Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-donbrothers This article is about a/an villain in Power Rangers Ancient Legends.

Prince Vargax is one of the main antagonists of Power Rangers Ancient Legends.

Character History

Please read the Rangerwiki page for his Sentai counterpart to find out about this section.


Vargax is a very calm and graceful man interested in human art. He often talks in a very poetic manner. Despite this, he apparently loathes greedy humans, whose unholy desires give birth to the Kizuki, the monsters that disturb and corrupt the world. To this end, not only does he hunt down the naturally formed Kizuki, but he also forcefully creates more of them from the humans with strong obsession and does not hesitate to cut them down, even when fully aware that his method is fatal to the transformed humans.

Powers and Abilities


  • Monster Creation: Vargax possesses the ability to turn any human with a strong desire into a Kizuki.
  • Enhanced Speed: Vargax possesses superhuman-like speed that allows him to move fast in the blink of an eye.


To be added


To be added


  • Motocycle: Vargax has his own personal vehicle to travel.
  • Unnamed Sword: Vargax wields a sword in combat.

Behind the Scenes


See Also
