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Rescue Heroes: Fire Squad is the second season of the Power Rangers rendition of the Rescue Heroes series. A sequel to Power Rangers: Rescue Heroes, Fire Squad tells of another branch of the United Fire-Defense Agency that helps save people from Super-Fires created by demons seeking to make people suffer. This series marks the beginning as well as an end of a program franchise dubbed the Power Rangers: Rescue Heroes Series.
Fire Squad[]
F1 | Guy Blazes |
F2 | Tariq Caro |
F3 | |
F4 | Avian Flyer |
F5 | Jun Flyer |
United Fire-Defense Agency[]
- Riku Taiga
- Tamami Sugiyama
R0 | Jason Lee Scott |
- Bunji Saeki
- Ritsuko Kanzaki
- Naoshi Taiga
- Asuka Taiga
- Tatsugoro Megumi
- Yoshie Megumi
- Jiro
- Mie
- Rescue Force
- Tetsunosuke Ikeya
- Yukio Watari
- Sawayaka Sayaka
- Kouta and Ayoya
- Kentaro
- Marimo Taiga
- Donkaen
- Jokaen
- Three Commanders
- Chukaen
- Ukaen
- Sakaen
- Jakasts
Fire Majin[]
- Biken
- Inukaen
- Kinokoen
- Keitaien
- Karasuen
- Bananaen
- Drillen
- Haekaen
- Kanitanken
- Cabbatruen
- Hebikaen
- Roboten
- Ikutteren
- Mamekaen
- Nekkoen
- Kumokaen
- Natsukazeen
- Rocket Hanabien
- Roboikakinokoen
- Obakeen
- Barakaen
- Katchuen
- Mukadeen
- Koalaen
- Hyper Shachihokoen
Rescue Vehicles[]
Rescue Dashes[]
- Rescue Dash-1 - A special regulation Nissan 370Z cruiser assigned to Fire-1.
- Rescue Dash-2 - A special regulation Nissan Paramedic ambulance assigned to Fire-2.
- Rescue Dash-3 - A special regulation Nissan Cube assigned to Fire-3.
- Rescue Dash-4 - A special regulation Nissan Skyline Coupe assigned to Fire-4.
- Rescue Dash-5 - A special regulation Nissan X-Trail assigned to Fire-5.
- Rescue Dash-6 - A special regulation Nissan Murano assigned to Riku.
Rescue Striker[]
2nd Generation Rescue Vehicles[]
- Fire Dragon - The Fire Dragon is a large-scale Rescue Vehicle assigned to Fire-1.
- Dozer Dragon - The Dozer Dragon is a medium-scale Rescue Vehicle assigned to Fire-2 which has a bulldozer Rescue Mode.
- Turbo Dragon - The Turbo Dragon is a medium-scale large blower Rescue Vehicle assigned to Fire-3 with a turbofan Rescue Mode that allows it to execute the blast attack from the Dragon Turbofan.
- Jet Falcon - The Jet Falcon is a large-scale fighter jet Rescue Vehicle assigned to Fire-4.
- Heli Falcon - The Heli Falcon is a medium-scale Rescue Vehicle assigned to Fire-5 which has a fighter jet Scramble Mode and a helicopter Rescue Mode.
An ambulance like vehicle similar to the Fire Dragon. He can transform into a robot named X-Dragon Robo,as well as a drill. It can be controlled via Rescue Megaphone.
A robotic lion with it's own spirit. It can also transform into a drill.
Upgraded Medium-Scale Rescue Vehicles[]
- Rescue Shovel Red Type - A drag shovel Rescue Vehicle which can transform into Claw Mode.
- Rescue Drill Black Type - A tank-like Rescue Vehicle with twin drills and a cutoff saw on top. The Black Type also has active camouflage.
- Rescue Turbo Red Type - A large blower Rescue Vehicle with a turbofan on it.
- Rescue Dozer Blue Type - A dump truck Rescue Vehicle which can transform into Dozer Drive Mode from Dump Mode.
- Rescue Crane Green Type - A crane Rescue Vehicle.
Rescue Vehicle Combinations[]
- Super Fire Dragon - The Super Fire Dragon is the combination of all three Dragon Vehicles.
