Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Rebuilt Dinozords are modified recreations of the original Dinozords powered by the Great Power.


The Rebuilt Dinozords were originally stored in the backup Command Center lifelessly until Richie looked at their plans on the backup Command Center's computer, discovering they needed the Great Power to work. The three rangers managed to use their power coins to summon a part of the Great Power which energized the Zords. They first combined into the Neo Dino Megazord to fight a onslaught of Warzords sent by the brainwashed Lord Zedd and managed to destroy them one by one. 

Megazord Formations []

Neo Dino Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Lost Year]]

The Neo Dino Megazord is the primary combination of the Rebuilt Dinozords that is used for all other combinations. It can use a drill formed from the Tyrannosaurus's tail for the Rushing Barrage and Energy Driller attacks along with a bow created from the Pterodactyl to perform it's finisher, Dino Power Arrow. It also has a secondary tank mode.

Riding Neo Dino Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Lost Year]]

The Neo Dino Megazord can also ride the White Tigerzord for a boost of speed and extra firepower. The Neo Dino Megazord uses a enhanced version of the Dino Power Arrow in this form to finish off foes.

Full Firepower Ultrazord[]

Full Firepower Ultrazord
Megazords Used Neo Dino Megazord, Tor, Thunder Dragonzord, Silver Titanus
Series Power Rangers: Lost Year

The Full Firepower Ultrazord is a formation created when Tor, The Thunder Dragonzord, Silver Titanus and The Neo Dino Megazord combine. The formation's power lies in the sheer amount of firepower it is able to unleash at the cost of speed. It's finisher is the Full Firepower Banisher, A barrage of energy beams followed up by a charge at the Monster surrounded with flames.
