Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

ā€•Rhian after morphing for the first time.[src]

"And what about us? What are we?"
ā€•Rhian, after becoming the Red Emissary[src]

Rhian is from the Planet 0117 of the A47 Galaxy. After an encounter with the Morphinaut, she became the Red Squadron Ranger of the Squadron Rangers.

Later, after sacrificing her Morphin Heart to save the Phantom Ranger, Rhian became the Red Emissary, an ethereal entity who represents the Morphin Masters. Adopting the appearance of Power Rangers respectively colored red, she was not shown to have distinct forms but instead shifted through the forms of various Red Rangers throughout history.

Character History[]


As seen by the philosopher, Sire Lentinvous, sixteen thousand years ago, as he witnessed the beginning of the universe in a vision, the Morphin Masters created the Emissaries from the light of a star, each one a different primary countenance. The purpose given to these Messengers was to spread peace & tranquility throughout the universe. The Messengers existed outside of time, & could view the entirety of time in a non linear fashion, allowing them to see into the past, and somewhat into the future. Because they also existed outside of the natural flow of time, they were effectively immortal in that they could not die naturally.

Meeting the Morphinaut[]

Rhian overheard a conversation between Kartor and Vivali, who talked about how Masterforge Namize had fallen but there was security footage that showed what really happened. She convinced her friends Phiro and Telosi to investigate the footage before evacuating with like the rest of the city. The three went to Frontier Lab to see if Ori could get Rhian into the system to find the video of Namize going offline.

Unfortunately, the power to the lab went out as the energy was being diverted to the planet's main arch for the Ascension, so Ori asks Rhian and the rest to use their Master Hearts to power the computer as a backup generator. As Rhian hacked the security database, she & her friends saw in horror what happened to Namize. An unidentified alien force invaded the planet and the people were attacked by an army of demon-like creatures. The team questioned why the Morphin Masters would leave half of those people to die by shutting down the Namize Arch.

After leaving the Lab, they all see meteors like the ones on Namize & they race to the Master Arch that is ready for evacuation. Before they can leave, they see a figure that shoots out of the portal and crashes onto the ground. The five teenagers go to rescue the figure, whom Ori identifies as the Morphinaut, whose body was crackling with Grid energy. The Morphinaut told the teenagers, "He's Coming!" before collapsing.

Becoming a Ranger[]

As demons start to invade their city, the teens take the Morphinaut with them and escape through the east promenade. The team later found that the creatures were repelled by the grid energy & realized that the creatures were trying to overload the Master Arch while the Morphinaut identifies one of the attackers as Dark Specter. Ori activated the Arch to prevent the creatures from reaching it, which leaves the teens & the Morphinaut stuck in the middle of the invasion. As they threw the Morphinaut & continued to fight the creatures, the teens realized that one of the creatures was Telosi's brother Xev, whom they later saved with Grid energy. The Morphinaut explained to them that Dark Specter wanted to destroy the Morphin Grid by reaching the Arch.

After they finally arrived at a lab, Rhian tried to tap into the planetary sensors to see if Dark Specter's forces were coming. Realizing that the Arch that Ori was trying to activate at Frontier Lab could be used by Dark Specter, they decided to help the Morphinaut control his grid energy by sharing it with each other. The six teens use their Morphin Hearts to help Ori create an energy surge & siphon the excess energy from the Morphinaut onto them. This results in each of them getting a full-body costume made out of grid energy, with Rhian taking the morphing into what would be known as the Red Squadron Ranger. Now with their new forms, the Morphinaut tells the team to go to Ori's Proto-Arch & destroy it after using it while Dark Specter sends more of his forces.

Becoming an Emissary[]

The Emissaries eventually became guardians of the Morphin Grid itself, & would observe each team of Power Rangers, new & old across time itself.


Rhian along with the other Squadron Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle.

She and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle.