- Super Jet Falcon - The Super Jet Falcon is the combination of both Falcon Vehicles.
- Great Wyvern - The Great Wyvern is the combination of the Super Fire Dragon and the Super Jet Falcon.
- Rescue King - The Rescue King is the humanoid combination of the Fire Dragon and the X-Dragon.
- Great Wyvern GX - The Great Wyvern GX is the combination of the Great Wyvern, the X-Dragon, and the GaiaLeon.
- Wyvern Cannon - The Wyvern Cannon is the combination of the Dozer Dragon and Turbo Dragon with the Super Jet Falcon, serving as a cannon for Rescue King.
- Cerberus Dragon - The Cerberus is the combination of the Fire Dragon and all five upgraded medium-scale Rescue Vehicles.
Rescue Tools[]
Rescue Megaphone[]
- Fire Extinguisher Mode
- Sword Mode
- Gun Mode
Jet Caliber[]
Rescue Breaker[]
- Break Hammer
- Break Ax
- Break Pick
- Break Hand
- Break Drill
- Break Shot
- Break Rope
- A New Enemy: The Roaring Fire Dragon (ę°ććŖęµćć»ćććć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ćć©ć“ć³ Arata na Teki: Hoeyo FaiÄ Doragon?)
- Tatsuya is Anxious: His Partner is a Very Nagging Robot (ćæćć¤ćåæé ćēøę£ćÆč¶ ć¦ć¶ćććć Tatsuya ga Shinpai: AibÅ wa ChÅuza Robotto?)
- Miss Perfect: Ritsuka's Secret (ćć¹ć»ćć¼ćć§ćÆćććŖćć«ć®ē§åÆ Misu PÄfekuto: Ritsuka no Himitsu?)
- Yuma's Promise: Count on Dozer Dragon (ć¦ć¦ćć®ē“ęćé ¼ćććć¼ć¶ć¼ćć©ć“ć³ YÅ«ma no Yakusoku: Tanomu ze DÅzÄ Doragon?)
- Mama, the Crow, and Everyone are Working Hard (ćććć«ć©ć¹ććæććŖćććć°ć£ć¦ć Mama mo Karasu mo Minna, Ganbatteru?)
- Tatsuya and Yuma Fight the Super-Fire (ćæćć¤ćØć¦ć¦ććć±ć³ć«ćć¦č¶ ē«ē½ć Tatsuya to YÅ«ma ga Kenka shite ChÅkasai da?)
- Rescue Force's Vehicles are Targeted (ēćććć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼ćć©ć¼ć¹ć®ćć¼ćÆć« Nerawareta ResukyÅ« FÅsu no BÄ«kuru?)
- Haekaen Blown Away: Turbo Dragon (ććØć«ćØć³ćå¹ćé£ć°ćććæć¼ććć©ć“ć³ Haekaen o Fukitobase: TÄbo Doragon?)
- The Striker is in a Pinch! Go Three-Piece Combination (ć¹ćć©ć¤ć«ć¼ććć³ćļ¼ćććäøä½åä½ SutoraikÄ ga Pinchi! Iku zo Santai Gattai?)
- Tama-chan vs. Chukaen (ćæćć”ććVSćć„ć¦ć«ćØć³ Tamachan BÄsasu ChÅ«kaen?)
- The Heart-filled Hometown, Protect Downtown from the Sea of Flames (åæć®ćµćććØćäøēŗćē«ć®ęµ·ććå®ć Kokoro no Furusato, Shitamachi o Hi no Umi kara Mamore?)
- The Zoo is in Trouble: Also Ritsuka's Weakness (åē©åććććøććććć¦ćŖćć«ć®å¼±ē¹ DÅbutsuen ga Taihen: Soshite Ritsuka no Jakuten?)
- I'll Protect the School: Beyond the Smile (å¦åćÆćŖć¬ćć¾ćććē¬é”ć®åććå“ Gakuen wa Ore ga Mamoru: Egao no MukÅgawa?)
- A Super-Fire On the Sea! Arrival of the Mysterious Jets (č¶ ē«ē½ćÆęµ·ć®äøļ¼åŗē¾ćč¬ć®ćøć§ćć ChÅkasai wa Umi no Ue! Shutsugen, Nazo no Jetto?)
