Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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This series has been selected to be a part of the Legacy Fanon Restoration Project. This series is currently in the process of being restored.

Power Rangers Rescue Sentinels is a fanfiction series based off of Battle Strike Team: Rescue Engine and Tomica Hero Rescue Fire.


Long ago, legendary magical powers were stored in ancient crystals. These crystals were guarded by a secret clan of spellcasters known as the Sentinels. An ancient race of fired demons called the Pyrites sought the crystals but were banished by the Sentinels' magic.

In the present day, the Sentinels are now a secret organization who used the crystals to power incredible weapons and machinery to keep Earth safe. And once the Pyrites returned, the crystals were used to empower a team of brave young people to become the Power Rangers Rescue Sentinels.



Occupation Name Ranger
Firefighter Tyler Red Ranger
Construction Worker Darren Yellow Ranger
Paramedic Natalie White Ranger
Bomb Squad Greg Black Ranger
Pilot Hank Blue Ranger
EMT Kyle Orange Ranger
Astronaut Cyrus Cyan Ranger
Scientist Chance Silver Ranger



See Also[]

Power Rangers Rescue Sentinels ā€¢ Power Rangers Animal Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Flight Squad ā€¢ Power Rangers Racers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Ninja Rangers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Thunder Rangers ā€¢ Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (Fanon) ā€¢ Power Rangers Shaolin ā€¢ Power Rangers Star Beasts ā€¢ Power Rangers Wild Force Origins ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers RPM (Fanon Version) ā€¢ Power Rangers Pirates ā€¢ Power Rangers Gear Beasts ā€¢ Power Rangers Eco Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Cosmos ā€¢ Power Rangers Dyna-Saurs ā€¢ Power Rangers Train Guards ā€¢ Power Rangers Ninja Stars ā€¢ Power Rangers Space Strike ā€¢ Power Rangers Dragon Blitz ā€¢ Power Rangers DNAā€¢ Power Rangers V-Force ā€¢ Power Rangers Morphin Charge ā€¢ Power Rangers Legend Knights ā€¢ Power Rangers Zodiac
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