This article, Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies, is property of KarinKazuki. |
Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies is the 5th season of Power Rangers. The series revolves around and features Space and Solar Systems and a movie and video game Star Wars. In 2017, it will be replaced by Power Rangers Ultra Sun as part of the Super Hero Time block.
- "Long ago, Human Planet Earth was in great danger by our own enemy Katar, Years ago before earth was form for humans, the Rangers fought many battles to protect Star Crystal. Finally, only one team can stop him, they are Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies."
- ―Narrator[src]
Katar has been waiting for the day of resurrection and destroy man kind earth and the rest of the planet universe, the day when the planets are . Her children descend secured with Star Crystal. Ten years prior, Mandalorian of the Star Wars Firestar Ship predicted this event, but nobody believed him. Now in 2016, He Chose his apprentices to give them a change to defend his planet.
Designation | Role |
Galaxy Red Star Ranger | Jesus Hutchinson |
Galaxy Orange Star Ranger | Tyrell Woods |
Galaxy Blue Star Ranger | Kristopher Ward |
Galaxy Yellow Star Ranger | Talena Catsroe |
Galaxy Purple Star Ranger | Burnedette Fields |
Mandalorian of the Star Wars Firestar Ship[]
- Mandalorian
- Baby Yoda (1-7,31-32)
- Vorshe Cooper
- Hammersmith Cooper
Vadar Dark Space Ship[]
- Leader
- Katar (1-40)
- Darth Vader (35-50)
- General
- Darth Nihilus
- Darth Hilou
- Darth Iola (1-30, 45-49)
- Space Evil Bots
Supporting Characters[]
- Power Rangers Minecraft Realms (9)
- Power Rangers Action Heroes (13)
- Power Rangers Sonic Overdrive (23)
- Power Rangers Mario Kart (30)
Transformation Devices[]
- Galaxy Brace ◆◆◆◆◆
- Lightsabers ◆◆◆◆◆
- Light Blaster ◆◆◆◆◆
Individual Weapons[]
- Galaxy SuperSaber ◆
- Galaxy SuperRod ◆
- Galaxy SuperBlade ◆
- Galaxy SuperNifes ◆
- Galaxy SuperLance ◆
Team Cannons[]
- Galaxy Team Bomb
- Galaxy Jet Shot
- Galaxy Space Jet ◆
- Galaxy Space Bikes ◆◆◆◆
- Legend:◆ piloted mecha, ✶ team-piloted mecha, ➲ carrier mecha
- Mandalorian Ranger ✶
- Galaxy Star Megazord ◆◆◆◆◆
- Galaxy Jet Zord ◆
- Galaxy Claw Zord ◆
- Galaxy Ripsaw Zord ◆
- Galaxy Wing Zord ◆
- Galaxy Flight Zord ◆
- Land Realm Zord / Landarian Megazord ✶
- Galaxy Star Megazord ◆◆◆◆◆
The episodes in this Rangers season are referred to as Solar (stylized as #(racing) (i.e. #Solar-1, #Solar-2, etc.)).
- Supernova Arrives the Scene
- Mysterious Vader Ship Landing
- Mysterious Unknown Arrives
- Blue Star In it's Peak
- Hurricane Wing
- Purple Atlas
- Understand the Task
- Five Galaxies Glows
- Blocks and Stars (mentioning Power Rangers Minecraft Realms)
- Jesus vs Vader
- Ah Oh Ay
- New Aura Breathes
- Time Travels Upon Us (mentioning Power Rangers Action Heroes)
- Stars of the Black Hole
- 'Galaxies Scares Earth (appears Power Rangers Minecraft Realms)
- Touch and Go
- Ultra Supernova Beholds the Rangers
- Fake or True
- Red Star Strives
- Orange Star Holds
- Blue Star Fights
- Yellow Star Protect
- Purple Star Pride
- Rangers in Danger?
- Our Planet Disappearing
- Coins Level Up (mentioning Power Rangers Sonic Overdrive)
- Avalanching the Top Pt.1
- Avalanching the Top Pt.2
- Engerizing our Aura
- Purple vs Fake Purple
- Fire up the Power
- Legendary Systems, Ready!
- Sibling Power (mentioning Power Rangers Mario Kart)
- Hyper God and Atlas Arrives
- Blue in Danger
- Girl Power
- Fated Retribution
- Vadar Dark Space Ship Crash Landing Pt.1
- Vadar Dark Space Ship Crash Landing Pt.2
- Vadar Dark Space Ship Crash Landing Pt.3
- Vadar Dark Space Ship Crash Landing Pt.4
- Lightsaber Ultra Power
- New Planet Upon Us
- New Mode: Vader Appears
- Clash Bloodline Rebellion
- New Powers? Old Sabers
- Emergancy Button Action
- Black Hole
- Fearless Giant Star
- Save our Master
- Stars of the Planets
- 2017:Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies vs Minecraft Realms: Evil Spirit Lingers]]
- 2018:Power Rangers Stars of the Galaxies: World Fantasy Destruction
Stage Shows[]
- to be added
Video Release[]
- to be added
- to be added
Video Games[]
- to be added
- to be added