- New Friends: Enter the Sky Team (ę°ććŖć仲éćåŗå “ćć¹ć«ć¤ćć¼ć Aratanaru Nakama: ShutsujÅ, Sukai ChÄ«mu?)
- Make the Sky Combination! Super Jet Falcon (ćććć¹ć«ć¤åä½ļ¼ć¹ć¼ćć¼ćøć§ćććć”ć«ć³ć³ Kimero Sukai Gattai! SÅ«pÄ Jetto Farukon?)
- Fly High, Heli Falcon (é«ćčćäøćććććŖćć”ć«ć³ć³ Takaku Maiagare, Heri Farukon?)
- A Super-Fire in the Space!? Take Off Fire Phoenix (å®å®ć§č¶ ē«ē½ļ¼ļ¼é£ć³ćć¦ćć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ćć§ćććÆć¹ UchÅ« de ChÅkasai!? Tobitate FaiÄ Fenikkusu?)
- Five-Piece Combination! The Great Wyvern is Born (äŗä½åä½ļ¼čŖēćć°ć¬ć¼ććÆć¤ćć¼ć³ Gotai Gattai! TanjÅ, GurÄto WaibÄn?)
- Recovering Your Partner's Memory (ēøę£ć®čØę¶ććØććć©ć AibÅ no Kioku o Torimodose?)
- Swimsuit Suit-up: Special Training at the Beach (ę°“ēć§ēč£ ćęøć®ē¹å„čØē·“ Mizugi de ChakusÅ: Nagisa no Tokubetsu Kunren?)
- Explosively Extinguish the Big Typhoon (å·Ø大å°é¢Øćēé®ćć Kyodai TaifÅ« o Bakuchin seyo?)
- A Big Traffic Jam, Will Rescue Fire Make It in Time? (大ęøę»ćéć«åććć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼ćć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ DaijÅ«tai, Ma ni Au ka ResukyÅ« FaiÄ?)
- Ukaen Power Up! Fire-1 has Lost? (ć¦ć«ćØć³ććÆć¼ć¢ććļ¼ćć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ļ¼ćč² ććļ¼ Ukaen PawÄ Appu! FaiÄ Wan ga Makeru??)
- Stand-up Tatsuya: Use the New Vehicle (ē«ć”äøćććæćć¤ćę°ćć¼ćÆć«ćØå ±ć« Tachiagare Tatsuya: Shin BÄ«kuru to Tomo ni?)
- Wake-up! X-Basher (ććććļ¼ćØćÆć¹ććć·ć£ć¼ Mezame yo! Ekusu BasshÄ?)
- The Unknown Powerful Enemy: Jokaen (ęŖē„ćŖćå¼·ęµććøć§ć¦ć«ćØć³ Michinaru KyÅteki: JÅkaen?)
- All-Important Colleagues (ćæććŖ大äŗćŖ仲éćć” Minna Daiji na Nakamatachi?)
- Heated Man: Tsubasa's Kindness (ē±ćē·ććććµć®åŖćć Atsuki Otoko: Tsubasa no Yasashisa?)
- Captain's Past: GaiaLeon! Scramble! (éé·ć®éå»ćć¬ć¤ć¢ć¬ćŖć³ļ¼ć¹ćÆć©ć³ćć«ļ¼ TaichÅ no Kako: Gaiareon! Sukuranburu!?)
- The Blue Pearls' Secrets: Seven-Piece Combination Completed! (éćē ć®ē§åÆćå®ęćäøä½åä½ļ¼ Aoki Tama no Himitsu: Kansei, Nanatai Gattai!?)
- Ritsuka is Overwhelmed: The Proud GaiaLeon (ćŖćć«ććæćøćæćøćčŖćé«ćć¬ć¤ć¢ć¬ćŖć³ Ritsuka mo Tajitaji: Hokoritakaki Gaiareon?)
- The Powers Combined: Wyvern Cannon Go Forth! (åćåćććććÆć¤ćć¼ć³ćć£ćć³ēŗåļ¼ Chikara o Awasero: WaibÄn Kyanon HatsudÅ!?)
