This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Zord World. |
- "Overdrive Power! Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger!"
- āOverdrive Zord Blue Ranger's Roll Call[src]
Might is Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger, the Blue Ranger of the Zord World Rangers in Power Rangers Zord World. He is the fifth one to become the Zord World Ranger.
Character History[]
to be added
Riva is an enthusiastic thrillseeker, and will go to certain lengths such as going on an adventure to a place he's never been before. As an adventurer he always keeps the places he visits clean. Because of this, Riva has a bit of a neat freak's mindset, and impulsively cleans up whenever he sees a mess. He also strictly reprimands those with sloppier cleaning ethics, particularly Mystina's poor clean ups.
Riva is also much clumsier than his companions, often falling out of sync and tripping constantly whenever he moves with or near them. While clumsy and rather cowardly, after being reached out to by Damond he grew to stand up for himself more and eventually fight as a Zord World Ranger.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Zordian Physiology: As a robotic being, Riva displays the following abilities:
- Poison Spore Immunity: All the Zordians were completely unaffected by the poisonous spores produced by Shroomcog's mushrooms, which caused shortness of breath in organic lifeforms.
- LED Lights: Riva's forearms and lower legs are equipped with yellow LED lights, which allow him to see in the dark when activated.
- Super Strength: Even when he is not transformed, Riva has showcased moments of great strength, such as when he nearly crushed Might's hand during a handshake.

Riva without his glasses
- Myopia: Riva has terrible vision and requires eyeglasses to see.
- Exhaustion: As seen in the battle against Trashcog, Riva can get so caught up in cleaning that he becomes exhausted and unable to fight properly.

Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger
- Height: 200 cm
- Weight: 420 kg
- Speed: 80 km/h
- Power: 1700
While all of the core Zord World Rangers excel at gunmanship, Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger specializes in extreme displays of power, and is physically the strongest of the core Zord World Rangers. As such, he uses the Overdrive DriveMax Pick Axe to smash opponents or simply punch at them with enough force to send them flying several feet. Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger also has the ability to erupt in a large energy burst, sending those crowding over him flying away at a good distance.
Out of all the Zordian Zord World Rangers, Riva has showcased the most robotic and mechanically unique features. He can detach his upper torso from his waist, sending it flying skyward and free-spinning to throw back enemy projectiles, generating momentum for dealing heavy hits while doing so. He can also use his wheels for rapid transit, simply lying on his back while spinning them quickly to race towards his destination. This also lets him act as a temporary form of transport for his teammates.
- Artling Morpher
- Zord Gears
- Overdrive DriveMax Pick Axe
Appearances: Zord World Episodes 5-
By switching his Zord Gear to its Zord Side, Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger grows larger, allowing him to fight the Cycogs. Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger can transform into his Zord form, Overdrive Dump Worldzord.
Behind the Scenes[]
to be added
Power Rangers References[]
- Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger is physically based on DriveMax Megazord from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, His Zord mode is based on Dump Driver.
- As Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger, his transformation into the Overdrive Dump Worldzord recalls the Thunder Loader Rescuezord/Thunder Loader High Stance Mode from Power Rangers Turbo, which also could convert between humanoid and dump truck forms.
- During the fight with Boxingcog, he performs a spin attack reminiscent of Jungle Pride Megazord's Savage Spin and seperates his body at the waist to avoid the Robocog's Rocket Gloves in a way identical to how Super Zeo Megazord avoided King Mondo's attack in the Power Rangers Zeo episode "Mondo's Last Stand."
Riva is named after Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.
- Vroon is the first Zord World Ranger to have a solo morphing sequence which happened in episode 6.
- There is a notable disparity with Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger's wheels; in his ranger form, the wheels on his forearms are smaller than the wheels on his shoulders, though in his Overdrive Dump Worldzord form and combined as ZenkaiOh, all of the wheels are exactly the same size.