Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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This article, Power Rangers Treasure Hunt, is property of Future Beetle.

Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in July 2016.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Year award in 2016.
Power Rangers Treasure Hunt logo
Power Rangers Treasure Hunt
Number 9
Number of episodes: 50
First episode: The Treasure Adventure
Final episode: End of the Line
Adapted to:
Adapted from: Bouken Sentai Takaranger
Author: Future Beetle
Treasure Hunt Main
Treasure Hunt Operate!
Production Order
Power Rangers Animal Elite
Power Rangers Planet Savior
Treasure Hunt

Power Rangers Treasure Hunt is the ninth season of Future Beetle's Power Rangers series. This season was preceded by Power Rangers Animal Elite and succeeded by Power Rangers Planet Savior. It can also contains elements from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive and Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. This season has Rangers theme as Treasure Hunters.


The evil overlord named Elemental Emperor has split into quarter elemental tribe leaders Flamestar, Devil Merman, Stormar and Quakelord who were trying to take the jewels away from Treasure Shrine, but they were sealed away by the guardians. Thousands years laters, Flamestar, Devil Merman, Stormar and Quakelord has escaped from their respective prisons and then they began to conquer the world. Shortly after the threat, the 5 teens are ready to finish the job to become Power Rangers and fight the new threat.


Treasure Hunter Rangers

Treasure Hunt Secondary
Main article: Treasure Hunter Rangers
Ranger Designation Character Vehicle
Red Treasure Hunter Jeremy Myers Monster Truck
Black Treasure Hunter Lance O'Donnell Tank
Blue Treasure Hunter Zachary Evans SUV
Yellow Treasure Hunter Cerina Webb Jeep
Pink Treasure Hunter Allison Watkins Van
Orange Treasure Hunter Hector Walker Race Car
Sky Treasure Hunter Janelle Lewis Speedboat
Green Treasure Hunter Mia Burrows Jet
Purple Treasure Hunter Miles Burrows Shinkansen
Aero Treasure Hunter Alex Humphrey Airplane


  • Professor Goodeve
  • Roy
  • Elite Rangers
Sentinel Chivalry Knight Sentinel Chivalry Knight


