Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Power Rangers Star Defenders The Movie: Invasion of Lord Drakkon is the upcoming movie for Power Rangers Star Defenders.


On an unknown planet, the Star Defender Rangers end up encountering a version of Tommy Oliver from another reality... where he is the ruler known as Lord Drakkon. It'll take more than the might of nine Rangers to save the day this time...


Continuity and Placement[]



Star Defender Rangers[]

Red Star Defender Ranger Hokulele
Orange Star Defender Ranger Toxin
Blue Star Defender Ranger Doggie
Gold Star Defender Ranger Bala
Black Star Defender Ranger Bullbot
Silver Star Defender Ranger Vul
Green Star Defender Ranger Connie
Pink Star Defender Ranger Iolana
Yellow Star Defender Ranger Mako


Gold Zeo Ranger Gold Zeo Ranger
Phantom Ranger Phantom Ranger
Red Space Ranger Andros
Silver Space Ranger Zhane
Pink Galaxy Ranger Karone
Pink Time Force Ranger Jen Scotts
Red Hyperforce Ranger Marvin Shih
Blue Hyperforce Ranger Eddie Banks
Yellow Hyperforce Ranger Jack Thomas
Black Hyperforce Ranger Vesper Vasquez
Pink Hyperforce Ranger Chloe Ashford


Lord Drakkon Lord Drakkon
Psycho Green Psycho Green


  • The plot was noted to be somewhat similar to the upcoming Shattered Grid event comic, but will be rather different.