Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-gokaiger This article is about a/an Zord that doubles as a/an Megazord in Power Rangers Legend Pirates.

Quantum Rex Megazord is the personal Megazord of Legend Pirate Silver that is created from the powers of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Time Force Rangers and Dino Thunder Rangers. Quantum Rex Megazord's cockpit is the standard Legend Pirates console, but altered to accommodate Legend Pirate Silver's anchor motif along with two steering wheels for each corresponding arm.


Quantum Rex Megazord has three modes that are accessed by inserting the following Ranger Keys into a slot between the steering wheels:

Quantum Rex Drill[]

Quantum Rex Drill: With the Legend Power of the Time Force Rangers, Legend Pirate Silver gained the ability to summon Quantum Rex Drill from the 31st century - just as the Time Force Rangers did with their Time Flyers - by inserting the Quantum Ranger Key into the Anchor Scanmorpher and pressing the Quantum Ranger symbol three times ("000") followed by the Robo Knight symbol ("Call"). When another Time Force Ranger key is used in Quantum Rex Drill mode, it allows the mech to travel to another time period instead of merely the typical journey from the 31st to 21st centuries.

Quantum Rex Zord[]

Quantum Rex Zord: With the Legend Power of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Legend Pirate Silver is able to transform Quantum Rex Drill into Quantum Rex Zord. While it it isn't very strong or has a vast combat move pool, it is faster than Quantum Rex Megazord and better suited for close range combat.

Quantum Rex Megazord[]

Quantum Rex Megazord: With the Legend Power of the Dino Thunder Rangers, Legend Pirate Silver is able to transform his Zord a third time into Quantum Rex Megazord whose design shares similarities with Thundersaurus Megazord. In terms of combat power and prowess, Quantum Rex Megazord is the strongest of the three forms.


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In all three forms, Quantum Rex Megazord wields a drill as it's primary weapon. As Quantum Rex Drill, it is armed with four laser cannon batteries and the drill is mounted on its bow. As Quantum Rex Zord, it is able to fire energy beams from its mouth called Quantum Lasers and the drill is mounted on its tail. In Quantum Rex Megazord mode, the drill is mounted on its right arm and has two additional modes:  1) Trident Mode where the drill splits apart to form a trident for stabbing and slashing attacks 2) Shield Mode where the the two halves of the drill fold back and spin like a propeller to deflect enemy fire. Quantum Rex Megazord is also armed with the head of Quantum Rex Zord mounted on its right arm which it uses to bite/grasp an opponent before rotating its arm and tossing them away. By inserting the Quantum Ranger, Green Ranger, and White Dino Ranger keys in the steering wheel to initiate its primary finisher the Triple Drill Impact when Legend Pirate Silver uses the Legend Power of Time Force Rangers, Dino Thunder Rangers, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to summon all three forms of Quantum Rex Megazord who then combine their power into one powerful drill strike.

Legend Power Finishers

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Legend Quantum Megazord[]

When the Legend Pirates use the Legend Powers of the Dino Thunder Rangers with all of the Dino Thunder Ranger Keys, Legend Pirate Megazord exchanges arms with Quantum Rex Megazord to become Legend Quantum Megazord. In this form, Legend Pirate Silver's cockpit is teleported to Legend Pirate Megazord, appearing in front of Diego's console.

Legend Quantum Megazord's finishing attacks are the Legend Drill Spin in the way Thundersaurus Megazord used to unleash his finisher, and the Legend Drill Chomp, where Legend Quantum Megazord first slashes the opponent with the drill arm and then bites them with the Rex head arm.

Other Formations[]

  • Quantum Rex Megazord and Legend Pirate Megazord can combine with Falcon Formula Speeder to form Legend Pirate Ultrazord.



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See Also[]