- Driven into a Corner: Tama-chan Suits Up!? (ēµ¶ä½ēµ¶å½ććæćć”ććēč£ ļ¼ļ¼ Zettai Zetsumei: Tamachan ChakusÅ!??)
- Report to Father, Jun's Rescue Spirit (ē¶ć«ćØć©ćććøć„ć³ć®ć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼é Chichi ni Todoke, Jun no ResukyÅ« Damashii?)
- Get the Second Blue Pearl (äŗć¤ē®ć®éćē ćęć«å „ćć Futatsume no Aoki Tama o Te ni Irero?)
- Emergency Dispatch: Rescue Force (ē·ę„åŗå “ćć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼ćć©ć¼ć¹ KinkyÅ« ShutsujÅ: ResukyÅ« FÅsu?)
- Save the Earth: Great Wyvern GX (å°ēćęććć°ć¬ć¼ććÆć¤ćć¼ć³ļ¼§ļ¼ø ChikyÅ« o Sukue: GurÄto WaibÄn JÄ« Ekkusu?)
- Special Training: With Teamwork We are One! (ē¹å„čØē·“ććć¼ć ćÆć¼ćÆć§ć²ćØć¤ć«ćŖćļ¼ Tokubetsu Kunren: ChÄ«muwÄku de Hitotsu ni Nare!?)
- A Super-Fire in Nagoya City? Rescue Fire, Emergency Dispatch (åå¤å±ć·ćć£ć§č¶ ē«ē½ļ¼ć¬ć¹ćć„ćć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ćē·ę„åŗå “ Nagoya Siti de ChÅkasai? ResukyÅ« FaiÄ, KinkyÅ« ShutsujÅ?)
- Save the Koala! Rescue Spirit and Kishimen Spirit (ć³ć¢ć©ćęćļ¼ć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼éćØććććé Koara o Sukue! ResukyÅ« Damashii to Kishimen Damashii?)
- Jokaen is still Alive: Nagoya Castle, Duel at the Tower Keep (ēćć¦ćććøć§ć¦ć«ćØć³ćåå¤å±åć天å®é£ć®ę±ŗé Ikiteita JÅkaen: NagoyajÅ, Tenshukaku no KettÅ?)
- Captain Taiga, Returning to his Hometown!? (å¤§ę²³éé·ćę é·ćøåø°ćļ¼ļ¼ Taiga TaichÅ, KokyÅ e Kaeu!??)
- Suit Up, Double 1! Friendship's New Rescue Combination (ēč£ ćććććć«ļ¼ļ¼åę ć®ę°ć¬ć¹ćć„ć¼åä½ ChakusÅ seyo, Daburu Wan! YÅ«jÅ no Shin ResukyÅ« Gattai?)
- Chocolate Flames: A Tumultuous Valentine's Day (ēć®ćć§ć³ć¬ć¼ććę³¢ä¹±ć®ćć¬ć³ćæć¤ć³ćć¼ HonÅ no ChokorÄto: Haran no BarentaindÄ?)
- Heated Promises: Tsubasa's Past Revealed (ē±ćē“ęćä»ęćććććććµć®éå» Atsuki Yakusoku: Ima Akasareru Tsubasa no Kako?)
- The Hijacked Fire Phoenix (ä¹ć£åććććć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ćć§ćććÆć¹ Nottorareta FaiÄ Fenikkusu?)
- Conclusion: Fire-1 VS Jokaen (ę±ŗēććć”ć¤ć¢ć¼ļ¼VSćøć§ć¦ć«ćØć³ Ketchaku: FaiÄ Wan BÄsasu JÅkaen?)
- The Greatest Crisis: Donkaen, Complete Revival (ę大ć®å±ę©ććć³ć«ćØć³ćå®å Øå¾©ę“» Saidai no Kiki: Donkaen, Kanzen Fukkatsu?)
- Make a Miracle: The Blue Pearls (å„č·”ćććććéćē Kiseki o Okose: Aoki Tama?)
- The Final Decisive Battle: Explosively Extinguish Donkaen! (ęēµę±ŗę¦ććć³ć«ćØć³ćēé®ćć! SaishÅ« Kessen: Donkaen o Bakuchin seyo!?)