Power Rangers Fanon Wiki


The year 3020 earth has developed. A new energy source. Known has Munixal. A source that run everything but there is a side effect to Munixal it mutates being into hideous monster known mutants. A company known as Global Corp plans to create and army of mutants to take over the city of Golden Hills but one of there former scientists has create devices to street racing kids. To defeat this evil, they are Power Rangers Racer Force (Gmiester001 version)


Designation  Names 
Red Racer Force Ranger Bryon Kirby
Pink Racer Force Ranger Rebacca Lucas 
Blue Racer Force Ranger Gary Thane 
Yellow Racer Force Ranger  Misty Meas 
Green Racer Force Ranger Steven Emsworth 
Warp Racer Force Ranger Slade 

Allies []

  • Dr Ben Lucas


  • Mr Maximums
  • Osotisen
  • Sombibot
  • Enforcers

Muntant Monsters


Grand View city

Arsenal []

Racer Force Morphers

Warp Racer Morpher


Racer Force Megazord

  • Racerzord 1ā—†
  • Racerzord 2ā—†
  • Racerzord 3ā—†
  • Racerzord 4ā—†
  • Racerzord 5ā—†

Speed Megazord


See Also[]
