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Power Storm 1 is the first episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge.


When five mystical pearls deep in the ocean near the coast of Summer Cove separated, chaos ensue creating dangerous storms near Summer Cove and a powerful evil known as Necron resurfaces aiming to find the pearls. Soon a wise figure, Gemini, and his robotic assistant, Alpha 8, seek out five teenagers, who just so happens to fall into the middle of the dangerous storm.


The scene begins with a thunderstorm across the Atlantic Ocean and near the coast of California

  • Underwater

There lies a glow, bright light far down to a hidden cavern; where tawny spheres are rested on a seal rock. Camera zooms form underwater to above water, across the ocean then flash.

  • Shadow Realm—(Ext. Kingdom lair)

Now it shift focus to a world of pure evil and then to a dark shadowy figure which appears

Shadowy figure: Red eyes glowing blissfully: "Finally the pearls of power are awaken!"

  • Summer Cove - (Ext. City View)

Camera zooms to a urban area down coast, twenty miles away from Angel Grove

  • Summer Cove high – (Ext. View)

Camera zooms to a high school where kids are walking inside

  • Summer Cove high – (Int. view)

The camera then focus inside the building where three friends are discussing about there plans after school

David: Okay! What about our plans?

Nathan: Looking deeply profound: What plans?

Alison: Looking at Nathan then answer him: The boat trip. I'm supposed to talk to my dad about using his boat, and then we will set sail across the seven seas.

Nathan: Okay! We are going to take our trip, but first let's rendezvous to The Hut.

David: Alright, I call Tyler!

Alison: And I'll get Rachel!

Nathan, David, and Alison all spilt up to go to their classes and wait til' the bell rings to go home

  • Underwater

Camera zooms into an underwater cavern, where five pearls are starting to illuminate very brightly and a rumble shakes causing the illuminated spheres to shine up in the surface

  • Shadow Realm—(Int. Kingdom lair)

Camera then zooms into a shadowy lair where the shadow figure is focusing on the pearls position, then enters a female who seems posed at the figure

Female: You saw them?

Shadow figure: Yes, my Elyria, I found them at last; it took over three decades and this time I will get them.

Elyria: But dad, what will happen if…

Shadow figure: I, Necron, master of darkness, will not let that Gemini to get them, not now, not ever!

Elyria: Father, you will have all the time of the world to get them.

Necron: screaming while turning to Elyria and his eyes glowing: No! I will not let him get it…and I will stop him if he does! Go Elyria now!

Elyria: Dad!

Necron: screaming furiously: GO!

Elyria leaves while he turns around in a ruling stance and views his eyes with completely red

  • The Cave- (Ext.)

The camera zooms to a cave on a deserted island almost ten miles from Summer Cove

  • The Cave- (Int.)

Once inside the camera, it shifts focus to an unknown figure

Unknown figure: his eyes glowing white: It's time!

Camera blacks out

  • The Hut

Camera fades back to a hangout for teens, The Hut, where the manger Zoey is helping out her customers. Then it shifts back to David, Nathan, and Alison where they find Tyler and Rachel at a table.

David: There you go, let's talk business.

Mark: Yeah, vacation business! Hey Ali, what about the boat?

Ali: I'll see, yet dad is going away in a business trip in two days.

Rachel: Well at least use your puppy dog eyes like you always do to get boys attention.

Ali: Rachel! I go and talk to my dad right now, see yaw! She then leaves

While Ali leaves comes Zoey

Zoey: Hey guys, I heard about your trip!

David, Rachel, and Tyler: all together: Hey Zoey!

Nathan is the only one not saying hey back

Zoey: Nathan?

Nathan: looking in a crazed look: Oh, I'm sorry Zoey hey!

Zoey: hearing an order: Oh, sorry guys I got to go; good luck on the trip.

Zoey leaves while Nathan is feeling sort of blushed at her; Rachel brings Nathan back from dreamland.

Rachel: Earth to Nathan, its time to be ready for the trip not dreaming about Zoey.

Nathan: Sorry, guys! Its just every time Zoey comes closer in my direction, I'm like the little white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

Tyler: More like that the purple cat to me. He and David laughing

Rachel: Tyler!

Nathan: Na, Rachel, you're all right enough with Zoey and onto the trip planned for us.

David: stop laughing: Right! Let's get ready and meet Ali at the docks. All of them stands up and leave while Nathan turns to see Zoey one last time before the trip

  • The Cave—(Int.)

Back at the cave, the unknown figure sees a vision in his mind and notice that five teens are in danger. Then the camera views from off-screen a robotic foot.

Unknown figure: Go out there and wait for our new guests; I see that they are the chosen.

Robot: Yes, Gemini! Turns around from the view of his foot and leaves off-screen: Aye, Yi, Yi!

Gemini: I feel a presence, Necron, the pearls!

  • Shadow Realm—(Int. Kingdom Lair)

Necron: I need the right time to get those pearls: seeing a vision of the five teens: No! They are not getting my pearls; talking to someone off-view: Go and stop those teens from getting to that water because I don't want Gemini to get to them first!

V.O from the shadows: Yes, my lord! Then disappears

  • Underwater

Back to the sea, the five pearls are shining too brightly and the ocean floor is rumbling higher and higher

  • Summer Cove's Beach

The others with their stuff see Ali standing with some of her stuff in a big bag.

David: Well Ali, what about the ship?

Ali: I persuaded dad for it and it was success; the ship is waiting at the docks for us.

Tyler: Well what are we waiting for let's go!

Nathan: Don't you guys see that a storm is coming?

Tyler: All in all, the best chance to leave now!

Rachel: Tyler is right; the best chance is to go now!

