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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been voted the winner of the Featured Series of the Month award in September 2024.
Power Rangers Fanon logo This series has been selected to be a Featured Series on the Front Page in September 2024.

This article, Power Rangers Prowl Force, is property of Starlina.

Power Rangers Prowl Force is a fan fictional Power Rangers series serving as the adaptation of Animal Sentai Jinjyugar.


An Eco-Terrorist plans to cleanse Earth of "Human Pollution" as a response an Elite Eco-Activist/Science High School Teacher calls upon five students from her class to take up the mantle of the Power Rangers to combat this newest threat towards the planet and the universe.


Main Article: Prowl Force Rangers

Designation Prowl Beast Spirit Name
Prowl Force Red Ranger Wolf Spencer Townsend
Prowl Force Black Ranger Gorilla Jetson DuBois
Prowl Force White Ranger Flemish Rabbit Andrea "Andi" Bauer
Prowl Force Yellow Ranger Mountain Lion Lourdes Rodriguez > Luci Rodriguez
Prowl Force Blue Ranger Swan Svetlana "Lana" Watterson > Waltina Foresman



  • Guadalupe Rodriguez
  • Charles Foresman (Waltina's father)

Legendary Rangers[]


The Bamboo Bangers[]

  • Bamboosha - Founder and Leader


Morphing Device[]

Weapons and Gear[]

  • Prowl Blaster/Saberā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Prowl Savage Cannon[]

  • Red Wolf Claw Gauntletā—†
  • Black Gorilla Axeā—†
  • White Rabbit Sonic Laserā—†
  • Yellow Lion Mountain Blasterā—†
  • Blue Swan Tang Swordā—†


  • Prowl Force Cruiser Cyclesā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Prowl Force Zord System[]

Prowl Force Megazord[]

  • Red Wolf Zordā—†
  • Black Konga Zordā—†
  • Yellow Mountain Lion Zordā—†
  • White Flemish Rabbit Zordā—†
  • Blue Whooper Swan Zordā—†

Season 1[]

  1. The Growl of the Prowl
  2. Roaring into Prey
  3. Justice or Pride
  4. The Father of the Swan
  5. Mountain Roar
  6. Prowl Power!
  7. Prowl Power!
  8. Prowl Power!
  9. The Rabbit's Tall Tale
  10. Crisis and Catastrophe
  11. The Queen
  12. The Queen
  13. The Queen
  14. The Dark Prowl
  15. The End of the Dark Prowl

Season 2[]

  1. Prowl of Prime (Crossover with Power Rangers Wild Prime)
  2. Prowl of Prime
  3. The Call of the Fang (Crossover with Power Rangers Jungle Fang)
  4. The Call of the Fang
  5. Origins of a Madman
  6. The Map of the Hidden Kingdom
  7. Terror within the Jungle
  8. Rising Up to a New Challenge
  9. Blue Bond
  10. Blue Battle
  11. Uprising from the Fear
  12. The Queen Returns
  13. Pride of Prowl
  14. Prowl of Pride
  15. Reign of Terror

Season 3[]

  1. A Cosmic Arrival (Crossover with Power Rangers Cosmic Fury)
  2. A Cosmic Arrival
  3. Next Climate Conflict
  4. Crisis within the planet
  5. The Zee of Zing and Zonk
  6. A Mother's love
  7. Forever in Blue
  8. The Fountain of the Youth
  9. Curses
  10. Pounding of the Prowl
  11. Swan Sways Back
  12. Quest for the Enchanting
  13. A Future worth Living for
  14. Prowl Eternity
  15. Prowl Eternity


  • Jinjyugar has only four episodes, but GIGA has joined forces with both Hasbro and Netflix to create an exclusive series to the Power Rangers Franchise as Prowl Force continues the tradition of the spandex wearing superheroes battling evil doers and keeping Earth safe and reminding kids to do their part to help combat Global Warming.
  • In Jinjyugar the White Ranger is Second-In Command but that role in Power Rangers Prowl Force belongs to the Yellow Ranger.