Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in February 2019.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been selected to be a Featured Series on the Front Page in April 2019.

Power Rangers Task Team was created by TerraDX, with production by Hasbro, Inc. This is also the first series in the Solo Era, whereas it's former successors were part of the Betaverse; which is now extinct. Also, its former successors are still part of the Novus Era.


In an alternate Earth, where society is more advanced, there resides an empire-like city known to us as Ultropolis. There are all types of financial classes residing in Ultropolis, ranging from dirt poor to extremely rich. But, the kingpin who is known as Julius Fisk is the ultimate ruler of the North District, and pretty much Ultropolis as a whole. Running Fisk Inc., Julius Fisk also has a task force associated with his company. In this task force, only the best of the best are assigned to take down crime. But soon, Fisk gets carried away with how much money he has, and starts to become greedy, and very angry at times. He has his science lab develop an energy serum called "Monstium-Y" , which is supposed to help him suppress these sudden waves of unusual emotions. But, he soon becomes addicted to Monstium-Y, and transforms in to a mutant we know as Intelon. Now, the Rangers must stop him and save the day!


North District



Red Task Team Ranger Phoenix Taylor
Green Task Team Ranger Wolf Luca
Orange Task Team Ranger Bat Shane
Aqua Task Team Ranger Shark Allie
Purple Task Team Ranger Rhino Jake
Pink Task Team Ranger Pegasus Kiera
Aerial Task Team Ranger Griffin Riley
Gold Task Team Ranger Tiger Luna
Giga-Strength Task Team Ranger Elephant Trey
Polar Task Team Ranger Polar Bear Frostbyte

East District

Ranger Animal Name
Blitz Task Team Ranger Blue Wildebeest Basher
Dagger Task Team Ranger Viper Vincent
Solar Task Team Ranger Lion Lachy
Lunar Task Team Ranger Bandicoot Crash
Overdrive Task Team Ranger German Shepard Blaze
Galactic Task Team Ranger Chinese Dragon Scorch

South District

Ranger Animal Name
Spectre Task Team Ranger Aqua Spirit of the Shark Sam
Spectre Aerial Task Team Ranger Cyan Spirit of the Gryffin James
Spectre Giga-Strength Task Team Ranger Green Spirit of the Elephant Tusk
Spectre Overdrive Task Team Ranger Spirit of the German Shepard Charlie

West District

Ranger Animal Name
Beast Charge Red Ranger Dragon Tommy
Beast Charge Blue Ranger Falcon Troy
Beast Charge Green Ranger Tiger Tristan
Beast Charge Silver Ranger Stag Beetle Kim
Beast Charge Dark Ranger Manta Ray Steven
Beast Charge Gold Ranger Hornet Billy
Beast Charge Pink Ranger Swan MJ
Beast Charge Purple Ranger Bear Harrison
Beast Charge Spider Ranger Spider Peter
Beast Charge Alpha Ranger Wolf Jack
Beast Charge Shadow Knight Mustang Draco


North District

ā—† Phoenix Blade

ā—† Wolf Daggers

ā—† Bat Wing

ā—† Shark Fins

ā—† Rhino Roller

ā—† Flak Blaster

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Ultra Bazooka

ā—† Gryffin Talons

ā—† Tiger Dualies

ā—† Elephant Whip

ā—† Polar Net

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Super Sword

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Mega Jet Blaster

East District

ā—† Mega Horn

ā—† ViperGun

ā—† Lion Shield

ā—† BandiBlaster

ā—† SuperSnout

ā—† DragoCrasher

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Power Ring

South District

ā—† Shark Fins

ā—† Gryffin Talons

ā—† Elephant Whip

ā—† SuperSnout

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Spectre Cannon

West District

ā—† Dragon Sword

ā—† Falcon Talons

ā—† Tiger Gloves

ā—† Beetle Axe

ā—† MantaRay SpineLasher

ā—† Hornet Stinger

ā—† Swan Stealth Bow

ā—† BearBashers

ā—† Spider Crossbow

ā—† WolfChompers

ā—† MustangWhip

ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—† Power Minigun


(Legend: ā—† - Main Zord ā– - Auxiliary ā—„ā–ŗ - Dual Controlled)

  • Ultimate Buster Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Phoenix Zord ā—†
    • Wolf Zord ā—†
    • Bat Zord ā—†
    • Shark Zord ā—†
    • Rhino Zord ā—†
    • Pegasus Zord ā—†
    • Griffin Zord ā—†
    • Tiger Zord ā—†
    • Elephant Zord ā—†
    • Polar Bear Zord ā—†
    • Eagle Zord ā–
    • Giraffe Zord ā–


Episodes will be known as "Missions"

  • Mission 1: Seeking A New Light
  • Mission 2: Recruit #TT23
  • Mission 3: North District Nuisance
  • Mission 4: Lookin' For A Break Pt. 1
  • Mission 4.5: Lookin' For A Break Pt. 2
  • Mission 5. Can't Get Enough



  • The Beast Charge rangers in Power Rangers Task Team have no affiliation with Gmiester001's Power Rangers Beast Charge fan series. If you want to view his version, click here.
  • The original motif for this series was wizards. They would have used Magical Orbs to transform, as well as using their orbs to control their megazords. The wizard themed rangers also had white capes, and no helmet at all!
  • Seeing as how the North District faces more serious and powerful monsters, they're the only ones with Zords and Megazords