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Power Rangers:The Next Generation is the first season under the sub brand of the same name. This season is the first to adapt previous Super Sentai seasons as well as the first to use footage from previous Power Rangers seasons (altough the latter's footage is only used if needed)
James Oliver is your typical teenager.......Except that his father (Who was kidnapped when he was only a year old) was a former Power Ranger.
Now with help from his other 4 friends and his dad's old command center they become the Power Rangers Next Gen to save the world from earth's newest threat Mr Enter (Who might have also had to do with James's dad's dissaperance) and his own batch of Putty Patrollers
Red: James Oliver
Black: Charles
Blue: Fred Macintosh
Yellow: Amy
Pink: Kristina
White: John (28-41)
- Alpha 7: Bulit by Tommy Oliver (James's Dad)
- Pops: Owner of the "90's O-Rama"
- Bulk:The oldest and most recent employee at the "90's O-Rama. Also serves as comic relief this season
- Carlissa: James's second love interest in a love triangle with Kristina tough eventual girlfriend after "Go,Go Power Breakup". While being mentioned in many episodes she's mainly in the background for the majority of the season (The only time she's been heavily focused as a character was in 2 episodes (17 and 23 respectively)
- Mr Enter (1-20,32-42)
- Putty Patrollers (1-20,32-33)
- Gami (1-20 ,32-34)
Emperor Stond's Timley Empire []
Stond: The Emperor Of Time (20-42)
Clockwork (20-42)
Green Ranger Clone (20-31)
The Cu-Cu Army (20-42)
- Power Morphers
Multi-Use Devices[]
- Power Coins
- Power Crystals
Communication Devices[]
- Wrist Communicators
- Blade Blasters
Individual Weapons and Team Blaster[]
- Power Wepons
- Power Sword
- Power Axe
- Power Lance
- Power Daggers
- Power Bow
- Saba
Alternate Forms[]
- Thunder Ranger Armor (20-42)
- Heritage Legacy Battlizer
Dino Zords (1-20)[]
- Ultrazord
- Mega Dragonzord
- Dinozord Megazord
- Tyrannosaurus Dinozord
- Mastodon Dinozord
- Triceratops Dinozord
- Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord
- Pterodactyl Dinozord
- Dragonzord (11-20)
- Dinozord Megazord
- Titanus the Carriorzord
- Alternate Combination Dragon Zord Battle Mode
- Mega Dragonzord
Thunderzords (20-41)[]
- Thunder Ultrazord
- Thunder Megazord
- Lion Thunderzord
- Firebird Thunderzord
- Unicorn Thunderzord
- Griffin Thunderzord
- Red Dragon Thunderzord
- White Tiger Thunderzord
- Thor The Shuttle Zord
- Thunder Megazord
- Alternate Combination - MegaTigerZord
Evil Zords[]
- Serpentara
Episodes (Work in progress, will add more soon)[]
1. The Not So Mighty But Morphin Power Rangers Part 1
2. The Not So Mighty But Morphin Power Rangers Part 2
6. You Are What You Pig Out On
7. Eye See You
8. Ticklesneezer The Friendly Troll
9. Charles's Birthday Knight-Mare
10. Boom Boom,This Clown Is Crazy
11. The Dragonzord Under Lake Riverdale
12. Spidertron's Deadly Web
13. Mr Enter's Frightning Garden
14. The Monster Bash
15. Hold The Wheel!
16. A New Reflection
17. Jealousy In The Shade Of Pink
18. Gami's Terror Audtion
19. An Eggcelent Plan
20.emperor Stond's Thunder Filled Welcome part 1
21. Emperor Stond's Thunder Filled Welcome part 2
22. Emperor Stond's Thunder Filled Welcome part 3
23. Go Go Power Breakup
24. A Trumpet In The Key Of E
25. John's Crazy Day
26. The Eye Of The Tiger part 1
27. The Eye Of The Tiger part 2
28. Waiter,There's 2 Monster's In My Soup
29.An Earth Day Disaster
30. Sacre Bleu! An International Panic
31. Dance To Stond's Music
32. Mr Enter's Revenge part 1
33. Mr Enter's Revenge part 2
34. Gami's Ranger Date
35. Shatter The Illusion Of Regret
36. Who Are You Again?
37. Freaky Sunday
38. There's No Businesses Like Ranger Businesses
39. Amy's Smoking Situation
40. Boom Goes The Scavenger Hunt
41. A Message From The Near Future
42. The Day The Villains Won
- The Springfeild Invasion (between episodes 36 and 37)
This is the first season where 2 Sentais are adapted instead of one (This is done so that a second season can happen without the first going on to long)
Dispite the Dragonzord appearing early on in the season The Green Ranger was not re adapated (instead Alpha controls him with a button on the command centers computer mimicking the orginal Dragon Dagger)
While not using footage from it the series also uses elements from Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters,Mainly with Mr Enter (whose name is the same as his counterpart except with just one word added) and Stond's Foot Soliders (The series itself would be adapated in a 11 part mini series next season)
This marks the first and only time an Alpha is credited in the opening credits