Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Power Rangers Time Crusades is the fortieth season of Future Beetle's Power Rangers series. This season was preceded by Power Rangers Planet Force and succeeded by Power Rangers Nova Squad. It was created by Future Beetle as the 40th season. And it also has a Time Travellers and Special Ops motif.




Main article: Time Crusaders
Ranger Designation Character
Red Time Crusader Nigel
Black Time Crusader Ian
White Time Crusader Lois
Yellow Time Crusader Emmanuel
Pink Time Crusader Brenda
Bronze Time Crusader Wrench

Extra Time Crusaders[]

Ranger Designation Character
Purple Time Crusader Lawrence
Orange Time Crusader Grant



  • Zrax
  • Marauder
  • Nadiatrix
  • Timebreaker
  • Arcannon
  • Crunchbots


  • Time Morphers
  • Crusade Striker
    • Crusade Saber
    • Crusade Lance
    • Crusade Blaster
    • Crusade Axe
    • Crusade Bow


  • Red Car Crusade Zord
  • Black Van Crusade Zord
  • White SUV Crusade Zord
  • Yellow Truck Crusade Zord
  • Pink Jeep Crusade Zord
  • Bronze Battleship Crusade Zord



  • Power Rangers Time Crusades is the first and only season not to feature the Blue Ranger and Green Ranger. However, the Black Ranger will take over the Blue Ranger's place, and the White Ranger will take over the Green Ranger's place as well.
    • Despite the fact, Super Megaforce Blue Ranger/Blue Stratoforce Ranger will transform into Black Time Crusader, and Super Megaforce Green Ranger/Green Stratoforce Ranger will transform into the male version of White Time Crusader during the Legendary Ranger Mode: Time Crusades.

Future Beetle

Power Rangers Birds of PreyPower Rangers Mystic DefendersPower Rangers: Vehicle SquadPower Rangers Miracle BrigadePower Rangers Space TriggerPower Rangers Predator AdventurePower Rangers Dino QuestPower Rangers Animal ElitePower Rangers Treasure HuntPower Rangers Planet SaviorPower Rangers Royal QuestPower Rangers Space Police ElitePower Rangers Ninja SpiritsPower Rangers Shape MadnessPower Rangers Turbo ChargePower Rangers Animal TaskPower Rangers Arctic ForcePower Rangers Throttle SquadronPower Rangers Shaolin FuryPower Rangers FrenzyPower Rangers Ninjetti StormPower Rangers Aqua SurgePower Rangers RoninPower Rangers Engine DrivePower Rangers StratoforcePower Rangers Wild StrikePower Rangers Sports SkillPower Rangers PrismPower Rangers Reptile ForcePower Rangers GemstonePower Rangers Jurassic ThunderPower Rangers Feline StormPower Rangers Lightspeed AcceleratePower Rangers Ninja FuryPower Rangers Cyber MadnessPower Rangers Zenith UnitPower Rangers Savage ChargePower Rangers SafariPower Rangers Constellation ForcePower Rangers Planet ForcePower Rangers Time CrusadesPower Rangers Nova SquadPower Rangers Ninja BlitzPower Rangers Grand PrixPower Rangers Shape SteelPower Rangers Western SurgePower Rangers Wild Dino ForcePower Rangers Mario Kart (Future Beetle Version)Power Rangers Chaos PowersPower Rangers Grid BustersPower Rangers Space NinjaPower Rangers Game SquadPower Rangers Military BrigadePower Rangers Galaxy ThunderPower Rangers Ninja SamuraiPower Rangers Knight Force

Bouken Sentai TakarangerWakusei Sentai TaiyokeigerChōshinsei Sentai KyurangerKōji Sentai Digranger
Former Series
Power Rangers Jungle JusticePower Rangers ThrottlePower Rangers Animal TamersPower Rangers: Atlantis Super Smash Bros. RangersPower Rangers Smash AlliancePower Rangers Mushroom Kingdom WarriorsPower Rangers Mobius QuestShape Madness vs. Shape ForcePower Rangers Grand Prix Crossover
Other Works
Power Rangers Wild Avengers (w/ MP6)