir demands it by asking him which Ranger he was between blue, green or pink before finally saying that he will be the dead one.

Marcus ends up fighting the Crows, with his Morpher ultimately falling to the ground. Realizing that he needs help, the general wants his beloved to run away from here and join Marcus and the Rangers. He tells her to always run for her freedom and that he will never stop caring for her, taking her in his arms before finally rejoining the battle to help Marcus and execute his final attack on three Crows. Several Crows end up overpowering Marcus and General Shwartz followed by two others who end up capturing Greta. Madame Noir gave Shwartz a chance to come back to them and forget everything that happened today. Unable to betray his family, he attacks Marcus, while telling him that he will save Greta, before finally joining them and then being carried away by a Shadow Train.

San, Charlie, Gus and Faye join Marcus and help him get up. The team was worried about him, wondering where he was. Marcus tells them that the Shadow Line took Greta away, but the team didn't understand who she was. A new Shadow Beast has arrived, already enlarged, so the team decides to fight it without TomƔs.

The team forms the Rainbow Line Megazord to counter Lockjaw, but the Shadow Beast ensnares the zords with its chains, summoning a coffin that closes around it. Being easy prey for him, all eye contact and signals, not being able to summon the Diesel Zord, as well as their powers begin to diminish, putting the team in a literal difficult situation. However, Rail Rider 1 Red manages to get them out by disassembling the Red Rail Zord and passing through the coffin lid. The Rainbow Line Megazord then proceeds to destroy Lockjaw by hitting him with the Rainbow Crossing Slash.

At the Rainbow Line, TomƔs asks the Conductor how long will they have to wait to tell the team the truth about them but he doesn't know how to go about it. TomƔs continues by telling him to try harder however the Conductor points out that this could be the end of the Power Rangers Rail Riders...



  • Z (Erebus' sentai counterpart) can be seen speaking with Madame Noir however the Emperor does not appear until the next episode.

Transfer Changes[]


  • This is the first episode of the season to air in 2024.
  • This is also the first episode where no Rangers initiate transfer changes.
    • There are also no ground battle footage used.
  • Series creator Justin Blake Webber stated that this episode was not originally planned. It was created out of a need to bridge the first and latter half of the series. Only being written 6 weeks before the series began filming.
    • San, Charlie, Gus and Faye, as well as the Conductor and TomĆ”s, were seen very little during the episode to maintain cast schedules due to the sudden addition to the script.
    • Ryan Cox (San) and Barbaro Tran Suarez (Tomas) were both still heavily involved with the behind the scenes aspect of this episode, even though their characters are only seen briefly.
  • The Conductor and TomĆ”s reveal that they haven't told the Rangers the whole truth, meaning they are hiding something from them.
  • Greta is revealed to be Madame Noir's daughter, like her sentai counterpart.
  • The name of the episode was said by Marcus when he said "Ricky Roasted Red"
  • Julius, the Yellow Ranger of the Gem Paladins Rangers, made an unmorphed cameo during this episode, revealing that he now works as a hot dog vendor. This was an inside gag created by director Justin Webber and actor Barbaro Tran Suarez. When on the set of Gem Paladins, Suarez joked saying that "Earth-3 Julius would be a New York hot dog vendor."
  • For the moment, we don't know if Greta, or even Shwartz, defected to the Shadow Line or not.
  • It is also revealed that the world where the Shadow Line live, as well as their castle, is in Interdimensional Space Germany. Also indirectly explaining the fact that they are interdimensional space Nazis.
  • The feelings between Shwartz and Greta seem to have become stronger in this episode.
  • Greta referred to ToQ 7gou when volunteering to become the purple ranger. Many speculate this to mean she will become the 7th Rail Rider Ranger.

See Also[]

External Link[]
