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Power Rangers Shaolin Fury
Number 19
Number of episodes: 45
First episode: The Shaolin Assignment
Final episode: Shaolin Finale
Adapted to:
Adapted from: Bugei Sentai Jukenger
Producer: The CW
Saban Entertainment
Author: Future Beetle
Shaolin Fury Rangers (First 5 Rangers)
"Shaolin Showdown! Battle Unleashed!"
Production Order
Power Rangers Throttle Squadron
Power Rangers Frenzy

Power Rangers Shaolin Fury is the nineteenth season of Future Beetle's Power Rangers series. This season to have the Rangers with the Big Cats, other Cats and different animals modified. This season was preceded by Power Rangers Throttle Squadron and succeeded by Power Rangers Frenzy. It was created by Future Beetle as the 19th season. It also contains major elements from Gosei Sentai Dairanger, and Power Rangers Jungle Fury and minor elements from Battle Strike Team: Giant Saver.


Long ago in Rinza, there was an evil Shaolin warrior name Poison who tried to destroy the Temples but his plan was failed and the guardians sealed him underworld over 10 000 years. After his imprisonment, Poison was freed from his prison and began to take over the world. The five new teen becomes a new Power Rangers in order to save the world from destruction. Our heroes will save the day at all cost. They are Power Rangers Shaolin Fury.


Shaolin Fury Rangers[]

Power rangers shaolin fury super mode by hbgoo-daeb2gi

Super Shaolin Fury Rangers

Main article: Shaolin Fury Rangers
Designation Character Animal
Shaolin Fury Red Ranger Dane Wilson Tiger
Shaolin Fury Yellow Ranger Sarah Murphy Cheetah
Shaolin Fury Blue Ranger Michael Titus Jaguar
Shaolin Fury Green Ranger Harvey Pepler Leopard
Shaolin Fury Pink Ranger Chloe Stone Lynx
Shaolin Fury Cougar Ranger Reggie Morgan Cougar
Shaolin Fury Yin Yang Ranger
Yin Yang Panther
White Tiger
Shaolin Fury Lion Ranger Blaze Lion
Shaolin Fury Gazelle Ranger Freddy Price Gazelle
Shaolin Fury Bison Ranger Richter Stone Bison


  • Sensei Tao - Master and Mentor of the Shaolin Fury Rangers and father of Yin Yang.
  • Lin Chan
  • Mr. Wong
  • Geckox (1-45)
  • Chamelisa (1-45)
  • Razorwind (20-45)
  • Throttle Rangers

Kung Fu Masters[]

Animal Name
Crane Master Stealth - Taught Chloe the techniques of the crane, he is master of the Crane Zord.
Monkey Master Monk - Taught Sarah the techniques of the monkey, he is master of the Monkey Zord.
Mantis and Viper Master Reptile - Taught both Michael and Harvey the techniques of the mantis and viper, he is master of the Mantis and Viper Zords.
Panda Master Panda - Taught Dane the techniques of the panda bear, he is master of the Bear Zord.
Gorilla Master Gorilla - Tests Dane and gives him a Master mode, he is master of the Gorilla Animal Spirit.
Wolf Master She-Wolf - Tests Sarah and gives her a Master mode, she is master of the Wolf Animal Spirit.
Falcon Master Flight - Tests Michael and gives him a Master mode, he is master of the Falcon Animal Spirit.
Rhino Master Bash - Tests Harvey and gives him a Master mode, he is master of the Rhino Animal Spirit.
Fox Master Speed - Tests Chloe and gives her a Master mode, she is master of the Fox Animal Spirit.
Bat Master Wing - Taught the Rangers the techniques of the bat, he is master of the Bat Zord.
Shark Master Shark - Taught the Rangers the techniques of the shark, he is master of the Shark Zord.
Penguin Master Ginny - Taught the Rangers the techniques of the penguin, she is master of the Penguin Zord.
Giraffe Master Raffe - Taught the Rangers the techniques of the giraffe, she is master of the Giraffe Zord.


to be added

Gods of Hemisphere[]

  • Ryusax of the East
  • Whitiger of the West
  • Shellshock of the North
  • Heat of the South
  • Kirinlong of the Center


Rinzin Clan[]