  • Joseph
  • Marissa - Portrayed by Italia Ricci


  • Elemental Emperor (47-50) - The Evil Overlord who was split into four in the beginning but Stormar, Flamestar, Devil Merman and Quakelord combined together to become an Overlord. Later, he can control the Foot Soldiers Whirlgrunts, Flamers, Aquaticks, and Groundlings.
  • Yellord (40) - based on Yellow Dragon and Kirin - created by Stormar, Typhoonic, Dragonax, Flamestar, Moltoxic, Flamewing, Devil Merman, Pteromaid, Tortrick, Quakelord, Golem and Tigeron, defeated and destroyed by Treasure Hunters and Animal Elite Rangers (Elite Teamwork)
    • Air Tribe
      • Stormar (1-7, 12-13, 16-17, 19-20, 24, 33-34, 40, 45, 47-50)
      • Typhoonic (17, 19-20, 24, 33-34, 36, 38, 40, 45)
      • Whirlgrunts (1-7, 12-13, 16-17, 19-20, 24, 33-34, 40, 45, 47-50) - Group of the Foot Solders of the Air Tribe as well as Stormar and Typhoonic.
      • Wind Warriors
        • Turborg - based on Turbine - destroyed by the Treasure Hunters (The Treasure Adventure)
        • Fanblew - based on Mechanical fan - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Ranger Pink)
        • Kitan - based on Kite - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Flight Mode) (Flight Mission)
        • Balloon - based on Balloon - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Flight Mode) (Flying Lesson)
        • Propellerella - based on Propeller - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the FirstClass Megazord (Bronze Skill)
        • Owlling - based on Owl - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord and Sigma Megazord (Typhoon Tremor)
        • Snowconeblitz - based on Snow cone - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord, Sigma Megazord and FirstClass Megazord (Cold-Blood)
        • Vacuumatrix - based on Vacuum - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Rescue Zords (New Zords Developed)
        • Blizzardinator - based on Blizzard - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord, Sigma Megazord, FirstClass Megazord and Rescue Megazord (Typhoonic Training)
        • Dragonax - based on Azure Dragon - defeated and destroyed by Treasure Hunters and Animal Elite Rangers (Elite Teamwork)
      • Evil Megazords
        • Hurricanator - based on Hurricane - destroyed by the Sigma Megazord (The Teamwork)
        • Blowhard - based on Blowhard from Mario Party 3 - destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Blow you Away)
    • Fire Tribe
      • Flamestar (1-9, 18-19, 21, 31, 39-41, 43, 47-50)
      • Moltoxic (21, 31, 39-41, 43)
      • Flamers (1-9, 18-19, 21, 31, 39-41, 43, 47-50) - Group of the Foot Solders of the Fire Tribe as well as Flamestar and Moltoxic.
      • Fire Enforcers
        • Magmorg (21, - based on Magma - destroyed by the Treasure Hunters (Gems Recovery)
        • Grillzard - based on Lizard and Grilling - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Ranger Black)
        • Tireak - based on Tire - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Speed Mode) (Wheels of Fury)
        • Gas Dynamite - based on Dynamite - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Speed Mode) (Racing for the Gold)
        • Ovenheat - based on Oven - destroyed by the Aero Treasure Hunter (The Bronze Warrior)
        • Volcanoman - based on Volcano - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the FirstClass Megazord (Volcano Eruption)
        • Torcheat - based on FireMan.EXE and Torch - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Fire Frenzy)
        • Charcoal Rock - based on Charcoal Grill Org from Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Fire Frenzy)
        • Magmato - based on Tomato - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord and Rescue Megazord (The Remaining Gems)
        • Flamewing - based on Vermilion Bird - defeated and destroyed by Treasure Hunters and Animal Elite Rangers (Elite Teamwork)
      • Evil Megazords
