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Powers From the Future is the first episode of Power Rangers Dino Super Charge of the Power Rangers series. This episode introduces the layout of the story including Lord Slerex's crew, the Paragon Prisms and the return of Keeper. The T-Rex Cannon Zord, the Stego Saw Zord and the Tricera Shovel Zord are also awakened, making way for the first combination of the Dino Super Charge Megazord, the Tri-Stego Formation.


10 years after the Dino Charge Rangers defeated Sledge in the past, three brave teenagers find themselves in possession of three precious artifacts in Keeper's possesion and come face to face with a monster who will do anything in his power to steal them for his master.


In outer space, Slerex's crew heads to Earth and think that the Paragon Prisms could be hidden on this planet. Slerex rejoices at Sledge's death and assures his crew that Earth will be theirs, with Loather adding how his older brother, Fury, is quite annoying, as is Poisandra, who he finds insufferable. To ensure that Slerex can obtain them, Screw sends Regravus to Earth so that he can lead an assault on humanity and reveal where the prisms are hidden and Washercon, whose mission was to imprison the Dino Charge Rangers so that they could not get in the way of their plan, something he successfully accomplished. Keeper, sensing a new evil coming and the inability of his original Rangers to fight, decides to return to Earth in order to entrust the Dino Super Charge Zords that Zenowing had created in the past the Paragon Prisms, valuable new artifacts created by the Morphin Masters as a last resort and entrusted to Keeper when needed, by binding them to their bodies.

Later, a young man named Lucas Coleman joins his friends and siblings, James, Ryan, Kyle and Kiera, at the Amber Beach Dinosaur Zoo, where they talk about dinosaurs. Everyone expresses having their favorite then they go to look at the fossils still present in the zoo.

Regravus arrives on Earth and attacks humans to force Keeper to reveal the Paragon Prisms. Lucas and his friends run away until Regravus appears. He tried to intimidate him in addition to ordering him to give him the Paragon Prisms, which Lucas did not understand, being scared to death. But Lucas took his courage in both hands and began to fight against Vivix. Sensing his courage, the Red Prism flew towards him and he obtained a fossilized weapon which transforms into a more upgraded version of the Dino Charge Morpher. Keeper appeared before him and quickly explained everything to him, thus initiating his first transformation into an upgraded version of the Dino Charge Red Ranger. Once transformed, the Dino Super Charge Red Ranger fights head-on with Regravus and sends him to retreat..

James and Kyle, being hidden together and far from Ryan and Kiera, see themselves fighting against Vivix and see that Lucas has transformed into a Ranger to their great surprise. James expresses his disgust at the fact that he was chosen to be the Red Ranger while his youngest brother finds themselves almost jealous that he became one. However, they still remained happy and that's when Keeper entrusted them with the Black and Blue Prisms which immediately bonded to them. They respectively become the Rangers Black and Blue to their greatest joy, except that of James who is not satisfied knowing that his dinosaur is a stegosaurus but decides to live with it. The three summoned their zords, combining the T-Rex Cannon Zord with the Stego Saw Zord and Tricera Shovel Zord to create the Dino Super Charge Megazord, Tri-Stego Formation to destroy the Bot sent by Regravus, disgusting that these humans were able to obtain the artifacts he was looking for, while Ryan and Kiera, without knowing who was hiding under these costumes, witnessed the event from afar.

After their battle, Keeper makes the boys promise not to reveal their secret identity to the world and announces that they will now have to face Slerex and his crew.


Dino Super Chargers[]


to be added

See also[]
