Power Rangers Speed Busters is the thirty-ninth season of the Power Rangers series created by Heitorfred1.
12,000 years ago on the alternate Earth-25, a clan of demons known as the Anargnathor Empire tried to conquer Earth, but were defeated and imprisoned by a mysteryous group of warriors armed with weapons made of the legendary metal Turbochroid.
In 1989 A.D., fearing the Anargnathor Empire's return, brilliant scientist dr. Louis Clarkson develops an arsenal of weapons and vehicles made of Turbochroid. When the Empire eventually returns and the Speed Converters accidentally end up in the hands of five teenagers, they must come together to protect our planet as the Power Rangers Speed Busters!
Color | Name |
Speed Buster Red Ranger | Christopher "Chris" Hakim |
Speed Buster Black Ranger | Andrew "Drew" Hakim |
Speed Buster Blue Ranger | Gregory "Greg" Corleone |
Speed Buster Yellow Ranger | Tonya Hakim |
Speed Buster Pink Ranger | Tasha Harris |
Speed Buster Orange Ranger | Joseph "Joey" Catalano |
- Doctor Louis Harris
- Seelah
- Leaders
- Emperor Abbador
- Lord Devimaru
- Generals
- Master Leviat
- General Seppunin
- Captain Jazamin
- Priest Jinn
- Monsters
- Hengerock (1)
- Centigross (2)
- Pillketball (3)
- Strawmurai (4)
- Licktior (5)
- Anargnaghouls (5)
- Anteros (6)
- Spookpointor (7)
- Symphkiller (8)
- Akamaru (9)
- Primlord (10)
- Ruffianak (11)
- Jackalord (12)
- Dogumon (13)
- Darumacho (14)
- Lumpmorg (15)
- Tsantsor (16)
- Triceraskull (17)
- Hyomor (18)
- Poisonesk (19)
- Sumaster (20)
- Skelledash (21)
- Phantomask (22 & 23)
- Palmarius (24)
- Hellwolfior (25)
- Shellfish (26)
- Miclatnamus (30)
- Chainsaur (31)
- Reflexak (32)
- Nopperatu (33)
- Circuitus (34 & 35)
- Mnemodjinn (36)
- Mephismet (37)
- Gnomior (38)
- Thanatork (40 & 41)
- Gruelard (42)
- Ranboray (43)
- Chamorite (44)
- Tusklefant (45)
- Ariclopsys (46)
- Kimenast (47)
- Dragra (48)
- Barnactitan (49)
- Emerlong (50)
- Grunts
- Primges
Some of this season's episodes are somewhat equivalents to several episodes of the Everybody Hates Chris show, some in plot, while others only in a few elements.
- The Anargnathor Threat.
- Space Beast, Morphobula!
- Wicked Basketball.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 1 episode 3, Everybody Hates Basketball.
- Duel of Brothers.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 1 episode 19, Everybody Hates Drew.
- Night of the Anargnaghouls.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 1 episode 6, Everybody Hates Halloween.
- Wrath of the Anteros Beast.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 1 episode 14, Everybody Hates Valentine's Day, and season 3 episode 12, Everybody Hates Bad Boys.
- The Haunting of the Spooky House.
- Symphony of Destruction.
- Devil Doll.
- King of the Grunts.
- Fighting For The Wrong Reasons.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 4 episode 12, Everybody Hates Versity Jackets.
- A Bunny Adventure.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 17, Everybody Hates DJs.
- The 12,000 Year Old Jar.
- Toy Story.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 3 episode 21, Everybody Hates Mother's Day.
- The Lump.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 1 episode 16, Everybody Hates the Gout.
- Too Early To Mature.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 4 episode 6, Everybody Hates Doc's.
- Buddy System.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 6, Everybody Hates the Buddy System.
- Buried in Ice.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 13, Everybody Hates Snow Day.
- Deadly Poison.
- Sumo Battle.
- Racing With the Devil.
- An Orange Flash of Hope, Part I.
- An Orange Flash of Hope, Part II.
- A Dreadful Day at the Beach.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 4 episode 17, Everybody Hates Spring Break.
- A Hell of a Dog.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 3 episode 4, Everybody Hates Blackie.
- Selfish Shellfish.
- Fairy History.
- Abbador's Breath of Destruction, Part I.
- Abbador's Breath of Destruction, Part II.
- The Battle Continues.
- Golden Chains.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 16, Everybody Hates Chain Snatching.
- False Image.
- The Faceless Beast.
- Racers From Another World, Part I.
- Racers From Another World, Part II.
- Memories of a Friendship.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 3 episode 7, Everybody Hates Houseguests.
- Emissary From Hell.
- There Is No Such Thing As A Bad Book.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 4 episode 4, Everybody Hates the English Teacher.
- Abbador's Revenge.
- To Fight or Not to Fight, Part I.
- To Fight or Not to Fight, Part II.
- Joey's Inner Battle.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 3 episode 2, Everybody Hates Caruso.
- To Serve and Protect.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 12, Everybody Hates Hall Monitors.
- Make a Wish.
- Tough as a Tusk.
- Eye of the Beast.
- The Masquerade.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 4 episode 3, Everybody Hates Homecoming.
- Dragon Killer.
- Dirty Jokes.
- Equivalent to Everybody Hates Chris season 2 episode 20, Everybody Hates Dirty Jokes.
- Red Honor.
- Maximum Speed!