  • Poison/Raishi - Evil Shaolin warrior who was the leader of the Rinzin Clan and also holds the spirit of the Cobra. He attempted to get revenge on the guardians for sealing him away during the war 10, 000 years. And later Poison achieved his super and true form as known as Raishi holds the spirit of the Chinese Dragon/Japanese Dragon. (1-45)
  • Chamelisa - An female half-human servant of Poison. She held the spirit of the Chameleon. She helps Poison to destroy the Shaolin Fury Rangers. (formerly)
  • Geckox - An servant of Poison. He helps Poison out to destroy the Shaolin Fury Rangers. He held the spirit of the Gecko. (1-45) (formerly)
  • Poisicks - based on Jiangshi

Overlord Warriors[]

  • Onijox - An General Beast monster that holds the spirit of the Buffalo. He has an ability to use earth element. (11-23, 45)
  • Killax - An General Cold-Blooded monster that holds the spirit of the Stingray. He has an ability to use lightning element to strike down at the Shaolin Fury Rangers. (11-18, 45)
  • Chimerax - An General monster holds the spirit of the Chimera. He has an ability to use fire element. (26-32, 45)
  • Squidtron - An General monster that holds the spirit of the Octopus. He has an ability to use water element. (25-34, 45)
  • Razorwind - An General monster that holds the spirit of the Swallow. He has an ability to use wind element. (formerly)

Dark Elemental Beasts Generals[]

Rinzin Beasts[]

  • Babooniac - based on Baboon - destroyed by the Shaolin Fury Rangers (The Shaolin Assignment)
  • Ostrick - based on Ostrich - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord (Kung Fu Lesson)
  • Crocogator - based on Alligator and Crocodile hybrid - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord (Shaolin Match)
  • Nardoom - based on Narwhale - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord and Crane Zord (Crane Technique)
  • Hyeniac - based on Hyena - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord and Monkey Zord (Monkey with Agility)
  • Croaker - based on Frog - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord and Mantis and Viper Zords (Strike for Goal)
  • Digmole - based on Mole - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord and Bear Zord (The Master Skills)
  • Crabash - based on Crab - destroyed by Shaolin Fury Cougar Ranger and Cougar Battlezord (The Cougar Shaolin Warrior)
  • Lobstalk - based on Lobster - destroyed by Super Shaolin Karate Megazord and Shaolin Kung Fu Megazord (The Cougar Shaolin Warrior, Oriental Day and Poison's Revenge)
  • Toadread - based on Toad - destroyed by Shaolin Kung Fu Megazord (Oriental Day)
  • Jellyshock - based on Jellyfish - destroyed by Super Shaolin Karate Megazord and Shaolin Kung Fu Megazord (Six Heroes Unite)
  • Baconpork - based on Pig - destroyed by Super Shaolin Karate Megazord (Pork Out)
  • Basher - based on Bighorn sheep - destroyed by Shaolin Fury Yin Yang Ranger and Yin-Yang Megazord (Black & White Collide)
  • Porcuspine - based on Porcupine - beaten by Shaolin Fury Green Ranger with Shaolin Mace, defeated by Shaolin Fury Rangers and destroyed by Shaolin Master Megazord (Black & White Collide)
  • Slickar - based on Eel - destroyed by Shaolin Fury Yin Yang Ranger and Yin-Yang Megazord (Yin and Yang)
  • Walram - based on Walrus - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord (Teamwork Power)
  • Hippobounce - based on Hippo - destroyed by Shaolin Master Megazord (Rice for Life)
  • Peacolila - based on Peacock - beaten by Yellow and Pink Shaolin Fury Rangers and destroyed by Shaolin Master Megazord (Tai Chi)
  • Hawkeye - based on Hawk - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord with Bat Power (Evil Phantoms)
  • Bearpow - based on Grizzly Bear and Teddy Bear hybrid - destroyed by Shaolin Master Megazord (Chamelisa's Dream Date)
  • Squidrope - based on Squid - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord with Shark Power (Lin's in Trouble)
  • Centipoison - based on Centipede - destroyed by Shaolin Fury Lion Ranger (The Power of Lion)
  • Poisonmoth - based on Milkweed Butterfly - permanently destroyed by Shaolin Fury Lion, Gazelle and Bison Rangers (Friends Always Work Together)
  • Octopoison - based on Poison Octopus - destroyed by Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Evil Octopus Monster)
  • Barracuda - based on Archerfish - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Megazord, Shaolin Kung Fu Megazord, Shaolin Dojo Megazord and Penguin Zord (All or Nothing)
  • Vultureaper - based on Vulture - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord, Shaolin Kung Fu Megazord, Shaolin Master Megazord and Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Strongest Warrior)
  • Tortoish - based on Tortoise - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord, Shaolin Master Megazord and Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Geckox's Plan)
  • Firesting - based on Fire Scorpion - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord, Shaolin Master Megazord with Shark Power and Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Four Fingers of Poison)
  • Condork - based on Condor - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord, Shaolin Master Megazord and Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Go for it)
  • Anglor - based on Anglerfish - destroyed by Elephant Shaolin Zord (Dumplings for Lunch)
  • Koalash - based on Koala - destroyed by Shaolin Fury Red, Yellow and Blue Rangers (Light Power Falls, Dark Power Rises)
  • Pangolinar - based on Pangolin - destroyed by Giraffe Shaolin Zord (Darkness Arise)
  • Crownight - based on Crow - destroyed by Shaolin Karate Charge (Darkness Arise)

