The Ptera Sky Zord is the sentient personal Zord of the Dino-X Charge Silver Ranger. It possesses the spirit of the Pterodactyl.
Even in its uncombined state, the Ptera Zord is a capable fighter and is able to launch bolts of lightning from its mouth which were strong enough to kill TBA when combined with the Dino-X Charge Megazord's Stego Sawsword Final Slash.
Appearances: DXC Episodes TBA
Ptera Charge Megazord[]
The Ptera-X Megazord is the Ptera Sky Zord's Megazord form and Silver Ranger's personal Megazord. Allowing the Ptera Sky Zord to fight in a humanoid shape, it can also be armed with other Zords in a similar manner to the Dino Charge Megazord.
The Ptera-X Megazord is very sleek compared to the Dino-x Charge Megazord, making it a good deal faster and able to deal out a lot of damage in a hurry with its arm blades. However, the Megazord's lithe frame means it cannot take a lot of damage.
The Zord's primary finishing attack is the Ptera Lightning Blitz, where the Megazord fires a stream of lightning bolts from the Ptera Zord's mouth capable of obliterating giant Spikeballs with one hit each in the episode "TBA" and weakening monsters to leave them open to other finishing attacks.
Appearances: DXC Episodes TBA
Dino-X Charge Megazord: Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation[]
The Dino-X Charge Megazord: Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation is the combination of the Tyranno Cannon Zord, Stego Chainsaw Zord, Tricera Shovel Zord, and the Ptera Zord.
The majority of the Ptera-X Megazord is formed back into the Ptera Sky Zord and placed on the Dino Charge Megazord's back, except the head, where it replaces the Megazord's standard helmet.
With the wings of the Ptera Sky Zord, the Dino-X Charge Megazord is now able to take its battles to the skies.
The finishing attack attack was the Stego Sawsword, Lightning Charge - Final Strike, where the Megazord would fly up high into the air and fly back down, charging up it's sabre with golden lightning in the process, before energy slashing the monster with enough force to end them for good.
Appearances: DXC Episodes TBA