Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Ultra Guardians (often abbreviated as PRUG) is the eighth series of the Adamant Series, based on the original idea by an Anonymous User. Its Japanese Counterpart is Uchū Sentai Kapuger (Spatial Squadron Capsuleranger). It chronologically follows Power Rangers Sky Raiders. This season is followed by Power Rangers Spirit Legends.


On an archipelago in the South Pacific called Ala'lolo, wormholes to a dying dimension begin to open up as creatures storm through to terrorise and capture the vital resources of our world in a desperate excursion that threatens to extinguish ours while delaying the destruction of theirs. The Paraddis Foundation, a company built on the protection of the native habitat of these islands, and well as the culture and heritage of the peoples living there, step up with the intention of fighting back this misguided evil force, with new recruits ready to take up the mantle of the Power Rangers.


Main Article: Ultra Rangers
White Oren Catchpole
Pink Susanna "Suzy" Paraddis
Green Holly Malone/Fetuku'hoku
Blue Liane Duprey
Red Reed Ka'kiawe
Yellow Mamane Sakamoto
Black Claudius "Claude" Paraddis


Paraddis Foundation

  • Jasmine Paraddis - Founder and CEO of Paraddis Foundation, and the mother of Susanna and Claudius. She is kidnapped at the beginning of the series by Zerolegos and doesn't reappear until many episodes later. After being freed from possession, she returns to her role as president of the Foundation.
  • Fabian Bean - Branch Chief of Paraddis Foundation. When Jasmine is kidnapped by Zerolegos, he becomes overall acting-president of the Foundation. Believing that the Ultra Rangers are too young and inexperienced for the mission and tries to have them reassigned or even shutdown. After several attempts and being forced to eat his own words, he finally concedes and becomes more amiable to the Rangers.
  • Vicky West - Assistant-Branch Chief and aide to Fabian. Unlike her superior, she is sympathetic towards the Rangers and often undermines here own boss in order to better aid them. She was best friends with Jasmine in the past.
  • Clara Farabel - Chief Medic and also aides with debriefing the Rangers before each mission.
Needle Warrior Mantorin
Masked Rider Metal Mel Farbrace
Masked Rider Royal Prof. Lake Savante

Ala'loloan Deities

  • Lali'ona - The Sun God and husband of Mahin'ape'a. His colour is white and his sacred animal is the lion.
  • Mahin'ape'a - The Moon Goddess and wife of Lali'ona. Her colour is black and her sacred animal is the bat.
  • Takuri'koko - The Storm God and husband of Pulele'hua. His colour is yellow and his sacred animal is the rooster.
  • Pulele'hua - the Sky Goddess and wife of Takuri'koko. Her colour is pink and her sacred animal is the butterfly.
  • Ku'toro'bulu - the Earth God and husband of Hileri'eme. His colour is red and his sacred animal is the bull.
  • Hileri'eme - the Sea Goddess and wife of Ku'toro'bulu. Her colour is blue and her sacred animal is the swordfish.


Necroqozma - The Dark Emperor of the Distorted World. Once revered as an immortal, all-powerful and all-loving god of light, now resembles the broken and draining husk of what his world is now. He sets about a conquest of another world to rehabilitate his own and is willing to destroy it in the process if necessary.

  • Cosmo - His human disguise which he used for a time to gather intel and blend in whilst allowing him to interact peacefully with the rangers and their allies.

Beast Commandos

  • Zerolegos, "the Absorber" - Floating and silently stalking.
    • Jazalegos - After having absorbed Jasmine, Zerolegos uses her memories and appearance to further the goals of her allies, even going so far as to use her newly acquired body as a hostage against the Rangers, especially her own children.
  • Mosqoteer, "the Bulk" - Boisterous and overtly muscular.
  • Cancenova, "the Fair" - A large and spindle-like incestoid.
  • Kalibfried, "the Lightning" - A mesh of wires and sparkplugs.
  • Cagyaselle, "the Stunner" - The princess of bamboo forests.
  • Cuttergami, "the Sharp" - The noble warrior with blades for limbs.
  • Engorgiant, the Glutton" - The largest and greediest.
  • Mantorin, "the Needle" - A draconic knight with the swiftest of motion.
  • Amamamass, "the Stacked" - Pilled up bricks and blocks that make a sturdy opponent.
  • Pyoirrot, "the Juggler" - A joker upon appearance, but a sadist in a fight.