        • Heatferno - based on Conflagration - destroyed by the Octane Megazord (Summer Time)
        • Molten Hulk - based on Magma and Red Hulk - destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord and Rescue Megazord (The Heroes saves the Day)
    • Water Tribe
      • Devil Merman (1-7, 10-11, 23, 26, 28-30, 33, 40, 44, 47-50)
      • Pteromaid (11, 23, 26, 28-30, 33, 40, 44) - hybrid of Loinfish & Mermaid
      • Aquaticks (1-7, 10-11, 23, 26, 28-30, 33, 40, 47-50) - Group of the Foot Solders of the Water Tribe as well as Devil Merman and Pteromaid.
      • Water Combatants
        • Spoutsprayer - based on Waterspout - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Ranger Red)
        • Atlantis - based on Atlantis Temple from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Ranger Yellow)
        • Leviathan - based on Leviathan - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Surf Mode) (Boat Ride)
        • Sirenica - based on Siren - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Surf Mode) (Mystery of Mermaid)
        • Fishman - based on Fish - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Octane Megazord and FirstClass Megazord (Mermaid Love)
        • Whirldizzy - based on Whirlpool - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Treasure Scavenger Hunt)
        • Eelectrify - based on Eel - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Cold Blood)
        • Riptron - based on Rip current - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Seafood Wonderland)
        • Octorella - based on Mardakko from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the combined efforts of Relic Nitro Megazord, Sigma Megazord and FirstClass Megazord (Octopus in Japan)
        • Tortrick - based on Black Tortoise - defeated and destroyed by Treasure Hunters and Animal Elite Rangers (Elite Teamwork)
      • Evil Megazords
        • Coralizer - based on the robotic version of Coralizer from Power Rangers in Space - destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord and Sigma Megazord (Nothing to Lose)
        • Crabuster - based on Crab - destroyed by the Rescue Megazord (Mecha Power)
    • Earth Tribe
      • Quakelord (1-7, 14-15, 21-22, 25, 27, 40-42 45, 47-50)
      • Golem (15, 21-22, 25, 27, 40-42)
      • Groundlings (1-7, 14-15, 21-22, 25, 27, 40-42, 45, 47-50) - Group of the Foot Solders of the Earth Tribe as well as Quakelord and Golem.
      • Earth Lieutenants
        • Treehulk - based on Tree - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Ranger Blue)
        • Rockbuster - based on Rock - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Rail Mode) (Train Ride)
        • Wreckage - based on Wreckage - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord (Rail Mode) (Earthquake Chaos)
        • Sandor - based on Sand and Dune sand - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Power of Ten)
        • Mountitan - based on Mountain - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Tree Beast)
        • Treespike - based on Pine Tree - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord, Sigma Megazord and FirstClass Megazord (Tree Beast)
        • Mudslide - based on Mudslide - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Earth History)
        • Glyderock - based on Glyder Fawr - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord and Rescue Megazord (Treasure in China)
        • Bouldinator - based on Boulder - defeated by Treasure Hunters and destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord and Rescue Megazord (Treasure in China)
        • Tigeron - based on White Tiger - defeated and destroyed by Treasure Hunters and Animal Elite Rangers (Elite Teamwork)
      • Evil Megazords
        • Stonebreaker - based on Stone - destroyed by the Super ValveMax Megazord (Treasure in Mayan)
        • Sphinx - based on Egg Golem - destroyed by the Relic Nitro Megazord, Sigma Megazord and FirstClass Megazord (Egyptian Treasure)

