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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Power Rangers Paradox Initiative (often abbreviated as PRPI) is the fifth series of the Blade Series. Its Japanese Counterpart is Jikan Sentai Shikkōranger (literally Time Squadron Enforcement Ranger). It  chronologically follows Power Rangers Spectrum, introducing a new team of rangers rather than continuing. It is followed by Power Rangers Desert Crusade.


Paradox, on the run from the law for illegal actions, including the deaths of Four Ranger Division Operatives of the Peace and Order World Emergency Resonse Service (POWERS) in 2500. After grabbing the proto-type for the Chronos Staff, he attempt to travel back in time to escape capture, however, he is caught in mid stream by the last of the Rangers, Adam, and both are thrown into 2017. However, time has now become a huge paradox, which has now began to throw people and creatures from their present times to the Staff. Adam recruit four other individuals to replace his team. Activate Paradox Initiative.


Main Arctice: Power Operative Rangers

T'namad Terradamos Geogorizenn/"Adam Gregory"
Longon ? ► Lucius Claudius Artorius Draco
Calcatrix ? ► Jeanne d'Arc/"Jo d'Arc"
Phinx ? ► Cleopatra VII Ptolemy/"Cleo Lagid"
Rok ? ► Agustín Cosme Damián de Iturbide y Arámburu/"Augustin Arámburu"
Khiimori "Temüjin Borjigin"


Mayor Jones-Smith: The Mayor of New Pallas in 2500, assuming control over POWERS after the Paradox Initiative was announced.

President Seaberd: The CEO of POWERS, lost his overall control over his company over the Paradox Initiative, but helps send the team their equipment though the time gate prototype.

Vice President Summers: The assistant to Pres. Seaberd. often coming up with the ideas that would be transmitted to the rangers.

The Spectrum Rangers: after travelling just one year before, the Power Operative Rangers team up with the Spectrum Rangers for one battle.

Pink Spectrum Serena Richardi
Red Spectrum Stuart Worrall
Black Spectrum Fraser Zook
Blue Spectrum Connor Piraino
YellowSpectrum Hannah Penley
White Spectrum Daniel Thatcher
GreenSpectrum Jim Tepes

The Command Rangers: When Adam's team is captured, rifts in time open up to bring the leaders of the previous teams from their respective times to form the command rangers alongside Adam.

Sapphire Stuart Worrall
White Tiger Cameron Worrall
1/RangerRed Gen Chāo
PinkSpectrum Serena Richardi


Paradox: a wanted criminal who stole the Chronos Staff after committing murder against the predeceasing ranger team.

Abbadons: Paradox induced soldiers mutated by the effects of their timestreams being corrupted


  • Power Operative Morpher
    • T'namad Morph Cell
    • Longon Morph Cell
    • Calcatrix Morph Cell
    • Phinx Morph Cell
    • Rok Morph Cell
  • Secruiton Operative Morpher
    • Bronze Morph Cell
  • Chronos Staff: a prototype staff that grants the user the ability to travel through time by slamming it on the ground.
  • Caledfwlch/Ensis Calibvrnvs: Lucius' Sword that was passed down by his ancestors from ancient Rome. It has the ability to grant its user the ability to assume a near invisible form.


  • "Black Bess": a Black SUV that carries the rangers around the to their destinations


Legend:◆ pilot zord, ❖ aux zord

  • Omniforce Megazord❖❖❖❖❖
    • Power Securiton Megazord
      • Power Operative Megazord
        • Red Dragon Powerzord
        • Black Golem Powerzord
        • Blue Cockatrice Powerzord
        • Yellow Sphinx Powerzord
        • Green Roc Powerzord
      • Great Steppes Megazord Mode
        • Great Steppes Beast Mode
          • Tiger Securizord
          • Lion Securizord
          • Garuda Securizord
          • Viper Securizord
          • Titan Securizord
    • Kurmaraja Megazord❖❖❖❖❖
      • Python Kurmazord
      • Tortoise Kurmazord
      • White Elephant Kurmazord
      • Black Elephant Kurmazord
      • Grey Elephant Kurmazord