Ultra Morphers Zium Crystals

  • Plain-Zium - Allows the White Ranger to transform and summons the Lion SolarZord
  • Fay-Zium - Allows the Pink Ranger to transform and summons the Butterfly Mythiczord
  • Leaf-Zium - Allows the Green Ranger to transform and summons the Hedgehog Forestzord
  • Sea-Zium - Allows the Blue Ranger to transform and summons the Swordfish Oceanzord
  • Flame-Zium - Allows the Red Ranger to transform and summons the Bull Magmazord
  • Spark-Zium - Allows the Yellow Ranger to transform and summons the Rooster Lightningzord
  • Dusk-Zium - Allows the Black Ranger to transform and summons the Bat Lunarzord
  • Drake-Zium - Allows the Black Ranger to summon the Dragon Legendzord
  • Stone-Zium - Allows the Black Ranger to summon the Wolf Mountainzord
  • Land-Zium - Allows the White Ranger to summon the Horse Islandzord
  • Sky-Zium - Allows the White Ranger to summon the Eagle Stratozrd
  • Buzz-Zium - Allows the Yellow Ranger to summon the Dragonfly Undergrowthzord
  • Bulk-Zium - Allows the Green Ranger to summon the Crab Fighterzord
  • Mind-Zium - Allows the Blue Ranger to summon the Tapir Psychiczord
  • Steel-Zium - Allows the Red Ranger to summon the Pangolin Ironzord
  • Spook-Zium - Allows the Black Ranger to summon the Deer Spiritzord
  • Frost-Zium - Allows the Pink Ranger to summon the Fox Glacierzord
  • Tox-Zium - Allows the Needle Warrior to summon the Scorpion Poisonzord

Megazium Crystals

  • Solar-Zium - Allows the White Ranger to summon the Bear Battlezord
  • Ocean-Zium - Allows the Blue Ranger to summon the Narwhal Battlezord
  • Lightning-Zium - Allows the Yellow Ranger to summon the Rat Battlezord
  • Magma-Zium - Allows the Red Ranger to summon the Tiger Battlezord
  • Lunar-Zium - Allows the Black Ranger to summon the Shadow Battlezord
  • Mythic-Zium - Allows the Pink Ranger to Sprite Battlezord
  • Forest-Zium - Allows the Green Ranger to summon the Owl Battlezord


Legend:◆ pilot zord, ❖ aux zord, ★ battlezord

  • Kapu Megazord
    • Lion Solarzord
    • Butterfly Mythiczord
    • Hedgehog Forestzord
    • Swordfish Oceanzord
    • Bull Magmazord
    • Rooster Lightningzord
  • Atua Megazord
    • Bat Lunarzord
    • Dragon Legendzord
    • Wolf Mountainzord
  • Olu'wa Warzord
    • Bear Battlezord
    • Narwhal Battlezord
    • Rat Battlezord
    • Tiger Battlezord
    • Shadow Battlezord
    • Sprite Battlezord
    • Owl Battlezord
  • Ma'atuizord
    • N'girazord
      • Scorpion Poisonzord
      • Dragonfly Undergrowthzord
    • Tapir Psychiczord
    • Fox Glacierzord

Alternate Combinations

  • Ilimazord
    • Crab Fighterzord
  • Akalazord
  • Ulalazord
    • Deer Spiritzord
  • Poninizord
  • Manalozord
    • Horse Islandzord
    • Pangolin Ironzord
    • Eagle Stratozord
  • Ton'riko Megazord


  1. End of Peace Part 1
  2. End of Peace Part 2
  3. Ultra Urgency
  4. True to Form
  5. Heart on Fire
  6. Touchdown of Friendship
  7. Lone Rival
  8. Wayward Son
  9. Making an Entrance
  10. Turning Heads
  11. Jabber Wocky
  12. To Entrance
  13. Mr. Cosmo
  14. On Alert 24/7
  15. Rise and Shine
  16. Nightlight
  17. Back in Black Part 1
  18. Back in Black Part 2
  19. Sparkplugs
  20. Angel of Darkness
  21. Diabolic Comedy
  22. Chasing Memories
  23. The Mechanical Princess
  24. Cut Above
  25. Sin of Gluttony
  26. A Warrior Turns
  27. Masks of Friendship Part 1
  28. Masks of Friendship Part 2
  29. Masks of Friendship Part 3
  30. On the Mind
  31. Send in the Clown
  32. Welcome Home Mother
  33. Blood Moon
  34. Stack Attack!
  35. Brief Reprieve
  36. Paradise Falling Part 1
  37. Paradise Falling Part 2
  38. Paradise Falling Part 3
  39. Dark Sun Part 1
  40. Dark Sun Part 2
  41. Dark Sun Part 3
  42. Dark Sun Part 4


  • This series is heavily based off the Pokémon Sun and Moon anime, with some liberties taken from the games and other sources
Blade Series
Power Rangers Rainbow ForcePower Rangers NovaPower Rangers Worlds UnitedPower Rangers Spectrum
Power Rangers Paradox InitiativePower Rangers Desert CrusadePower Rangers Forbidden Quest
Power Rangers DynatheosPower Rangers Grimm TalesPower Rangers Transcendent Kai
Adamant Series
Power Rangers Art of WarPower Rangers Earth-FivePower Rangers Knights of EraPower Rangers Divine Voltage
Power Rangers Virtual NytesPower Rangers Royal DragonsPower Rangers Sky Raiders
Power Rangers Ultra GuardiansPower Rangers Spirit LegendsPower Rangers Trigram
Nova: A Power Rangers MoviePower Rangers: Go Rescue and Grimm Tales
Power Rangers: SCANNERZ and Earth-Five: Battle For Cyberworld
Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Blade Series)Blade Series Morphing CallAdamant Series Morphing Call