Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Patrol Squad will be the adaption of Kaitou Sentai LupinRanger VS Keisatsu Sentai PatRanger, but without the LupinRangers (as Hasbro won't accept thieves to be rangers, due to moral reasons).


Atrocious "Mr. Astonish" Aaron (originally Arsène Lupin) is a rich celebrity with a Lamborghini car, great riches, gold, and fame by a huge fanbase online. Unbeknownst to his fans, Aaron built up an army of footsoldiers and monsters (adapted from KSLRvsKSPR) to terrorize entire towns, steal good things, and violently confront good-doers of all kinds. A team of seven young adult Patrollers (Patrol Squad rangers) in Asheville, North Carolina, succeed in harsh police training and workouts, ready to fight against Aaron's monstrous villain and footsoldier army, and return the stolen goods to the original owners.


PRPS will likely take place in Asheville, western/mountainous North Carolina state, USA. Nearby areas may also be filmed.


  • LupinRangers are replaced with footsoldiers.