Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This article, Power Rangers Ultra Sun, is property of KarinKazuki.

Power Rangers Ultra Sun is the 6th season of Power Rangers. The series revolves around and features real-world animals or mythical creatures based on folklore and a movie and video game Pokemon. In 2018, it will be replaced by Power Rangers Potter Secrets as part of the Super Hero Time block.


Shadow Mewtwo defeated Elms of Spheres King and Spheres were throned into the Darkest Rivers that Leads to Pokemon Hero Center. Mewtwo returns to finds the sphere, but he was too late, Their mission is to defend Earth from Shadow Mewtwo, On his side are his minions Cavernous and Ocavous, but Three Rangers have formed into beast animals with super powers to restore earth back to normal. Ash Ketchum who is now the commander of Pokémon Hero center seeks out new members who he saw competitive and brilliant case members. He leads three filed students: popular football player Rocky Ketchum (who is Ash Ketchum son), creative artist Dounja James, and aspiring scientist Kalvin West into becoming the next generation of Rangers, the Power Rangers Ultra Sun. but the Rangers get an two extra ally in form of the mysterious, Kirton West and Mason Jester.



Designation Role
Ultra Sun Red Ranger Rocky Ketchum
Ultra Sun Blue Ranger Dounja James
Ultra Sun Yellow Ranger Kalvin West
Ultra Sun Green Ranger Kirton West
Ultra Sun Black Ranger Mason Jester


Pokemon Hero Center[]

  • Commander Ash Ketchum (Rocky Father)
    • Professor Samuel Oak
    • Lusty


  • The Tournament
    • Leaders
      • Shadow Mewtwo
    • Generals
      • Cavernous
      • Ocavous
        • Mini Ocavous


Transformation Devices[]

  • Pokemon Go Morpher
    • Charizard Sphere
    • Piplup Sphere
    • Pikachu Sphere
  • Pokemon Sun Go Morpher
    • Bulbasaur Sphere
    • Rhydon Sphere

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Pokemon Ultra Sun Spheres


  • Pokemon Blade
  • Pokemon Blaster



Legend: piloted mecha, 2-person mecha, auxiliary mecha
  • Pokemon Go Ultrazord
    • Pokemon Chamber Megazord
      • Charizard Gyro Zord / Charizard Battle Mode
      • Piplup Sub-Marine Zord
      • Pikachu Racer Zord
    • Pokemon Realm Megazord
    • Kyogre Jet Zord / / Kyogre Battle Mode
    • Bulbasaur Speeder Zord
    • Rhydon Drill


  • Cresselia Helicopter
  • Dialga Sherp
  • Cobalion Crane
  • Terrakion Truck
  • Virizion Motorboat
  • Xerneas Trenches

Additional Formations[]

  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Bulbasaur Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Rhydon Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Cresselia Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Bulbasaur and Rhyon Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Terrakion Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Cobalion Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Dialga Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Xerneas Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Virizion Formation
  • Pokemon Chamber Megazord Cresselia and Dialga Formation


Template:ArticleSO The episodes in this Rangers season are referred to as Chapter (stylized as #(chapter) (i.e. #chapter-1, #chapter-2, etc.)).

  1. The Past tells Us Something! (Rocky Debut)
  2. Find more Power
  3. Blue and Yellow Spheres (Dounja and Kalvin Debut)
  4. Battle Ruler
  5. Zords Combined (Pokemon Megazord Debut)
  6. Unleash Cresselia (Cresselia Zord Debut)
  7. Rich and Rags
  8. New Match
  9. The Tournament Crashes Earth Pt.1
  10. The Tournament Crashes Earth Pt.2 (Kirton West and Mason Jester Debut)
  11. The Fierce Bewares (Rhydon Zord and Pokemon Realm Megazord Debut)
  12. Brother Awake Brother
  13. Cobalion to the Rescue (Cobalion Zord Debut)
  14. To Much Bravo
  15. Crazy Bots (Dialga Zord Debut)
  16. Red Sphere vs Red Star (appears Galaxy Red Star Ranger)
  17. Ultra Spheres vs Color Stars (appears Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies)
  18. Massive Project
  19. Nerd and Jock
  20. Confession Pt.1
  21. Confession Pt.2
  22. Yellow vs Green
  23. Kings and Queen (Terrakion Zord Debuts)
  24. Dance the Night Away
  25. Sleep to the End
  26. Soft to Strong
  27. Rocky VS Shadow Mewtwo
  28. Dounja Art Club
  29. Kalvin and Mason Hunting Season
  30. Kirton Deadly Sins (Virizion Zord Debuts)
  31. Matching Spree Begins
  32. Lock and Cling
  33. Magic Spheres Land
  34. New Vision and Ending Spheres Pt.1
  35. New Vision and Ending Spheres Pt.2 (Pokemon Go Ultrazord Debut)
  36. Far and Far Speaking
  37. Rave and Bloody Scars
  38. 5 Spheres Powers Combine
  39. Folkore Story
  40. Shadows Climbs Through
  41. Face the Evil
  42. Ultra to the Max


  • to be added