Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an fanfictional Super Sentai adaptation in the Power Rangers franchise.

Power Rangers Primal Instinct is the first Power Rangers series by Wikidude135. It is based on the 40th Super Sentai series, Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger.

The show's theme is wild animals and cubes.

It is then followed by Power Rangers Astro Force.


"Our world is run by humans, yet dominated by animals. But in another world, animals reign supreme just as much as humans. These animals live in peace with one another. But, the evil and wild monsters known as the Animaliens, run by Lord Clawbite, attack the 2 worlds, planning on obtaining the mythical Primal Cubes, created by the legendary spirit animals. However, a new group of heroes use these cubes to defeat them, and protect both worlds. They are Power Rangers Primal Instinct!"
ā€•Opening narration




Primal Instinct Rangers

Main article: Primal Instinct Rangers
Designation Name
Red Primal Instinct Ranger Alexander Smith
Blue Primal Instinct Ranger Jawsmine
Yellow Primal Instinct Ranger Leon
Green Primal Instinct Ranger Trunks
White Primal Instinct Ranger Tigress
Safari Ranger Jamie Dowell

Other Rangers[]

Designation Name
Raptor Ranger Talon



ā€‹Spirit Animals[]

  • Shark Spirit Animal
  • Lion Spirit Animal
  • Elephant Spirit Animal
  • Tiger Spirit Animal
  • Monke
  • Rhinocero
  • Crocodile Spirit Animal
  • Wolf Spirit Animal
  • Humbak

Mega Rangers[]

Color Role
Super Megaforce Red Troy Burrows
Super Megaforce Blue Noah Carver
Super Megaforce Yellow Gia Moran
Super Megaforce Green Jake Holling
Super Megaforce Pink Emma Goodall
Super Megaforce Silver Orion


Main article: Animaliens


Main article: Arsenal (Primal Instinct)

Transformation Devices[]

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]



Main article: Zords (Primal Instinct)

Primal Zords[]

Legend:ā—† piloted zord, ā– auxiliary zord

Alternate Combinations[]

Primal Megazord[]

Wild Jungle Megazord[]

Wild Primal Megazord[]

Safari Megazord[]


Main article: Episodes (Primal Instinct)
  1. Wild Instincts Awaken!
  2. Power of Primal
  3. When Wild and City Collide
  4. A Ranger Showdown
  5. Gorilla Zord Arise! Part 1
  6. Gorilla Zord Arise! Part 2
  7. Music for the Soul
  8. An Endless Nightmare
  9. A Dangerous Game
  10. Roar of the Worlds
  11. Booking It
  12. Going on a Bear Hunt
  13. Nurture of the Tiger
  14. Hunting the Hunter
  15. That's No Animal Person!
  16. Attack of the Triple Beast!
  17. A Lost Friend
  18. The Rhino's Journey
  19. Spirit of the Safari
  20. Pri-zone Escape
  21. Savanna Struggles
  22. Primal Party Time
  23. Ghostly Encounters
  24. Say Cheese and Bye!
  25. Double Ranger Trouble
  26. Super Mega Power Part 1
  27. Super Mega Power Part 2
  28. A Whale of a Zord
  29. King of the Sea
  30. Two Sides of the Same Coin
  31. The Ultimate Prey
  32. A Wild Voyage
  33. The Halloween Spirit
  34. Octopus on the Horizon
  35. Rise of the Raptors
  36. Munch-A-Crunch-A-Bunch
  37. Rough and Tough
  38. Clawbite Gone Wild Part 1
  39. Clawbite Gone Wild Part 2
  40. Holly Jolly Christmas
  41. The Rise of Ignez
  42. The Wildest Rampage
  43. The Great Beast War
  44. A Wild Finale!


  • to be added

See Also[]