Vrak was defeated, but following the death of his son, Emperor Mavro dispatched the thousands of X Borg. Tommy gathered all the Power Rangers in existence, Rhian returns with the other Squadron Rangers as part of the Legendary Rangers army that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada, Rhian was seen fighting alongside Casey Rhodes, the Jungle Fury Red Ranger, against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the X Borg disappeared, Tommy shook Troy's hand and teleported away with Rhian and the Legendary Rangers. She returns home to the fourth dimension.

Cosmic Fury[]

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Rhian and the other Squadron Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs.


Rhian was rebellious, prone to disobey orders to get what she wanted, like spying on her mom and convince her friends to hack a computer. She was also shown to be very witty and sarcastic. Rhian is the designated leader of her friend group and this transferred to her role as a Red Ranger, as her team immediately asked her what was their plan after morphin for the first time. She tried to calm Telosi when he was angry by the supossed loss of Xev and rushed to save the Morphinaut when he crashed on Earth instead of staying at the arch with the rest of her people.



Red Squadron Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Ether Double Strike: Rhian and Phiro shoot a force of energy from their polearm weapons together.
  • Legendary


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to be added


  • Morphin Hearts
  • Chakram Blades
  • Squadron Staff
    • Naginata


Appearances: Squadron Episodes 1-38, M Episodes 32

The Red Emissary cycles between the appearances of two or three Red Rangers at the same time with a glowing aura.





  • Vivali - Mother
  • Sastra - Sister


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to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Rhian is portrayed by Kristen Stewart. As Red Squadron Ranger, her suit actor was Naoki Ōfuji (å¤§č—¤ ē›“ęع Oofuji Naoki) in the sentai footage.


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to be added

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

RyuuRanger Ranger Key-1-

The Red Squadron Ranger Key.

The Red Squadron Ranger Key is Rhian's personal Ranger Key. Because the Squadron Rangers are now Rangers of the Emissaries, Gosei seems to possess their powers via the Legendary Ranger Keys. This key is mainly used by Ewan Hoyle (Space Pirate Red) who uses it to fight as the Red Squadron Ranger.

  • Ewan uses this key alongside all other Red Rangers keys in order to defeat the X Borgs


  • Among several Legendary Ranger Modes as Ewan and the others fought against a squadron of X-Borgs and BruisersSamurai Surprise
  • When the Space Pirates Rangers became the Squadron Rangers while fighting Sirjinkor.The Perfect Storm
  • When the Space Pirates Rangers became the Squadron Rangers in their fight with Zakyura.Squadron Power

Mighty Morphin Gear (Season 2)

Squadron Gear

KSZe-Dairanger Gear (Kikai Side)

Squadron Gear (Opposite Side)

The Squadron Gear is one of many Legendary Ranger Gears used by the Grid Masters Rangers to battle the Tronix Empire. It allows a Grid Ranger to assume the form of one of the Squadron Rangers.



