Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Rescue-9
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Adapted from: Tokubou Sentai Kyuumeiger
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Power Rangers Rescue-9 is a fanfiction season of Power Rangers. The series borrows footage, costumes, & props from Tokubou Sentai Kyuumeiger.


In the not-so-distant future, with an increase of disasters & crime occurring in many parts of the world, the Global Bureau of Defense issues Rescue 9--a program that enables nine youths with experience to serve & protect as Power Rangers. This nine-man team is divided into three units: Fire Unit, which deals with fires; Nature Unit, which deals with natural disasters; & Urban Unit, which deals with search-&-rescue matters.



Main article: Rescue-9

Fire Unit[]

Rescue 1 Red Erwin Miller ►◄ Cobie Lewis
Rescue 2 Blue Arnie Richardson
Rescue 3 Yellow Julie Bennett

Nature Unit[]

Rescue 4 Green Timothy Gomez
Rescue 5 Black Rarc
Rescue 6 White Gwyneth Jones

Urban Unit[]

Rescue 7 Silver Pierce Price
Rescue 8 Purple Ashwin Peterson
Rescue 9 Pink Ella Turner


Rescue X Erwin Miller


  • Sgt. Grayson Lewis - Cobie's father, a police officer.
  • Officer Hawkins - Pierce's police partner who was mortally wounded by Skelton.

Global Bureau of Defense[]

  • Commander Myers - Director of GBD.


In a departure from previous installments of Power Rangers, Rescue-9 foregoes any major villains, monsters, or an evil organization. Instead, the villains in this series are like those depicted in crime & police dramas such as crime lords, mad scientists, corrupt business owners, terrorists, lowly street thugs, wrongly accused fugitives, & even ordinary citizens who were victimized by crime. To make the criminals appropriate for a children's series, the crimes occasionally involve hi-tech laser weaponry, secret formulas, robots, & superpowers.

Major Criminals[]

  • Skelton Adams - Perhaps the main antagonist of the series, a street thug with bionic implants who has a vendetta towards Erwin.
  • Richard Butler - Perhaps the secondary antagonist of the series, a 62-yeart-old man who holds contempt towards Cobie.

Minor Criminals[]




  • Rescue-9 Megazord
    • Rescue Fire Megazord
      • Rescue Fire Zord - Rescue 1 Red's firetruck zord.
      • TBA - Rescue 2 Blue's zord.
      • TBA - Rescue 3 Yellow's zord.
    • Rescue Wild Megazord
      • Rescue Jet Zord - Rescue 4 Green's airplane/eagle zord.
      • Rescue Jeep Zord - Rescue 5 Black's jeep/bull zord.
      • TBA - Rescue 6 White's snowmobile/arctic fox zord.
    • Rescue Metro Megazord
      • Rescue Siren Zord - Rescue 7 Silver's police car zord.
      • Rescue Chopper Zord - Rescue 8 Purple's helicopter zord.
      • TBA - Rescue 9 Pink's zord.
  • TBA - Rescue X's zord.



  • This series succeeds Lightspeed Rescue as the second season to have a rescue theme. 
  • Similar to Power Rangers Ninja Storm, the nine Rangers are divided up into teams. 