Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a/an morpher/sidearm in Power Rangers Jurassic Order.

The Primura Blade is the transformation device and main weapon for Primura Knight.


to be added


"Primura Core!"
ā€•Primura Spirit Core insertion announcement[src]

"Primura Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

"Jurassic Ranger!"
ā€•Morphing Dino Spirit Core insertion announcement[src]

"Jurassic Arms Activate! (Rock riff)"
ā€•Transformation announcement w/ a Morphing Dino Spirit Core[src]

Before it became purified, the armor could simply appear over the user's body automatically. Following the armor's purification, the user can transform into Primura Knight by inserting the Primura Spirit Core into the Primura Blade before closing the "mouth" to complete the transformation.

Finishing Strike[]

"Grand Primura Break!"
ā€•Finisher Announcement[src]

"(Spirit Core name) Primura Slash!"
ā€•Attack announcement w/ a Dino Element Spirit Core[src]

To activate the Grand Primura Break, Primura Knight opens the "mouth" of the Primura Blade to initiate the attack, then "chomps" once to activate the attack. Alternatively, he can insert an auxiliary Spirit Core or Element Spirit Core then chomp to activate a variant of the Grand Primura Break, some with different names entirely.

List of attacks:

  • Morphing:
    • Jurassic Primura Break
  • Auxiliary:
    • Power Spirit Core: Powerful Grand Primura Break
    • Elastic Spirit Core: Elastic Grand Primura Break
    • Gravity Spirit Core: Gravitational Grand Primura Break
    • Velocity Spirit Core: Speeding Grand Primura Break
    • Guard Spirit Core: Guarding Grand Primura Break
    • Muscle Spirit Core: Muscular Grand Primura Break
  • Element:
    • Inferno Spirit Core: Grand Inferno Primura Break
    • Thunder Spirit Core: Grand Thunder Primura Break
    • Shadow Spirit Core: Grand Shadow Primura Break
    • Light Spirit Core: Grand Light Primura Break
    • Cosmic Spirit Core: Grand Cosmic Primura Break
    • Terra Spirit Core: Grand Terra Primura Break
    • Blizzard Spirit Core: Grand Blizzard Primura Break


  • to be added


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Jurassic Order Icon-ryusoulger
Tylanar - Owen Turner - Harper Brant - Zephiya - Eldarren - Hydrick - Galancer
Jurassic Knighter - Jurassic Bite Saber - Mosa Knight Blaster - Primura Blade - Omega Knight Claw - Paladin Knight Saber - Dino Spirit Cores - Mosa Saw Blade - Mosa Max Striker - Core Hatcher - Hydro Core Hatcher
Zords & Megazords
Tyranno Core Knightzord - Tricera Slash Knightzord - Ankylo Smash Knightzord - Smilo Sonic Knightzord - Miraga Spike Knightzord - Mosa Core Knightzord
Dimetro Flame Knightzord - Spino Thunder Knightzord - Shine Raptor Knightzord - Shadow Raptor Knightzord - Cosmic Raptor Knightzord - Pachy Brawler Knightzord - Pachy Cub Knightzord - Ptera Core Knightzord - Ptera Rex Knightzord
Rex Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Sonic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Spike Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Slash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Smash Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flame Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord - Trinosaurus Megazord - Hydro Knight Megazord Shadow Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Hydro Knight Megazord Cosmic Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Brawler Formation - Ptera Knight Battlezord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Flight Formation - Sauriapex Ultrazord - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Blue Formation - Triassaur Knight Megazord Penta Black Formation
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