Onijox's Shadow Guards[]

  • Red Shadow Guard - based on (Hercules Beetle) - destroyed by Yellow and Pink Super Shaolin Fury Rangers and later Shaolin Master Megazord (Learning the New Power)
  • Blue Shadow Guard - based on (Stag Beetle) - destroyed by Blue and Green Super Shaolin Fury Rangers and later Shaolin Master Megazord (Learning the New Power)

Killax's Shadow Guards[]

  • White Shadow Guard - based on (Hercules Beetle) - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord (Teamwork Power)
  • Black Shadow Guard - based on (Stag Beetle) - destroyed by Ultra Shaolin Karate Megazord (Teamwork Power)

Chimerax's Shadow Guards[]

  • Gold Shadow Guard - based on (Hercules Beetle) - destroyed by Shaolin Master Megazord (Go for it)
  • Silver Shadow Guard - based on (Stag Beetle) - destroyed by Shaolin Dojo Megazord (Go for it)

Phantom Zodiacs[]

Other Villains[]

Bug Virus Insectorgs[]
Rhinoceros Beetle Beetlax
Stag Beetle Stagox
Ladybug Miss LadyRed
Butterfly Gypsy
Dragonfly Mistressfly
Bee Buzzox
Fly Flyax


Arsenal (Shaolin Fury)

Transforming Devices[]

  • Cat Shaolin Morphers ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Cougar Morpher ā—†
  • Yin Yang Morpher ā—†ā—†
  • Shaolin Beast Morphers ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Shaolin Tekko - To allow Shaolin Fury Rangers transform into Super Shaolin Fury Rangers.
  • Kung Fu Battle Morpher - Dane used the Kung Fu Battle Morpher to transform himself into the Red Kung Fu Ranger as an Battlizer. It was first used to battle against Killax.ā—†

Individual Weapons[]

  • Shaolin Nunchucks ā—†
  • Shaolin Bo ā—†
  • Shaolin Tonfa ā—†
  • Shaolin Mace ā—†
  • Shaolin Shuriken ā—†
  • Shaolin Lance ā—†
  • Shaolin Double-blade ā—†ā—†
  • Shaolin Kama ā—†
  • Shaolin Halberd ā—†
  • Shaolin Spear ā—†
  • Shaolin Hammer ā—†
  • Shaolin Blaster ā—†
  • Shaolin Fan ā—†
  • Shaolin Blade ā—†
  • Shaolin Trigger ā—†

Team Cannon[]

  • Shaolin Cannonā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†


  • Shaolin Truck
  • Shaolin Motorcycle
  • Shaolin Car

Morphing Call[]

"Shaolin Showdown! Battle Unleashed!"

