Power Rangers Trigram (often abbreviated as PR3G) is the tenth and final series of the Adamant Series. Its Japanese Counterpart is Chōwa Sentai Pan'kuger (Harmony Squadron Pankuranger). It chronologically follows Power Rangers Spirit Legends.
Nine Thousand Years ago, the Eight Demon Sorcerers ruled over the worlds of men, until they were defeated and sealed away by the Eight Immortals. This key was presumed lost for all time until now. When the Key was opened, the demons were unleashed once more. When that happened, the legacy of the eight immortals was reawakened also, so now their successors will take up the task as the Power Rangers.
- Main Article: Trigram Rangers
☲/Red | Erica "Rika" Prendergast |
☳/Yellow | Shin Takamiya |
☴/Pink | Wendy Davies |
☶/White | Cliff Lawson |
☱/Black | Marcia Henri |
☵/Blue | Justin Stewart |
☰/Silver | Vonmur of Amor |
☷/Gold | Orruza of Amor |
The Eight Immortals: Eight former humans who were blessed/cursed with eternal life in exchange for the ability to seal away the Demon Sorcerors. It is thought that they are the previous wielder of the Trigram Ranger's power
- Erdgheist/Ernest "Uncle Earl" Faust - Immortal of Earth. Owner and operator of the local juice bar "Uncle Earl's". He serves as the mentor of the ranger's, providing them information, key support and research, as well as overseeing their absences are not noticed.
- Aratron - Immortal of Saturn
- Bethor - Immortal of Jupiter
- Phaleg - Immortal of Mars
- Okh - Immortal of the Sun
- Hagith - Immortal of Venus
- Ophiel - Immortal of Mercury
- Phul - Immortal of the Moon
Jacqueline "Jackie" Faust - The adopted daughter of Uncle Earl, though she also calls him her uncle. She serves as one of the waitresses for the juice bar. She is already made aware of the situation and covers for the rangers when they are needed on site.
Jaden Faust - Jackie's twelve year old son who is forced to hang around the juice bar on occasions.
- Main Article: Spirit Rangers
Flame | Takuya Hi'itou |
Light | Cody Hudson |
Wind | Isabella "Zita" Ornisianni |
Ice | Timothy "Tim" Heathcliff |
Thunder | June-Paige Collander |
Darkness | Zachary "Zach" Hudson |
- Main Article: Legendary Rangers
Amerthyst | Maisy Chen |
BlackTortoise | Oliver Greer |
2/RangerBlue | Tomaz Peeters |
GreenSpectrum | Jim Tepes |
Phinx | Cleopatra VII Ptolemy/"Cleo Lagid" |
AmonKnight | Isaac Schuster |
帝/Pink | Hayley Shimazu |
Light | Zane Rath |
Blue | Sid Katsumoto |
Sound | Melody Souken |
Hung Gar | Wayne Lee |
γʹ (Gymal) | Ubeuazer/"Ubway" |
Tiger | Sophia Saunders |
Celestial | Alvranir "Ahum" H. Urilominus |
White | Milo York |
Opal | Dawn Ormr |
𑄗 | Vurnan |
Black | Claudius "Claude" Paraddis |
Flame | Takuya Hi'itou |
Omnimast - Father of the Demon Sorcerors. The destruction of his children eventually lead to his reawakening deep within the Earth's core.
Eight Demon Sorcerors - A family of terrible monsters who once wrought havok upon the world until they were sealed behind their individual gates. Now that they have been released they seek to reclaim the world as it once was.
- Main Article: Eight Demon Sorcerors
- Draygo - Demon of the Magma
- Sefala - Demon of the Seas
- Tauron - Demon of the Lands
- Damphair - Demon of the Skies
- Jagga - Demon of the Mountains
- Yolneer - Demon of the Storms
- Manzit - Demon of the Woods
- Phragg - Demon of the Gales
Tarot-Gamut - An ancient dark magic user who was corrupted by the powers granted to him by the Eight Demon Sorcerors, eventually turning into an abomination. He was sealed a near a millennia ago when the Demon Sorcerors fell from power, but has now returned thanks to the unwitting assistance of the human who found the mask containing his evil spirit.