Ali: Second that!

Nathan: I just got a bad feeling about this! David: Well hope it's not seasickness because here we go.

Nathan: I don't think so!

Tyler: What now?

Nathan: pointing: Look!

Everybody turns around and see a solider-like creature along with krill-like creatures behind him.

Rachel: Replying to Nathan: You maybe right about that feeling!

David: Who are you freaks and why are you here?

Shadow creature: Stopping you! Ordering his army of krill-like creatures: Get them!

The creatures are proceeding fast and the teens are in a standstill, what can they do? The camera blacks out.

  • Summer Cove's Beach

The camera fades in seeing the creatures are coming toward the teens faster.

Ali: What are we going do?

Rachel: I wish I could help you!

David: The best way to continue our trip, we have to stop them now!

Tyler: Well what are we waiting for? Let' s go!

Nathan: C'mon! Let's do it!

The teens decide to separate and battle the krill-shaped creatures: David kicks most of them down; Tyler uses his sly moves and punches one of them to the ground hard; Nathan uses his football strength and rams them into to others like them hard on the ground; Rachel runs to a picnic table and jumps on it kicking them while one of them joins her, Rachel corkscrews him off the table; Ali flips in the center of them and moon swipes most of them hard on the ground; The shadow creature sees his army defeated and angered at the teens.

David: turning to the shadow creature: Like I say before, who are you? Shadow creature: The name's Vortix, I was sent here by my master to stop you.

Ali: From going out to the seas, we guess not!

Vortix: If you don't, I make it easy for you to leave now or I will take drastic measures.

Tyler: The only place we are going is out at the sea.

Vortix: Well, you been warned now here's a taste of your consequences: bringing out his sword, he shoots electrical energy at them.

The energy blasts the teens out the sky then onto the ground hard.

Ali: He's too strong! We got to leave and head to the boat now!

Rachel: Immediately, c'mon!

The teens stands up still shaken and departs to the docks while Vortix is continuing to blasts them and misses coincidently.

Vortix: This isn't over! Suddenly, he disappears

  • The Docks

The teens run to the docks then onto Ali's dad's boat; Nathan decides to helm the wheel and the ship leaves dock and into the sea.

  • The Hut

Almost finishing her order, Zoey sees a storm fast approaching out in the seas.

Zoey: worrying about her friends: I hope they are all right!

  • Shadow Realm— (Int. Kingdom Lair)

Vortix: appearing in front of Necron: Sorry my lord, I have failed you!

Necron: Don't worry about it Vortix, seeing a storm is approaching near them I let the waves crush them instead.

Vortix: And soon they are gone, Gemini will be defeated and the pearls will finally be in your grasp.

Necron: Yes, Vortix, yet I need to get rid of the city first in order to succeed my goal!

  • The Sea

The camera shifts to the boat where the teens are sailing through the rapid sea

Rachel: Looking back at the beach: What was that?

Ali: You mean those krill-like creatures that almost try to stop us!

Tyler: Or that warrior-like creature that almost try to destroy us!

David: It doesn't matter because their gone and we're here focus on our trip.

Nathan: seeing treacherous waves coming close: Guys, I think those creatures are least of our worries.

David: looking at Nathan: What?

Nathan: pointing to the waves: That!

The rapid waves are crushing the boat while Nathan tries to control the boat; the others are in a perilous situation where the waves are rocking the boat really hard. Then all of a sudden, the teens have to jump off the boat while itself flips overboard; All of the sudden, the boat is upside down and the camera blacks out.

  • Deserted Island

The camera fades back to the familiar island where the teens are laying there seemingly unconsciousness, yet they soon hears a strange voice from the background.

Voice: Wake up!

David: wakes up and see that they landed somehow on an island: Where are we? What is this place? Seeing his friends still lying down approaches them and wakes them up.

Tyler: What happened? Where…

David: Don't worry about why we here and where we are, just how we are going to escape.

Nathan, Rachel, and Ali soon comes to where David and Tyler are

Nathan: About that escape route…

Tyler: What now Mr. Danger Magnet?

Rachel: The boat is gone: viewing the destruction.

Ali: Oh no! Dad is going to kill me!

David: Well, I guess we can't know how your father is going to react if we here, abandoned and shipwrecked.

Tyler: Don't forget hungry.

Rachel: action?

Tyler: No food!

Ali: seeing a cave close by: I think that's a cave over there.

Nathan: Well at least we got shelter.

  • The Cave- (Int.)

The teens enter the cave where a funny-like voice can be heard.

Ali: Hear that?

Rachel: Hear what? You sound like Nathan for a sudden.

Ali: No, I thought I heard something. Hearing the voice again: I hear it again!

Nathan: I heard that to!

Tyler: What is it?

Suddenly a figure can be seen and the camera views down between its legs.

David: Over there, who…

The figure reveals to be another version of Alpha and seems to be pleased.

Alpha 8: Welcome, Aye, Yi, Yi, Yi!

Feeling the confused, the teens have nowhere to go but to accept the invitation.

To Be Continued…


Unmorphed Rangers[]


  • Gemini
  • Alpha 8
  • Zoey
  • Max


  • Necron
    • Elyria
    • Vortix
    • Grantor
    • Symbolites


  • First appearances of David, Tyler, Nathan, Rachel, and Ali.
  • First time the rangers remained morphed.
  • First appearances of the main allies: Gemini and Alpha 8
  • First appearances of the villains: Necron, Elyria, Vortix, Grantor, and the Symbolites.
  • First appearances of the human allies, Zoey and Max
  • First appearances of the Pearls of Power
  • This is the first episode of Ocean Charge.