Shaolin Spirit Zords[]

Legend:ā—† pilot zord, ā– aux zord, āž² carrier zord, āœ¶ team-piloted zord, ā—‡ secondary piloted zord

Zords (Shaolin Fury)

Shaolin Karate System[]

Shaolin Master System[]

Shaolin Kung Fu System[]

Shaolin Deity System[]

  • Shaolin Deity Megazordā–ā–ā–ā–ā–
    • Divine Dragon Shaolin Zordā–
    • Divine Tortoise Shaolin Zordā–
    • Divine White Tiger Shaolin Zordā–
    • Divine Phoenix Shaolin Zordā–
    • Divine Qilin Shaolin Zordā–

Auxiliary Zords[]

Alternate Combination[]

Shaolin Karate System[]

Shaolin Master System[]




  • This season has plenty similarities to Jungle Fury:
    • There are Tiger Zords.
    • There are Cheetah Zords.
    • There are Jaguar Zords.
    • There are Elephant Zords.
    • There are Bat Zords
    • There are Shark Zords.
    • There are Gorilla Zords.
      • Red Ranger gets a gorilla as his secondary Zord.
    • There are Penguin Zords.
    • There are Gazelle Zords.
    • There are Wolf Zords
    • There are Rhino Zords.
    • There are Lion Zords.
    • There are Chameleon Zords.
    • The 6th Rangers are purple.
    • Red Ranger wields a nunchucks.
    • Yellow Ranger wields a bo staff.
    • Blue Rnger wields a pair of identical weapons are based on tonfa.
    • Ranger wields a mace based on the meteor hammer. (Yellow Ranger wielded Jungle Mace/Green Ranger wielded Shaolin Mace)
    • The Villains are based on mythology creatures.
  • This series was originally called "Cat Force", but now it was changed into "Shaolin Fury" just because it was suitable for martial arts.
  • This is the first season to have a martial arts modify for the Power Rangers.
  • This is the first season to have the Yellow Ranger who was a Co-Captain before Dane joins the Rangers to become the new leader.
  • This is the first season to have a two-color Ranger in the team is Yin Yang Ranger.
  • This is the first season to feature rangers using their Zords to battle grunts/foot soldiers. The animal spirits are basically each Ranger's personal spirit and are only used for giant monster battles when combined.
  • This is the first season to have season with Chinese modify.
    • However, this is because of more Chinese, less Japanese.
  • This is the first season to have a early debut of the Sixth Ranger that appeared in episode eight.
  • This is the first season to have a Purple Sixth Ranger since Power Rangers Animal Task.
  • This season is one of the rare instances where the Rangers still have their powers by the end of the story, including their zords, as nothing was done to take them away.
  • There are 9 mentors in this season, the most mentors in every season of the Power Rangers.

See Also[]

Future Beetle

Power Rangers Birds of Prey ā€¢ Power Rangers Mystic Defenders ā€¢ Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Miracle Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Trigger ā€¢ Power Rangers Predator Adventure ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Treasure Hunt ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Savior ā€¢ Power Rangers Royal Quest ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Police Elite ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Spirits ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Turbo Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Task ā€¢ Power Rangers Arctic Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle Squadron ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Frenzy ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninjetti Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Aqua Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Ronin ā€¢ Power Rangers Engine Drive ā€¢ Power Rangers Stratoforce ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Sports Skill ā€¢ Power Rangers Prism ā€¢ Power Rangers Reptile Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Gemstone ā€¢ Power Rangers Jurassic Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Feline Storm ā€¢ Power Rangers Lightspeed Accelerate ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Fury ā€¢ Power Rangers Cyber Madness ā€¢ Power Rangers Zenith Unit ā€¢ Power Rangers Savage Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Safari ā€¢ Power Rangers Constellation Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Planet Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Time Crusades ā€¢ Power Rangers Nova Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix ā€¢ Power Rangers Shape Steel ā€¢ Power Rangers Western Surge ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Dino Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Mario Kart (Future Beetle Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Chaos Powers ā€¢ Power Rangers Grid Busters ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Ninja ā€¢ Power Rangers Game Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Military Brigade ā€¢ Power Rangers Galaxy Thunder ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Samurai ā€¢ Power Rangers Knight Force

Bouken Sentai Takaranger ā€¢ Wakusei Sentai Taiyokeiger ā€¢ Chōshinsei Sentai Kyuranger ā€¢ Kōji Sentai Digranger
Former Series
Power Rangers Jungle Justice ā€¢ Power Rangers Throttle ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Tamers ā€¢ Power Rangers: Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Rangers ā€¢ Power Rangers Smash Alliance ā€¢ Power Rangers Mushroom Kingdom Warriors ā€¢ Power Rangers Mobius Quest ā€¢ Shape Madness vs. Shape Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Grand Prix Crossover
Other Works
Power Rangers Wild Avengers (w/ MP6)
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