Other Villains

  • Majestic Hunter
  • Ashiguard (40-41)
  • Lord Breaker
  • Rack Repulsa


Transforming Devices

  • Treasure Morphersā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦
  • Aerial Flight Morpherā™¦
  • Sentinel Battle Morpherā—†


  • Relic Revolversā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦ā™¦
  • Drive Defenders

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon

  • Neo Drill Blaster
  • Relic Swordā—†
  • Relic Axeā—†
  • Relic Blasterā—†
  • Relic Hammerā—†
  • Relic Trackerā—†
  • Relic Cannonā—†
  • Relic Fighting Finsā—†
  • Relic Boomerangā—†
  • Relic Lanceā—†
  • Relic Spear/Rifle Modeā—†


  • Hunter Vehicles
    • Relic ATV
    • Relic Bike
    • Relic Trike
    • Relic Car
    • Relic Truck
  • Hover Cycle


  • Control Driver: Used by the Rangers to control their Drive Zords, they fold into a suitcase form for traveling.


Legend: ā—† piloted zord, ā—‡ secondary piloted zord

Alternate Combinations


  • Episode 1: The Treasure Adventure (First appearance of Jeremy, Lance, Zachary, Cerina, Allison, Professor Goodeve, Roy, John, Stormar, Flamestar, Devil Merman, and Quakelord)
  • Episode 2: Gems Recovery
  • Episode 3: Ranger Red (Relic Nitro Megazord debuts)
  • Episode 4: Ranger Blue
  • Episode 5: Ranger Yellow
  • Episode 6: Ranger Black
  • Episode 7: Ranger Pink
  • Episode 8: Wheels of Fury (Hector, Janelle, Mia, Miles and Racer Drive Zord debuts in this episode)
  • Episode 9: Racing for the Gold
  • Episode 10: Boat Ride (Boat Drive Zord debuts)
  • Episode 11: Mystery of Mermaid (Pteromaid debuts)
  • Episode 12: Flight Mission (Jet Drive Zord debuts)
  • Episode 13: Flying Lesson
  • Episode 14: Train Ride (Train Drive Zord debuts in this episode)
  • Episode 15: Earthquake Chaos (Golem debuts)
  • Episode 16: The Teamwork (Sigma Megazord debuts)
  • Episode 17: Typhoon Tremor (Typhoonic debuts)
  • Episode 18: Summer Time (Octane Megazord debuts)
  • Episode 19: The Bronze Warrior (Alex Humphrey's first appearance)
  • Episode 20: Bronze Skill (Introducing: FirstClass Megazord)
  • Episode 21: Volcano Eruption (Moltoxic debuts)
  • Episode 22: Power of Ten (Super ValveMax Megazord debuts)
  • Episode 23: Nothing to Lose
  • Episode 24: Blow you Away
  • Episode 25: Treasure in Mayan
  • Episode 26: Mermaid Love
  • Episode 27: Tree Beast
  • Episode 28: Treasure Scavenger Hunt
  • Episode 29: Seafood Wonderland
  • Episode 30: Octopus in Japan
  • Episode 31: Fire Frenzy
  • Episode 32: Earth History
  • Episode 33: Cold-Blood
  • Episode 34: New Zords Developed (Rescue Zords debuts)
  • Episode 35: Mecha Power (Rescue Megazord debuts)
  • Episode 36: Treasure in China
  • Episode 37: Egyptian Treasure
  • Episode 38: Typhoonic Training
  • Episode 39: The Remaining Gems
  • Episode 40: Elite Teamwork (Elite Team up)
  • Episode 41: The Heroes saves the Day
  • Episode 42: Earth Destruction (Golem gets destroyed by the Rangers from being put into the lava)
  • Episode 43: Water Washes Fire Away (Moltoxic gets destroyed by the Power Rangers' Water technique Power)
  • Episode 44: Mermaid Despair (Pteromaid gets destroyed by Power Rangers)
  • Episode 45: Wind Howl (Typhoonic gets destroyed by the Power Rangers)
  • Episode 46: No Holding Back
  • Episode 47: Darkness Unite (This Episode stated that Stormar, Flamestar, Devil Merman and Quakelord used their powers and bring back the Elemental God named Elemental Emperor)
  • Episode 48: Chaos in the City
  • Episode 49: Troubles on Earth
  • Final Episode - End of the Line (Elemental Emperor was destroyed along with Stormar, Flamestar, Devil Merman, and Quakelord by the Power Rangers)


  • This is the first season to have a Earth Technology season.
  • This is a first season to have Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and Pink Rangers on the main core team.
  • This is a first season to feature the Bronze Ranger as the Sixth Ranger.
  • This is the first season to have the Villains with elemental powers.
  • This is the first and only season to not use the word "Ranger" for their designation, but "Hunter" is their designation instead.

See Also

Future Beetle

Power Rangers Birds of Prey ā€¢ Power Rangers Mystic Defenders ā€¢ Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Miracle Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Trigger ā€¢ Power Rangers Predator Adventure ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Treasure Hunt ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Savior ā€¢ Power Rangers Royal Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Police Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Spirits ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Turbo Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Task ā€¢ Power Rangers Arctic Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle Squadron ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Frenzy ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninjetti Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Aqua Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Ronin ā€¢ Power Rangers Engine Drive ā€¢ Power Rangers Stratoforce ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Sports Skill ā€¢ Power Rangers Prism ā€¢ Power Rangers Reptile Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Gemstone ā€¢ Power Rangers Jurassic Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Feline Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Lightspeed Accelerate ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Cyber Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Zenith Unit ā€¢ Power Rangers Savage Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Safari ā€¢ Power Rangers Constellation Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Time Crusades ā€¢ Power Rangers Nova Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Steel ā€¢ Power Rangers Western Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Dino Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Mario Kart (Future Beetle Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Chaos Powers ā€¢ Power Rangers Grid Busters ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Ninja ā€¢ Power Rangers Game Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Military Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Galaxy Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Samurai ā€¢ Power Rangers Knight Force

Bouken Sentai Takaranger ā€¢ Wakusei Sentai Taiyokeiger ā€¢ Chōshinsei Sentai Kyuranger ā€¢ Kōji Sentai Digranger
Former Series
Power Rangers Jungle Justice ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Tamers ā€¢ Power Rangers: Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Rangers ā€¢ Power Rangers Smash Alliance ā€¢ Power Rangers Mushroom Kingdom Warriors ā€¢ Power Rangers Mobius Quest ā€¢ Shape Madness vs. Shape Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix Crossover
Other Works
Power Rangers Wild Avengers (w/ MP6)
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