- Micheal Landers - Tarot-Gamut's current host body. Having unwittingly picked up the mask containing his evil essence, the dark magics surrounding it consumed him and placed it over his head allowing for the dark magic caster to return.
Chrome Commanders - The nine wraiths who were once loyal acolytes of Tarot-Gamut before they too were sealed within masks only to be reawakened when some unwitting Khagans were forcibly implanted with their evil powers. Now they roam once more in service of their master.
- Main Article: Chrome Commanders
- Ohr the Gold
- Gulz the Red
- Azorro the Blue
- Sabel the Black
- Arjen the Silver
- Vert the Green
- Celeste the Cyan
- Purpuray the Violet
- Sangween the Crimson
Khagans - Basic Foot Soldiers summoned from the shadows
- Zamurs - Elite of Draygo, heavily armoured
- Tenchas - Elite of Sefala, tentacled
- Zumos - Elite of Tauron, larger and bulkier
- Varms - Elite of Damphair, more bat-like
- Leajes - Elite of Jagga, small but deadly
- Razers - Elite of Yolneer, sharp and stealthy
- Preyas - Elite of Manzit, four-armed and extremely dangerous
- Znaps - Elite of Phragg, clawed and nimble
- Power Cannon
- Divine Sword
- Lotus Arrows
- Flower Blades
- Gourd Mace
- Flute Blaster
- Flying Castanets
- Drum Knuckles
- Razor Fans
Legend:◆ pilot zord, ❖ aux zord, ➲ carrier zord
- Illustrim Ultrazord◆◆◆◆◆◆❖❖❖❖❖❖➲➲
- Trigram Megazord◆◆◆
- Dragon Powerzord◆
- Rat Powerzord◆
- Ape Powerzord◆
- Triforce Megazord◆❖❖
- Ox Powerzord❖
- Snake Powerzord◆
- Rooster Powerzord❖
- Triana Megazord◆❖❖
- Rabbit Powerzord❖
- Ibex Powerzord❖
- Boar Powerzord◆
- Trident Megazord◆❖❖
- Wolf Powerzord◆
- Tiger Powerzord❖
- Horse Powerzord❖
- Vivaldin Megazord➲➲
- Tarasque the Carrierzord➲
- Eurasius The Behemothzord❖
- Heliosphere the Bahamutzord❖
- Pengkun the Shuttlezord➲
- Pacificus the Leviathanzord❖
- Stratos the Azizzord❖
- Tarasque the Carrierzord➲
- Trigram Megazord◆◆◆
- Power of Three Part 1
- Power of Three Part 2
- First Trial
- Mean Spirits
- Lost in Thought
- Second Trial
- Dark Vigilante
- Sleeping Bandits
- The Mask Part 1
- The Mast Part 2
- Seeing Crimson
- Third Trial
- A Compromise
- Rotten Love
- Try, Try Again
- The Second Tomorrow
- Red Night
- Setting Fire to Hero
- Back in Blue
- Red Edge
- The Treasure
- Eternal Luck
- Glowing Fortune
- Guardian Prophecy
- Emerald Roses
- Mi Amor Part 1
- Mi Amor Part 2
- The Last Heart
- Shield of the Souls
- Moonlight Miss
- Gold Spirits
- Never Fear the Yesterday
- Mask Renewal
- Pride and Future Part 1
- Pride and Future Part 2
- Call of Cthulhu Part 1
- Call of Cthulhu Part 2
- I Spirit
- Stop the Desire
- Power of the Rising
- Exit the Dragon Part 1
- Exit the Dragon Part 2
- Exit the Dragon Part 3
- Doors Closing
- New Awakening
- Last Chance Part 1
- Last Chance Part 2
- Last Chance Part 3
- Last Chance Part 4
- Epilogue?