  • Icon-dairanger Power Rangers Squadron
    • Episode 1: The Return of Lord Zedd, Part I
    • Episode 2: The Return of Lord Zedd, Part II
    • Episode 3: The Return of Lord Zedd, Part III
    • Episode 4: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park
    • Episode 5: Beauty and the Beast
    • Episode 6: White Light, Part I
    • Episode 7: White Light, Part II
    • Episode 8: Two for One
    • Episode 9: Opposites Attract
    • Episode 10: Zedd's Monster Mash'
    • Episode 11: The Ninja Encounter, Part I
    • Episode 12: The Ninja Encounter, Part II
    • Episode 13: The Ninja Encounter, Part III
    • Episode 14: A Monster of Global Proportions
    • Episode 15: Zedd Waves
    • Episode 16: The Power Transfer, Part I
    • Episode 17: The Power Transfer, Part II
    • Episode 18: Mondo's Vice-Versa
    • Episode 19: Mirror of Regret
    • Episode 20: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
    • Episode 21: Rhian Just Wants to Have Fun
    • Episode 22: Lights, Camera, Action
    • Episode 23: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
    • Episode 24: Scavenger Hunt
    • Episode 25: The Great Bookala Escape
    • Episode 26: Forever Friends
    • Episode 27: A Reel Tube Story
    • Episode 28: Rangers Back in Time, Part I
    • Episode 29: Rangers Back in Time, Part II
    • Episode 30: The Wedding, Part I
    • Episode 31: The Wedding, Part II
    • Episode 32: The Wedding, Part III
    • Episode 33: Return of the Green Ranger, Part I
    • Episode 34: Return of the Green Ranger, Part II
    • Episode 35: Return of the Green Ranger, Part III
    • Episode 36: Best Man for the Job
    • Episode 37: Storybook Rangers, Part I
    • Episode 38: Storybook Rangers, Part II
    • Episode 39: Blue Ranger Gone Bad
    • Episode 40: The Universe, Part I
    • Episode 41/Finale: The Universe, Part II
  • Icon-goseiger Power Rangers Megaforce
    • Episode 32/Finale: The Invasion
  • Icon-gokaiger Power Rangers Space Pirates
    • Episode 20: Squadron Power

See Also[]

Red Rangers
Showa Power Rangers
Tsuyoshi Kaijo ā€¢ Goro Sakurai ā€¢ Masao Den ā€¢ Ippei Akagi ā€¢ Ryuusuke Oowashi ā€¢ Takayuki Hiba ā€¢ Ken'ichi Akama ā€¢ Hokuto Dan ā€¢ Shirou Gou ā€¢ Hiryuu Tsurugi ā€¢ Jin ā€¢ Takeru ā€¢ Yusuke Amamiya ā€¢ Riki Honoo ā€¢ Gaku Hoshikawa ā€¢ Ryu Tendo

Saban Power Rangers
Jason Lee Scott ā€¢ Rhian ā€¢ Aurico ā€¢ Tommy Oliver ā€¢ T.J. Johnson ā€¢ Andros ā€¢ Leo Corbett ā€¢ Carter Grayson ā€¢ Wesley Collins ā€¢ Cole Evans ā€¢ Shane Clarke ā€¢ Conner McKnight ā€¢ Jack Landors/Sky Tate/Bridge Carson ā€¢ Nick Russell ā€¢ Mack Hartford ā€¢ Casey Rhodes ā€¢ Scott Truman ā€¢ Jayden Shiba/Lauren Shiba ā€¢ Troy Burrows ā€¢ Ewan Hoyle ā€¢ Tyler Navarro ā€¢ Lucas Coleman ā€¢ Brody Romero ā€¢ Nick Aguilar ā€¢ Devon Daniels ā€¢ Eddie Martin ā€¢ Ashton Myler ā€¢ Amelia Jones ā€¢ Tony Krawiec ā€¢ Marcus Beverly ā€¢ Idris Keith ā€¢ Dante Waylon ā€¢ Jet ā€¢ TBA ā€¢ TBA

BOOM! Power Rangers
Rocky DeSantos ā€¢ Jason Lee Scott ā€¢ Aurico ā€¢ T.J. Johnson ā€¢ Andros ā€¢ Leo Corbett ā€¢ Carter Grayson ā€¢ Wesley Collins ā€¢ Cole Evans ā€¢ Shane Clarke ā€¢ Conner McKnight ā€¢ Jack Landors ā€¢ Nick Russell ā€¢ Mack Hartford ā€¢ Casey Rhodes ā€¢ Scott Truman ā€¢ Jayden Shiba/Lauren Shiba ā€¢ Troy Burrows ā€¢ Tyler Navarro ā€¢ Brody Romero ā€¢ Marvin Shih ā€¢ Devon Daniels ā€¢ Zayto ā€¢ Salum ā€¢ Alec Mark

Reiwa Power Rangers

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