Power Rangers Space Pirates: Gosei's Treasure is an American superhero web special written by Nathan10828, serving to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise. In the special, Ewan, Zion, Jack, Julia, Clare and Orion as they stop a new force of evil from capturing Gosei’s ultimate hidden treasure – the Gosei Galleon.
On April 25, 2022, Hasbro announced the reprisals of Ewan Hoyle, Zion Price, Julia Hoyle, Jack Borghton, Clare Hoyle and Cameron Jebo in their original roles.
Filming occurred in New Zealand over 12 days.
Post-Production and Marketing[]
A trailer was released on April 1, 2022 even if it was previously thought to be a joke.
Ten years have passed since the 20th Power Rangers team, using the powers of previous teams, defeated the Armada. After becoming true space pirates, the Space Pirates Rangers embark on a quest to find and acquire the legendary treasure of Gosei, mentor of the Mega Rangers, called Gosei Galleon. But during their adventure, they must face Badley's crew, a band of faithless pirates also aiming to recover this treasure for evil purposes. Who will be in possession of the legendary treasure? After ten years, an extraordinary battle is about to begin…
to be added
Continuity and Placement[]
- Power Rangers Space Pirates: The special takes place 10 years after the events of Space Pirates in 2024.
Super Mega Rangers[]
Color | Role | Actor |
Space Pirate Red Ranger | Ewan Hoyle | Himself |
Space Pirate Blue Ranger | Zion Price | Himself |
Space Pirate Yellow Ranger | Julia Hoyle | Herself |
Space Pirate Green Ranger | Jack Borghton | Himself |
Space Pirate Pink Ranger | Clare Hoyle | Herself |
Space Pirate Silver Ranger | Orion | Cameron Jebo |
- Ghost Pirates
- Badley
- Ewan Hoyle as himself (Space Pirates Red)
- Zion Price as himself (Space Pirates Blue)
- Julia Hoyle as herself (Space Pirates Yellow)
- Jack Borghton as himself (Space Pirates Green)
- Clare Hoyle as herself (Space Pirates Pink)
- Cameron Jebo as Orion (Space Pirates Silver)
- Geoff Dolan as Gosei (voice)
- TBA as TBA (voice)
- TBA as TBA (voice)
- TBA as TBA (voice)
to be added
Legendary Ranger Modes[]
- Legendary Ranger Mode for Gosei's Treasure:
- Space Pirate Red - Red Eagle Ranger, Cosmos Red, Skyship Battle Armor, Gosei Skyship Armor
- Space Pirate Blue - Battle Claw Armor
- Space Pirate Yellow - Blade Launcher Armor
- Space Pirate Green - Racer Cannons Armor
- Space Pirate Pink - Dino Fury Red Ranger (female version), Paladin Red (female version), Cannonball Armor
- Space Pirate Silver - Super Megaforce Gold
- This film has the same release date as the first episode of the franchise, Day of the Dumpster.
- This film is a special for the 20th anniversary of the franchise despite the fact that it was released ten years after the end of the series.
Callbacks to other series[]
to be added
See Also[]
- Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger - Super Sentai counterpart in Gokaiger. See comparison page.