Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Power Rangers Space Strike is a fanfictional series based on an adaption of the Chinese Sentai series, Giant Saver Space Deleter.


In the future, the denizens of Earth colonized the rest of the planets in their solar system, creating the Terran-Planetary Alliance (TPA). When a race of war-like aliens from a dark galaxy declare war on the TPA, a representative from each planet is chosen to become a Power Ranger to form the Power Rangers Space Strike. A survivor from a world destroyed by the evil aliens heads to the TPA to lend his powers as the Purple Meteor Ranger to the Rangers to get revenge for his lost planet.



Planet Name Ranger
Mars Auggie Red Ranger
Mercury Hal Blue Ranger
Venus Theresa Pink Ranger
Jupiter Grayson Green Ranger
Saturn Maddox Gold Ranger
Neptune Apollo Black Ranger
Meteor Kyron Purple Ranger



See Also

Battle Strike Team: Space Deleter

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