  1. The Paradox Initiative Part 1
  2. The Paradox Initiative Part 2
  3. The Paradox Initiative Part 3
  4. The Roman
  5. The French
  6. The Egyptian
  7. The Hispaniad
  8. The Alien Part 1
  9. The Alien Part 2
  10. The West
  11. The East
  12. The Mongol Invasion Part 1
  13. The Mongol Invasion Part 2
  14. The Bronze Age Part 1
  15. The Bronze Age Part 2
  16. The Khan
  17. The North
  18. The South
  19. The Power of Timur
  20. The Steppes
  21. The Dino Days
  22. The Mayan Prediction
  23. The New Troy Part 1
  24. The New Troy Part 2
  25. The Blitz
  26. The Fires of Byzantium
  27. The Banners of Osman
  28. The Legend
  29. The Raj
  30. The Lost Operatives
  31. The Independance War
  32. The Promise Land
  33. The New Spectrum Part 1
  34. The New Spectrum Part 2
  35. The Evasive Action
  36. The Shogun
  37. The Aboriginal
  38. The Leader Combination Part 1
  39. The Leader Combination Part 2
  40. The Leader Combination Part 3
  41. The Futures Unraveled
  42. The Beginning of the World
  43. The Twilight of the World
  44. The End of the World
  45. The Rift Part 1
  46. The Rift Part 2
  47. The Last Protocol
  48. The Initiative Termination Part 1
  49. The Initiative Termination Part 2
  50. The Initiative Termination Part 3


  • This is the first series to include real historical people as rangers:
    • Lucius Claudius Artorius Draco is King Arthur Pendragon
      • based on a combination of roman general: Lucius Artorius Castus and with Geoffrey of Monmouth's Claudio Dynasty Arthur.
        • he is also the only ranger to be based on a mostly fictional character
    • Jo d'Arc is Joan of Arc
    • Cleo Lagid is the Cleopatra
    • Augustin Arámburu is Emperor Augustus I of Mexico.
    • Temüjin Borjigin is Genghis Khan
  • Only Adam is not based on a historical figure as he is from the future rather than the past.
    • Adam is also the only ranger on the team to be a non-human (being a humanoid alien rather)
  • Each ranger uniform is based on the first teams alien race that was then adapted into the morphers:
    • Adam is a T'namad, a humaniod alien that can project green shards of crystal for multiply purposes
    • The original Red Ranger was a Longon, a dragon-like sentient that could command fire.
    • The original Blue ranger was a Calcatrix, a humanoid bird-like reptile with flight ability.
    • The orignal Yellow Ranger was a Phinx, a large lion based creature.
    • The original Green Ranger was a Rok, a bird-like human.
    • The presumably original Bronze Ranger was a Khiimori, a horse alien that controlled storms.
      • This is the first time a Bronze Ranger has been introduced to the series.

See Also[]

Blade Series
Power Rangers Rainbow ForcePower Rangers NovaPower Rangers Worlds UnitedPower Rangers Spectrum
Power Rangers Paradox InitiativePower Rangers Desert CrusadePower Rangers Forbidden Quest
Power Rangers DynatheosPower Rangers Grimm TalesPower Rangers Transcendent Kai
Adamant Series
Power Rangers Art of WarPower Rangers Earth-FivePower Rangers Knights of EraPower Rangers Divine Voltage
Power Rangers Virtual NytesPower Rangers Royal DragonsPower Rangers Sky Raiders
Power Rangers Ultra GuardiansPower Rangers Spirit LegendsPower Rangers Trigram
Nova: A Power Rangers MoviePower Rangers: Go Rescue and Grimm Tales
Power Rangers: SCANNERZ and Earth-Five: Battle For Cyberworld
Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Blade Series)Blade Series Morphing CallAdamant Series Morphing Call